The farmer has a mall

Chapter 817 Paying You a Chicken

Regardless of the high mortality rate of royal heirs, they reproduce quickly.

Due to the change of time, whether it is divided into kings and lands, or kept incognito, they are gradually scattered in various places.

This is a creature with a huge population but does not like to live in groups.

Maybe one day when you go out, you can meet a former royal descendant who has been ruined and become your neighbor.

This is especially true for those with a long history of royal families like the Fu family in Anyang.

So is the old man.

It is said that his ancestors were of the same clan as Grandpa Gu Nanyan's grandfather.

Gu Nanyan was pointed at his nose and scolded for half an hour, and almost picked up a chair and threw it at him.

Fortunately, Fu Jingqi stopped him in time, so there was no bloodshed.

"Be patient."

Fu Jingqi tightly held Gu Nanyan who was about to run away, whispering in a low voice.

"This person is a descendant of your grandpa's grandpa's brother. It is the oldest lineage that can still be found in the genealogy records. It has a high status in the royal family."

Otherwise, in such an important place as the imperial dining room, how can anyone just enter it at will.

Even if someone as unreasonable and scoundrel as Fu Jingqi, you have to respect him as an elder when you see him.

When Gu Nanyan heard the words, he licked and licked his fingers.

grandpa's grandpa...

At least a hundred years ago.

The same blood has long been thinned out, and respect or disrespect depends entirely on self-consciousness.

Fu Jingqi is obviously the conscious one.

But Gu Nanyan said that he would not follow this set.

She wiped her face, stretched out her fingers expressionlessly, and pointed her head up at the old man who stood on the stool and spit at him.

"You think I can take it?"

Standing so high after arguing, you are obviously laughing at her height!
Gu Nan's smoked cheeks bulged like a little frog, as if he was about to jump up and bite the old man in the next moment.

Fu Jingqi also raised his head, looking at the old man who was standing tall and shouting, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's's hard to bear.

But who makes people a rarity?
The scene in front of him successfully reminded Fu Jingqi of the scene when he was scolded by the old man before.

The claws holding Gu Nanyan subconsciously let go.

Gu Nanyan, who was scolded with a raging fighting spirit, rushed out in a flash.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

I didn't mean to...

Although Gu Nanyan was angry, he didn't really want to do anything to an old man.

She jumped up two or three times, grabbed the old man by the collar and lifted him down.

Of course, the action is not gentle.

"I just ate one of your chickens, and I will pay you as much as I want!"

She raised her chin proudly, and snapped out two 100 taels of silver notes.

In front of the old man, he slapped the table aggressively.

"Is it enough!"

What are you making a fuss about!
What you know is that I ate your chicken, but what you don’t know is that I ate your relative!

Gu Nanyan scorned.

"Is this about money?"

The old man was also tired of cursing, he hummed twice and picked up the cup of tea to moisten his throat.

"That's a secret recipe handed down from the old man's ancestors. It took a day and a night to stew it, and it was cooked by you before you even tasted it."

He squinted at Fu Jingqi who was trying to reduce his presence.

Eyelids drooping, he said, "I don't need this money, I don't accept compensation."

Gu Nanyan hehe.

Why doesn't she know the secret recipe passed down from the ancestors?
What if we are not the same ancestors.

Since it is the royal family's ancestral secret recipe, she also has a share, and she has paid back a lot of money!
At least 100 taels must be recovered!

"Then tell me, what do you want to do!" Gu Nanyan held back her anger and warned herself not to do anything.

The old man's bones were so brittle, if they were accidentally broken, she would have to pay an extra medical fee.

Too bad!
"It's very simple, just make a stewed chicken with your own hands and give it back to the old man."

The old man's expression remained unchanged, as if he regarded money as dung.

In fact, the bottom of my heart is happy!

He has long heard that this girl has a lot of delicious food, and the smell in the yard wafts out three times a day, and he has been coveting it for a long time.

Finally let him find a chance to blackmail her!
The old man was pleased.

Although he doesn't know how this girl's cooking skills are, but based on his understanding of her rumors, she will definitely not obediently cook by herself.

At that time, he will be able to taste the delicious food that he has been craving for a long time!

The old man swallowed.

Gu Nanyan was very surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect him to make such a request.

Fu Jingqi was more surprised than her.

But his surprise was different from Gu Nanyan's.

For this old man who loves delicious food so badly, he even went to work in the imperial dining room.

Moving his food is equivalent to killing him!
According to past experience, he should never die with his daughter.

Why are you so easy to talk about?

Fu Jingqi was suddenly disappointed.

He still counted on this girl to give him a sigh of relief!
Upon hearing the words, Gu Nanyan silently took the money back.

Look at the old man sincerely.

"Don't worry, Bengong will definitely make a delicious stewed chicken with his own hands and return it to you!"

What a nice person, I saved her money again!


Gu Nanyan was also unambiguous, and immediately went to the small kitchen when she returned to Weiyang Palace. She was so busy that she didn't even drink her saliva.

After finally stewing the chicken, the cook in the kitchen helped watch the fire, and she went back to the bedroom to interrogate Xueer.

Xue'er was locked up for three days without eating, drinking or speaking. During that time, she only asked about Sun Ying's situation.

Hearing that Sun Ying was seriously injured and she didn't know if she could save her life, she fell silent again.

Just nestled in the corner and wept silently.

Gu Nanyan looked at Xue'er's lifeless little face expressionlessly, and was silent for a while before starting to ask questions.

However, no matter how she asked, Xueer didn't say a word.

Gu Nanyan was not in a hurry, and just spent time with her until late at night before someone locked her back up again.

Although she didn't say a word, Gu Nanyan could still see something from her expression.

Especially whenever Sun Ying was mentioned, Xueer's ashen face was obviously moved.

This matter is complicated, and she didn't expect to understand it in a day.

After sleeping comfortably at night, I went to deliver the stewed chicken to the old man in the imperial dining room early the next morning.

With the lessons learned from making curry at the Prime Minister's Mansion in Daliang last time, Gu Nanyan didn't dare to put things indiscriminately this time.

According to the recipe, I stewed a pot of coconut stewed chicken.

The finished product tastes pretty good.

And it's made of coconuts that no one else has.

The old man drank all the chicken and soup, and burped contentedly.

"The chicken soup is fresh and sweet, and the chicken is tender and smooth, exuding a faint fruity aroma from the inside to the outside. It must have been stewed for more than five hours."

The old man was very satisfied, and he smacked his mouth to savor the faint coconut fragrance in his mouth.

"It's just that the fruity fragrance is very strange, it's something I've never tasted before, I wonder what kind of fruit the princess put?"

He looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

Gu Nanyan smiled lightly: "This is the secret recipe handed down from the ancestors."

Old man: "..."

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