Chapter 815
All the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital in the palace just shook their heads and sighed, saying that they couldn't save them.

Don't even want to try it.

I'm afraid that the emperor will blame them for her daughter's death.

Only Gu Nanyan!
Only Gu Nanyan is willing to give her and her daughter another hope of life when she is already desperate!
Zhao's gratitude can no longer be described in words.

Even if she still can't save her daughter in the end, she will keep this kindness in her heart.

If this life is not finished, it will be returned in the next life.

If the next life is not finished, she will use her life to pay back!

"How is the concubine Jin?"

Sun Qi hurried to Yufu Palace in the early morning, and immediately asked about Sun Ying's situation.

Mrs. Zhao stared blankly at the door without speaking.

Dongxia hurriedly said: "The princess is still inside, there has never been any news..."

No news is good news.

Sun Qi nodded slowly, slightly relieved.

Thinking of what happened early in the morning, he immediately frowned again.

"In the early court, someone proposed to abolish the decree of conferring Ying'er as empress. I only hope that the princess can cure Ying'er as soon as possible, otherwise more people will fall into trouble tomorrow."

His face was ugly for a moment, and he snorted coldly.

"These people's eating habits are really ugly. Before Ying'er died, someone thought about the queen's position and asked the emperor to make Sheng Rui the queen."

"Fortunately, the emperor valued love and righteousness and did not agree."

Sun Qi sat on the chair brought by the palace man, and said with a little sarcasm: "I don't even look at the identity of Sheng Rui, she is just the granddaughter of the servant of the household department, and she is just a concubine, how dare she think about the queen?" Lord."

"It's just too much!"

He talked endlessly, regardless of whether Mrs. Zhao could listen to it or not.

It seemed that he came here just to talk to her about it, not to visit his daughter.

There was no trace of emotion in Zhao Shi's eyes, and she looked at him coldly.

"Is the master finished?"

"Please go back after you finish speaking. The princess said that you need to be quiet during the treatment. You are too noisy."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and continued to stare at the door in a daze.

Sun Qi was startled, and frowned, "What kind of attitude is this? I finally took the time to see Yinger, and you actually drove me away?"

He couldn't believe that Zhao Shi, who was usually careless and gentle, spoke to him in such a tone.

"The concubine really wants to thank the master for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit his daughter." She twitched the corners of her mouth mockingly.

"When Ying'er wakes up, I must tell Ying'er to thank you for your kindness!"

Since Ying'er fell down, this man has only come three times in total.

The first time was when Yinger just fell into a coma, he glanced at it and left with a gloomy face.

The second time was yesterday, when I heard that the princess had rescued Ying'er herself, so she ran over and pretended to care about her.

In total, he left in a hurry before staying for a quarter of an hour.

The third time is today.

Not worried about Ying'er, but worried about the emperor withdrawing the imperial edict.

Zhao sneered.

Fortunately for this kind of man, Ying'er didn't get any love from him since she was a child, and she didn't have much affection for him as a father and daughter.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that he will die of grief because of his indifference.

Sun Qi heard her sarcasm and was so angry that he wanted to slap the table.

However, there is no table here for him to photograph.

Even if there was him, he wouldn't dare.

There is still a little evil star in the house!

Sun Qi was panting heavily, wanting to reprimand Zhao, but afraid of drawing Gu Nanyan out.

"I don't know as much as you today!" He snorted coldly.

Whether Ying'er can keep her position as queen is unknown, and he still can't tear himself apart from Zhao Shi.

However, in his opinion, even if Gu Nanyan cured Ying'er, she was not worthy to be a queen just because she was unable to have children.

Even if she became a queen, just a concubine without a son-in-law, her help would be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, Sun Qi was silent for a long while, then softened his tone and said, "I know you are sad because of Ying'er, so why not me."

"Don't worry, even if Ying'er can't be the queen, my husband will take good care of her."

This daughter is not going to be a success, just change to another daughter.

As he spoke, he stood up, looked at the window of the inner room and said, "It's too hard for you to stay in the palace alone to take care of Ying'er. I will ask the emperor for instructions and send Ke Ning in to be with you. She will help you." It can be easier too."

Near the water tower first get the month.

Ke Ning's appearance and talent are not familiar with him, a concubine.

It is not difficult to get the emperor's attention.

The current emperor is full of compassion for Ying'er, and he will definitely take care of his sister Ke Ning.

He believes that his eldest daughter, who has always been high-minded, will definitely seize this opportunity.

Sun Qi hooked the corners of his lips, turned and left without waiting for Zhao's reaction.

What he would say to Mrs. Zhao was just to say hello in advance.

He believed that with Zhao's intelligence, he would definitely understand what he meant.

After he left, Mrs. Zhao closed her eyes.

The fingernails trembled slightly, and they dug hard into the palm.

"Ying'er, you heard that, this is your biological father."

At this moment, Mrs. Zhao hoped that Sun Ying was awake so that she could see her father's true face clearly, so as to prevent him from using family affection as an excuse in the future.

Sun Ying definitely couldn't hear it.

Her body was very weak, and she struggled to open her eyes, so she couldn't hear what the people outside the door said.

She didn't hear it, but Gu Nanyan heard it clearly.

"Have you found out about Xue'er who asked you to investigate?"

Gu Nanyan was lying on the rocking chair, flipping through the picture book in her hand, and glanced at Sun Ying.

Seeing that the blackness on her face faded a bit, she turned her gaze back to the drawing book.

Nan Meifei came down, knelt down on one knee and bowed her head, and said, "Reporting to Master, that court lady named Xue'er is indeed the daughter of Mrs. Zhao's nanny. Shi valued it."

"Can you find out who the nanny has been in contact with recently?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

"No, she has contracted a cold and developed a high fever in the past few days, and has been in a daze. She has never gone out, nor communicated with anyone." Nan Mei said affirmatively.

She had asked the servants of the Sun Mansion, and the nanny was indeed seriously ill, and she was in a semi-comatose state most of the time.

"That's weird." Gu Nanyan closed the drawing book, her eyebrows frowned.

"What about Xue'er? Can you find any clues?"

Nan Mei hesitated for a moment, "Xue'er just entered the palace not long ago, she has no acquaintances, and she rarely leaves Concubine Jin for half a step, but on the day Concubine Jin was assassinated, someone saw her near the rockery in the lotus pond."

The lotus pond of Yufu Palace is some distance away from the sleeping hall and the front hall, and it is not the only way between the two.

At that time, Sun Ying was entertaining Sheng Rui and Sun Kening, and she was not waiting by the side, so why did she go there?
Gu Nanyan thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a way out, so he simply gave up thinking, threw away the drawing book, got up and stretched.

(End of this chapter)

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