The farmer has a mall

Chapter 820 Mistrusting Others

Chapter 820 Mistrusting Others
Upon hearing the words "Dark Guard Camp", Nan Mei's body froze obviously.

"I'm joking with you, so what are you doing seriously?"

Nan Mei signaled her to loosen her collar, tidied up the messy skirt, turned around and returned to her post.

"Long Yi said that you can't be too rigid when you follow the master, the master likes lively girls."

She tapped her face with her finger.

"You don't even know how to joke, and you keep a straight face all day long, how can you please the master?"

Nan Chi: "..."

Ha ha.

Your serious expression just now doesn't look like a joke.

Besides, how much do you think you are better than me!

Gu Nanyan got a headache from her quarrel, rubbed the corner of her forehead and frowned and said, "Calm down your emotions first, I didn't say you won't save your mother."

Nan Chi's words were intended for Xue'er.

"It's... a person I don't know. He stopped the servant that day and slipped a note to the servant, saying that someone was going to harm the empress..."

The joke is not funny at all!
Nan Chi said that he didn't want to talk to her at all, took the key of the cell from the wall, and walked towards Xue'er's room.

"This fact, the slave servant mistrusted others, thinking that someone was going to harm the empress, so he did something wrong..."

Xue'er hesitated again when she heard the words, and she glanced at Gu Nanyan nervously.

Xue'er was crying with tears all over her face, and her spirit, which had been strained for many days, finally broke down, and Gu Nanyan was the only one to save Sun Ying.

Xue'er was shocked when she heard the words, and asked Nan Qi tremblingly: "Is this really true? Your Majesty... really wants to throw Concubine Jin into limbo?"

Xue'er's terrified appearance was noticed by Nan Qi and Nan Mei.

"Who did you believe wrongly, and what did that person tell you?" Gu Nanyan grasped the point at once.

"But isn't her injury still healed?" Nan Mei asked cooperatively, "Is it possible to go to a place like the Leng Palace with such a serious injury?"

"Show me the evidence you said, and show it to me."

"The emperor has already agreed, let our princess hand over the person to him."

"I want to see the princess!"

Everyone didn't know Gu Nanyan's attitude, so they didn't dare to push Fu Tuo too hard.

As Xueer said, she took out a crumpled piece of paper from the interlayer of the inner jacket.

"The emperor can't send the empress to the cold palace, the empress has suffered such serious injuries..."

"I have evidence, I have evidence!" Xue'er looked down at her trembling hands, and finally there was an expression on her face.

"What are you going to interrogate? You can't escape death." Nan Chi also lowered his head and looked at Xue'er with pity in his eyes.

Regardless of the eyes of everyone in the room, she tore open the front of her clothes in public, showing how anxious she was.

Xue'er was stunned for a moment, then suddenly broke free from her hand.

"But the empress is really innocent!"

"The servant of the household department of the Sheng family led a group of ministers to put pressure on the emperor during the early court today, demanding that the assassin be severely punished, and the culprit, Concubine Jin, be cast into the cold palace as an example to others."

But I never thought that the empress was still dragged down by her...

Guilt, pain, and self-blame instantly overwhelmed Xue'er.

Seeing that she was lying on the ground as if she couldn't support herself, Gu Nanyan asked someone to move a chair for her.

The two looked at each other,
"If you say innocent, then you are innocent? Even the princess can't find evidence for her help, how can you?" Nan Mei used her poisonous tongue skills.

"Thanks to you, your mother is not far from death."

She covered her face, tears slipped from her fingers in an instant.

Xue'er, who was in a panic, was brought before Gu Nanyan again.

She hasn't spoken for so many days, and she hasn't defended herself, because she doesn't want to hurt the empress.

"What did you lie to you for?" Nan Qi asked coldly.

Sun Ying was also unlucky. She was the one who was stabbed, and she was still suspected.

Nan Qi saw the same thing, she looked away, and continued to add fuel to the flames: "What kind of disease should you treat if you have been thrown into limbo? The Sheng family didn't want her to live at all. water."

Xue'er muttered for a long while, seeming a little hard to say.

Nan Chi said lightly: "The master asked us to hand her over to the emperor, you can go with me."

"Concubine Jin... I can only resign myself to fate." She said with a slightly exaggerated sigh.

As she spoke, she bent down and helped Xue'er up from the ground: "Let's go, the emperor is still waiting."

After walking in front of Xue'er, he looked at the uneaten hot bun in her arms.

"Whether this matter has anything to do with Concubine Jin is not up to you or me. Civil and military officials in the whole court are forcing the emperor to deal with Concubine Jin. She is doomed to die." Nan Chi said coldly.

"This matter has nothing to do with the empress, it's all the servant's fault, it has nothing to do with the empress!" She said excitedly with her voice trembling.

Yun Xi lifted her chin a little bit proudly, turned around and walked towards Gu Nanyan.

"And Master Sun, who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, I'm afraid he has given up on this daughter long ago."

If she can't produce evidence to prove Concubine Jin's innocence, she can't force Fu Tuo to exonerate Sun Ying.

The two snow-white buns in her arms fell to the ground and rolled around a few times, collecting a lot of dust.

Nan Mei, who brought her here, stepped forward, and was just about to take the note over to Gu Nanyan, when she saw a plain hand with a thin callus on the tiger's mouth, quickly took it by her.

"You can't even save your own life, so don't try to argue for your mother."

"I can't live up to Madam's entrustment..."


She suddenly grabbed Nan Ji's arm, and said with some pleading: "I beg this sister to take me to meet the princess, I have something to say..."

Seeing her was like seeing a savior, Xueer knelt on the ground with a plop, and crawled towards her.

Gu Nanyan sighed.

Yun Xi hurried forward to stop her.

But this is only temporary.

"Your servant deserves to die. It doesn't matter if your servant dies, but your empress is innocent. Please show kindness and save my empress..."

"That is to say, Concubine Jin has really been thrown into the cold palace?"

Although the officials were dissatisfied with Sun Ying, because of her physical condition, she might not be able to be a queen, and they also meant to make trouble and support her other concubines.

She said that she pretended to glance at Xue'er inadvertently, and she saw that her face was paler than before, her lips trembled slightly, and her eyes were full of hesitation.

Nan Mei raised her head and met Yun Xi's gaze.

"Princess, please save your mother, please, please save your mother!"

"Besides, we can't let our princess go to the cold palace to treat her." Nan Mei frowned dissatisfied.

But maybe it was because she always ran to Weiyang Palace some time ago.

"Didn't the master say this morning to continue the interrogation after breakfast?"

"So suddenly?" Nan Mei glanced at Xue'er, who was bowing her head.

When passing by Nan Mei, she let out a barely audible snort.

There are more and more goblins around the master, and there are always one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight who come to compete with her for favor.

Don't even look at who she is!
She is the most pampered secret guard by the master's side, and is the master's favorite right-hand man!

No one can try to take her place.

It is even more impossible for peers! !
(End of this chapter)

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