The farmer has a mall

Chapter 819 Implicated

Chapter 819 Implicated
After Gu Nanyan came out of the imperial dining room, she immediately went back to interrogate Xueer.

Xueer was still the same as before, not responding at all.

She knelt on the ground blankly, her hair that hadn't been taken care of for a few days was hanging down her cheeks.

Coupled with the fact that he hasn't eaten or even taken a sip of water, he looks very haggard.

Gu Nanyan sighed and asked Yunxi to pour her a glass of water.

Yun Xi handed the water glass to Xue'er's chapped lips, but she turned her head away.

"Concubine Jin woke up last night, do you want to know what she said?"

"Drink the water if you want to know." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

Xue'er's eyes flashed, and she stared blankly at Gu Nanyan.

Then he took the cup in Yunxi's hand and drank it down.

Unless it was found out that this matter was related to Sheng Rui.

Nan Mei stuffed the bun into Xue'er's arms with a blank expression, regardless of whether she would eat it or not.

"It's really not a good person." Gu Nanyan nodded.

Sheng Rui is used to putting on a show, and he is very stable, so he won't show up in person even if he hurts someone.

Nan Chi who turned back: "..."

Hearing familiar footsteps, Nan Mei opened her eyes and looked towards the stairs in surprise.

Nan Ji is half a head shorter than Nan Mei, both of them are of the delicate and handsome type, and they are both dressed in black, with no expression on their faces.

She looked like she had seen through her, curled her lips in disdain.

"Your Majesty didn't know about this matter, it's because the maidservant couldn't get used to Concubine Yun's haughty look, so she thought about it for a while..."

"Even if you don't think about your mother, you should think about yourself. It's not easy to be a starving ghost. The key point is that I have to collect your body. It's troublesome to think about it."

After she said that, she took away the bowl of overnight rice and brought over two steaming steamed buns.

Xue'er nodded hesitantly.

She patted the hem of her clothes, and moved quickly to the stairs without blushing.

Gu Nanyan clicked his tongue twice, deliberately making the problem serious.

"Do you know that doing so will not only hurt yourself, but also Concubine Jin will be implicated by you?"

"You said that she is your mother. How could she not be implicated if the servants around her made such a serious mistake."

Concubine Jin is indeed awake, but her internal organs are all damaged, and she struggles to open her eyes, so she doesn't have the energy to say these words.

But Nan Mei's mouth is too poisonous, how did the prince choose her in the first place...

"The maidservant said, this matter has nothing to do with my mother's business." Xue'er said nervously with the corners of her lips drawn.

"Indeed, Concubine Yun's virtue is not pleasing to the eye." Gu Nanyan agreed without waiting for her to finish.

In order for Sheng Rui to make further progress in the palace and preserve the foundation of the Sheng family, they will not let go of such a good opportunity.

"Someone pointed out that the assassination was ordered by your master, and that the Zhao family who sent you to the palace was also an accomplice. Do you also admit this?"

She thought about what Gu Nanyan had said, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

"Think about it carefully. If you can't get rid of the suspicion for your mother, let alone the queen's position, being thrown into the cold palace is considered light."

Cher was silent.

"Although one question doesn't mean anything, but she answered three questions in a row, which is even more perverted than a pervert!"

After she finished speaking, she asked Xueer to be taken out.

Early the next morning, Nan Mei came to change shifts.

As soon as Gu Nanyan finished speaking, Xue'er suddenly raised her head and looked at her in disbelief.

"I advise you to eat a little, but don't die in this prison, and bring bad luck to Weiyang Palace."

After drinking, he didn't move again, and only stared at Gu Nanyan persistently with his eyes.

Gu Nanyan nodded: "Since you don't speak, I will treat you as a confession."

As if he had completed the task, he leaned against the outside of the cell with his chest closed and closed his eyes to rest.

There is a dungeon in Weiyang Palace, where Xueer was imprisoned.

I sat all night anxiously in my heart.

"I think Concubine Jin would rather die a few days ago than die desolately and lonely in the cold palace."

"Come here again so soon?"

Xue'er didn't know what metamorphosis meant, but just by looking at Gu Nanyan's expression, she knew it was not a good word.

She said this not because of those few psychological test questions.

In order to prevent someone from sneaking in and harming Xue'er, their nine hidden guards took turns guarding here.

"Slaves know a little bit."

"Then boss, you stay here, I'll go have breakfast first..."

Gu Nanyan didn't say a word.

The Sheng family will definitely make use of the problem.

No mood swings, just know to complete the master's order step by step.

As the boss, Nan Qi was very helpless, and slowly walked in front of Nan Mei.

She said that, but she wanted to make a fool of herself.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes, seemingly unintentionally said: "She said that she treats you as her own sister, and I believe you will not do anything wrong to her. Let me thoroughly investigate this matter, and don't wrong you."

Xue'er knelt quietly on the ground in a daze, her eyes were red and her lips were tightly pressed.

"Live a lifetime in that kind of place..." Gu Nanyan sighed.

Although they were not trained like other brothers and sisters in the Dark Guard Camp.

Seeing that Xue'er stopped talking again, with a struggling look on her face, Gu Nanyan slowly got up.

"Your Majesty really said that?" Xue'er asked hoarsely.

"The tail that I pull all day is going to be up to the sky. I have more eyes than a sieve, and my heart is not good. I always want to calculate others, which is really annoying."


Before Sheng Rui entered the palace, Fu Tuo had someone investigate her. This woman was not a good person, and the servants who served her did not know how many of them she had killed.

"Or do you think that the Sheng family will let your mother go because of your words?"

Just because I quarreled with her a few words.

Seeing that the food in Xue'er's bowl was still untouched, Nan Mei frowned.

"I didn't like her from the very beginning, do you know that test question?" She asked Xue'er.

However, in Xue'er's view, she was acquiescing.

"So, isn't Concubine Yun really a good person?" She asked Gu Nanyan in a daze, with a little innocence on her immature face.

She didn't feel sorry for Sheng Rui, she just felt that it wasn't worth ruining her life because of this kind of person.

Gu Nanyan looked at Xue'er, and changed her voice: "Although she is not a good person, it is not the reason for you to kill her."

It looks very bluffing.

"Then do you know that only a very bad-hearted person can answer that question correctly?"

"Second question." She held out two fingers and shook them.

Therefore, no one has suspected that she has a life in her hands.

"The first thing Concubine Jin did when she opened her eyes was to ask where you were going."

Even one of her father's concubines was murdered by her with a knife.

"According to Concubine Yun, the dagger in your hand stabbed her that day, and she hurt Concubine Jin because she hid there. Do you have anything to say?"

With a sullen face, Nan Yan grabbed her by the collar when she passed by, and squinted at her.

I wanted to sneak out an hour after I finished my shift.

Are you pretending to be stupid with her?

"Believe it or not, I'll tell the lord to send you back to the Dark Guard Camp to be rebuilt!"

This woman is not only poisonous, but also shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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