Chapter 814
I also saw that Cai wanted to kill people and steal goods.

Those three are a boy!

What kind of wealth can make two bullies rise up?

Killing and getting more?
What's more.

Mountain goods? !

The two fools are teasing her!

Gu Nanyan had a hunch that something was wrong, so she refused to let the county magistrate interrogate them, and immediately brought the two of them back to Beijing to interrogate them in person.

In just two days, the magistrate, who was already showing signs of baldness, was crying bitterly.

Thank you, thank you Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Tathagata Buddha Jade Emperor.

Amitabha, finally send this scourge away!
After returning to the capital, Gu Nanyan knew that something happened to Sun Ying.

She handed over the two bullies to Yunxi, and went to Yufu Palace immediately.

When she arrived, Sun Ying's condition was already very bad.

Her skin was an ominous black, and her breathing was so weak that she could hardly feel her breath.

Lying quietly on the bed, like a dilapidated doll.

Rather than saying that she is still alive, it is better to say that she is not dead yet.

"How is it? Is there any help?" Fu Tuo asked.

Gu Nanyan slowly shook her head: "I don't have much hope, I can only do my best."

"But you have to be prepared. Even if you can detoxify her and treat her with the best medicine, you can only live for another five years at most."

She said this to Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao, who was well maintained, aged more than ten years overnight. She is only in her early thirties, but the hair on her temples has already turned white.

Her eyes were terribly red and swollen.

Hearing Gu Nanyan's words, she slowly turned her head, and looked at her expressionlessly, with a dull expression.

It seemed that he couldn't react to Gu Nanyan's intentions.

As long as Sun Ying was in a coma, she cried for as long as she did.

For four or five days in a row, I didn't close my eyes, and I didn't eat any food. I only knew to hold my daughter's hand and watch over the bed.

Having been ridiculed in the Sun Mansion for so many years, Mrs. Zhao always thought that she was very strong.

Only now did she understand.

She put all her strength on her daughter.

If her daughter is gone, her faith and strength will also fall.

Enduring the pain in her heart, Dongxia supported Zhao's arm and squatted beside her.

"Ma'am, the princess said that there is still hope for the empress, you have to take care of your health, otherwise who will take care of the empress..." Dongxia choked up her sobs as she spoke.

The little lady is almost what she saw growing up since she was a child. How can she not make her heart ache when she falls into this state.

Zhao's pale lips moved, but no tears flowed from her dry eyes.

"The princess can really save Ying'er?" She asked hoarsely.

Gu Nanyan was silent for a moment, wanting to say that she was not fully sure.

But facing Mrs. Zhao's hopeful eyes, she could only nod slightly.

"I try my best."

After hearing the words, Mrs. Zhao reluctantly let go of her daughter's hand, slipped off the low stool, and knelt down in front of Gu Nanyan with a plop.

"I beg the princess to save my son, as long as you can save Ying'er's life, my wife is willing to pay with her life!"

She knocked her head several times, with such force that it seemed that she could break the ground made of bluestone slabs.

Gu Nanyan helped her up helplessly.

"What do I want your life to do?"

She helped Mrs. Zhao to sit down, and saw that she was holding on to her sleeve tightly and refused to let go, so she had to sit beside her.

"Concubine Jin is about to become the first wife of the emperor's brother, that is, the emperor's wife of the palace. I will definitely do my best."

She paused, and looked at Mrs. Zhao's lifeless face.

"It's just that after the toxins in her body are removed, she needs daily infusions to maintain her life until she can swallow normally."

This is a long process. For ordinary people, a simple swallowing action may take a month or two to recover.

"I can't leave here. I must detoxify as soon as possible. You can eat something first, and then help me go to Gu's Pharmacy on East Street to get some injections?"

It's fine to send someone casually for this matter, but Gu Nanyan wanted Zhao Shi to make this trip.

Just to cheer her up.

Moreover, the treatment process should not be seen by outsiders, it is not easy for Zhao Shi to stay here.

"I'm going right now..." Mrs. Zhao was about to get up when she heard the words, but just as she stood up, she fell back down.

Gu Nanyan sighed helplessly: "Let's eat some easy-to-digest porridge first, you see that you can't even stand upright now, how can I help Ben Gong to treat your daughter?"

Zhao Shi opened her mouth to say something, but Gu Nanyan interrupted her.

"Before detoxification, you need to make some preparations. You can go outside to eat, and then go to Gu's Pharmacy after eating. I will write down everything I need on paper."

She patted Mrs. Zhao's hand holding her sleeve.

"Go." After saying that, she glanced at Dongxia.

Dongxia didn't know what she said in Zhao's ear.

Mrs. Zhao, who was like a drowning man grabbing driftwood, finally let go of his hand slowly.

Mrs. Zhao and Dongxia went out of the inner room. Fu Tuo knew that his sister didn't like being watched when he was being treated, so he went out too.

By the way, he took away the serving palace people.

Only Gu Nanyan and the unconscious Sun Ying were left in the room.

Sun Ying's current state is basically the same as that of a dead person. If Fu Tuo hadn't used a lot of Nine-Turn Great Returning Pills to hang her, she would have died on the day of the poisoning.

The Crane Crown Red in her body has already exceeded the fatal dose by more than ten times, and it has been delayed for so many days, even in modern times, it cannot be saved.

For today's plan, we can only take risks.

Gu Nanyan decided to do hemodialysis for her.

Although this method is tantamount to worsening the situation for the weak Sun Ying.

But only by doing so, can the toxins in her body be removed as quickly and cleanly as possible.

Just like Fu Tuo back then.

But her current situation is much more serious than that of Fu Tuo back then.

Gu Nanyan took out a bottle of Jiuzhuan Dahuandan from her cuff, and fed the whole bottle to Sun Ying to ensure that she would not have any accidents during the dialysis process.

"You keep this place safe for me, not even a single fly is allowed in!" Gu Nanyan suddenly said to himself.

Nan Mei, who was hiding outside the window, heard the words and led the other sisters to surround the sleeping hall.

Gu Nanyan then pulled up all the curtains and began to take things out of the space.

Yufu Palace is surrounded by many servants.

Except for Fu Tuo who stood guard outside to prevent someone from breaking in and disturbing Gu Nanyan, everyone else was waiting at the entrance of the hall.

Gu Nanyan stayed in Yufu Palace for a whole day and night without going out.

After Mrs. Zhao sent the medicine in, she never saw Gu Nanyan again.

She wanted to wait outside so that she could know her daughter's condition as soon as possible.

But he was kicked out by Fu Tuo.

"Ma'am, don't worry, your empress will be safe and well." Dongxia comforted Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao clutched the handkerchief nervously, looking inside the door from time to time.

It's a pity that the sight is blocked by the thick window paper.

When Doctor Sun told her that he couldn't save his daughter.

Zhao's sky is falling.

At that time, I just wanted to go with my daughter.

No one knew how much turmoil Gu Nanyan felt in her heart when she said the phrase "I will try my best".

(End of this chapter)

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