The farmer has a mall

Chapter 816 Rejection

Chapter 816 Rejection
"Go and bring Xue'er here, avoid people, don't let people see."

She had an intuition that this matter was not simple, and for some reason, she suddenly thought of the fact that she was chased from a duck to a rack to catch a tiger.

It's also red on the top of the crane, and it happens to be when she is not in the palace.

No matter how you think about it, there is something tricky.

And what's even more coincidental is that Sheng Rui, who never takes Sun Ying seriously on weekdays, even the gate of Yufu Palace doesn't know which direction to open...

After she left, she came to visit every day.

They also brought along Sun Kening, who also had a dislike for Sun Ying...

Not only that, but it was said that the court lady named Xue'er was actually going to assassinate Sheng Rui.

But Sheng Rui dodged him.

It was such a coincidence that she stabbed Sun Ying who was standing behind her.


Gu Nanyan clicked his tongue.

If it was all a coincidence, then Sun Ying would have done so many sins in her previous life to be so unlucky in this life.

Unlucky enough to be in the fairy class like her!

She is the god of wealth, and Sun Ying is the god of mildew.

Gu Nanyan was so bored, he saw the time was up, got up and walked towards Sun Ying.

She didn't believe that such a coincidence really happened in the world, so she asked Nan Mei to secretly take her to Weiyang Palace, intending to interrogate Sun Ying after healed her.


The court has been waiting and watching today, waiting to see if the daughter of the Sun family can still ascend to the throne of queen.

In order to choose to stand in line.

Sun Qi commutes to and from get off work on time every day. Facing the temptations of his colleagues, he only smiles back, showing neither arrogance nor impetuosity.

In fact, my heart is going crazy!
He was completely relieved when the news came out from the palace that Gu Nanyan had returned to Weiyang Palace and had detoxified Sun Ying.

After thinking about it, he immediately entered the palace, went to the imperial study to find Fu Tuo, and proposed to send Sun Kening to the palace to help Mrs. Zhao take care of Sun Ying.

Fu Tuo didn't agree directly, but asked Sun Qi to go back and wait for news.

"The princess said that Concubine Jin is still very weak, so there should not be too many people serving her around, so as not to affect her recuperation."

Sun Qi was not reconciled, and wanted Sun Kening to stay instead of Zhao.

"I have been worrying too much recently, and my health is not very good. How about letting Kening take care of Concubine Jin?" He asked tentatively.

This time Fu Tuo didn't even lift his head.

"I have no objection, but the princess appointed Mrs. Zhao to stay and take care of her, so I can't make the decision."

"If you think Mrs. Zhao is working hard, you might as well talk to the princess about it."

Fu Tuo smiled brightly, and said without any shame: "Anyway, I dare not refute Yanyan's decision."

The implication is that I dare not say it anyway, you can do it!

Sun Qi: "..."

He didn't dare either.

Mrs. Sheng has just been buried.

He didn't want to die young...

Sun Qi had no choice but to retreat obediently and left the palace resentfully.

Fu Tuo hooked the corner of his mouth proudly, lowered his head and continued to criticize the memorial.

San Jin: "..."

You can really do it, and use the princess as a shield every time.

Do you still want your face? !

Sun House.

Sun Kening, who was always ready to enter the palace, was furious when he learned that the emperor rejected his father's proposal.

Wu Zhi had always been helpless with this daughter, allowing her to throw things all over the floor, so he spoke to comfort her.

"Didn't your father say, wait a few days before asking the emperor for instructions, what are you in a hurry for?"

"What if the emperor still refuses?"

Sun Kening, who finally saw hope, was not reconciled.

The humiliation of being stepped on by the concubine's sister came to my heart again.

"I don't know what my father told the emperor. We are just worried about Mrs. Zhao's health and want to take over her and come back to take care of her. How could the emperor refuse such a kind gesture!"

She said with some dissatisfaction: "Could it be that father hasn't given up on that little bitch, and still wants to continue to support her to sit on the throne of queen?"

How can that little bitch compare to her!
My father didn't know what to think, such a good thing, someone replaced her in the first place!

The more Sun Kening thought about it, the more angry she became, she completely forgot that when the news of the draft first came out, she was the one who refused to enter the palace.

"Your father is not stupid, how could he support a useless person." Wu Zhi didn't care.

"She's like a grasshopper after autumn. She doesn't know how long she can survive. With your father's temperament, how could you waste time on her?"

That dead girl is also fate, so she can't die like this.

She almost wasted all her efforts!
Fortunately, Sun Qi turned his back and began to favor their mother and daughter.

At best, Sun Qi is called knowing current affairs, but at worst, he is too realistic.

Even if it's his own flesh and blood, as long as it's not good for him, he won't bother.

"Just wait quietly." Wushi narrowed his eyes.

"Mother will definitely plan for you and take back what originally belonged to you!"

Whether it's the Queen's position that belongs to her daughter, or her right to give in, she will take it back!

At that time, Mrs. Zhao and her daughter don't need to live in this world anymore...

Here Wushi is full of confidence, but Sheng Rui in the palace is a little restless.

I don't know if it was her delusion.

She always felt that the emperor looked at her coldly recently.

Sheng Rui, who had done something wrong, was so nervous that she bit her finger and paced back and forth in the room.

"What do you mean? What do you mean Xue'er is missing!" Sheng Rui rushed to Chungui, grabbed her arm and questioned.

Chungui was in pain from being strangled, but she didn't dare to cry out.

"Yes, Eunuch Sanjin told the maidservant that the court lady named Xue'er was lost yesterday, and she searched the entire palace, but there was no trace of her, as if she disappeared out of thin air."

The place where Xue'er was held didn't even have a window, and was guarded by the imperial guards.

Chungui also wondered how she escaped.

Or was it rescued?

But who would save a little maid?

The return of spring is puzzling.

Sheng Rui also had the same doubts, and felt even more uneasy.

"Could it be that the emperor discovered something and deliberately hid him?"

"Probably not..." Chun Gui hesitated.

"People are already in the hands of the emperor, so why bother to do so, it will attract more attention."

This is...

"Could it be..."

Gu Nanyan?
Impossible, she locked herself in the Yufu Palace as soon as she returned to the palace, I'm afraid she hasn't even figured out what happened.

Sheng Rui thought about it and couldn't figure it out, so he had to let Chungui continue to inquire about the news.

However, Gu Nanyan did not interrogate Xueer immediately after returning to Weiyang Palace.

She took a beautiful hot bath, returned to the bedroom and fell asleep.

I slept until noon the next day before waking up.

Gu Nanyan, who was hungry and gurgling, washed up casually, and ran to the imperial dining room for food impatiently.

After a big meal of Hesse.

After finishing the lunch of Fu Tuo and Fu Jingqi!
Under the desperate gazes of the royal chefs, she rubbed her belly contentedly and left.

There is an old man in charge of the imperial dining room. It is said that he has something to do with the royal family. Fu Jingqi has to call him uncle when he sees him.

Because he loves delicious food, he often goes in and out of the imperial dining room, and later even found a position in charge of it, so that he can steal food openly.

Looking at the imperial dining room where Gu Nanyan was yelling about.

And he has been cooking for a whole day, without even drinking a mouthful of soup, only the chicken head and chicken buttocks are left.

The old man was so angry that he almost had high blood pressure.

Then a sign was erected at the entrance of the imperial dining room.

Princess Anyang and pigs are not allowed to enter!

That's all.

As soon as Gu Nanyan left, he ran up to Fu Tuo and Fu Jingqi to complain.

Caught the two father and son cursing and cursing for more than half an hour.

Sprayed the spit stars all over their faces.

Due to his identity and the old man's famous naughty temper.

The father and son gritted their teeth and stomped their feet...

Send the culprit, Gu Nanyan, in front of him!

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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