The farmer has a mall

Chapter 821 The Non-Existent Guard

The note is very common rice paper, the kind you can buy several sheets for a penny in the shop.

The writing on the above is also very ordinary, similar to block letters, but the strokes are not very smooth.

Gu Nanyan glanced at the content on the paper.

The general meaning is that Sheng Rui wants to harm Sun Ying, and hopes that Xueer can stop her.

"Because of such a sentence, you want to kill Concubine Yun?"

Gu Nanyan frowned: "How do you know if what this person said is true or not?"

Xueer said she didn't know the person who sent her the message.

But how can such an important decision be made just because of a word from a stranger?
If she was a general or an ordinary soldier who fought on the battlefield, it would make sense, but before she entered the palace, she was just an ordinary servant girl, and at such a young age, I'm afraid she hadn't even killed a chicken.

Where did he have the guts to kill someone!
Gu Nanyan didn't quite believe what she said.

"It's true, this servant really doesn't know that person." Xue'er said.

"Then do you remember how big that mole is?"

"Whether it's a guard in the palace or a eunuch, no one will wear this kind of shoes."

Gu Nanyan obviously lost his patience and got up to leave.

Ordinary family members will not be allowed to go to the imperial dining room.

After all, she asked for charcoal and paper to draw a portrait of the suspect according to her description.

Such a crappy testimony can be found to be true or false with a little verification, and it is simply untenable.

Yunxi even went to Sanjin to ask him to identify if it was the little eunuch in the palace.

Less than two breaths before and after, that is, five seconds at most.

The guards in the palace patrolled back and forth all day, and they would not wear such wear-resistant things, and for the sake of uniformity, their shoes were all issued by the palace.

Gu Nanyan's tone was flat, as if he was worried about the accuracy of the portrait.

Xue'er seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the words.

Gu Nanyan hooked the corners of her lips, ignoring her pale face, straightened her waist and looked at the top of her head leisurely.

Unlike other tailor shops that also make shoes, Tayunju only makes shoes.

"Slave is sure."

"The shoe prints have already been checked by Ben Gong, and they are sold at Tayun Residence. Even the most common single shoes cost 200 taels of silver per pair."

"Do you think I'm a fool or the emperor is a fool, or that all the ministers of civil and military affairs in the court are not as smart as you!"

"Then describe that person's appearance." Gu Nanyan said.

She is currently the only person who is willing to come forward to help Sun Ying prove her innocence. If even she is left alone, one can imagine what will happen to Sun Ying.

"If you can't remember clearly, you can understand it. If you create something out of nothing, there will be a problem."

Seeing that she was really going to leave, Xue'er was in a hurry.

Tayunju is a famous shoe store in Beijing.

Gu Nanyan asked Yunxi to take the portrait and ask the commander of the guards to see if there was such a person in the palace.

Xue'er said it as if she had seen it with her own eyes, and she even remembered the size, so it didn't happen out of thin air!

"San Jin said that the eunuchs in the palace were not very old when they entered the palace, and their bodies are not as strong as ordinary men after cleansing. It is extremely rare to see such a burly eunuch as in the portrait. If he has seen one, he will not forget it."

Gu Nanyan looked at the portrait in his hand again.

It is impossible to let anyone into the palace casually, except for the court officials or concubines' family members.

Gu Nanyan continued to move as if she didn't hear it.

Her face sank in an instant, and she said with condensed eyes: "You think you can justify your mother by creating an unnecessary guard and writing a few random words?"

Gu Nanyan nodded: "It's not your fault, it's not easy to remember so many facial details in two breaths, and it's normal to not be able to remember whether it's on the left or right."

Xue'er was clasping her fingers nervously, her lowered eyes were covered by eyelashes, so she couldn't see her emotions clearly.

Finally, a burly and fierce bearded guard was drawn.

In this case, either he was pretending to be a guard, or Xue Er had lied.

"Someone saw you near the lotus pond in Yufu Palace on the day of the accident. This palace has already had people search it. Besides your footprints, there is another man's shoe print."

"What did that person say besides handing you the note?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"Princess, please stay!"

"If you still don't tell the truth, I won't be bothered to continue wading through this muddy water, so I will let your mother fend for herself."

The person in the portrait doesn't have moles at all, and Gu Nanyan is talking nonsense about having moles!

"Boss Fu from the Imperial Dining Room told Bengong that I saw you arguing with a young man at the back door of the Imperial Dining Room a few days ago. The man was dressed richly and looked like a businessman."

"The servant saw him wearing the clothes of a palace guard, and instinctively believed him."

such a short time...

If she really handed over this note to Fu Tuo as evidence, Sun Ying's charges would only get worse if she was exposed in minutes.

Still got a negative answer.

She got up slowly, walked in front of Xue'er, and handed the portrait to her.

As a result, it was no surprise that this person did not serve in the palace at all.

"About the size of a soybean."

The same is true for eunuchs, no one will serve in front of the master wearing gold-studded shoes.

The soles of the shoes are soft and comfortable, and they do not rub the feet at all when walking. The uppers are also lined with high-quality cotton cloth, and the outside is wrapped with a layer of gold-embellished satin.

"Are you sure this man looks like this? Are you sure the mole around his mouth is on the left, not the right?"

This kind of shoes are comfortable, but they are not durable, and the life span of ordinary shoes is less than half.

Xue'er hesitated for a moment, then bit her lips and said, "I can't remember the servant girl, maybe it's on the left."

Xue'er swallowed nervously, and wanted to quibble,
Gu Nanyan was too lazy to beat around the bush with her.

His gaze was involuntarily placed on the portrait.

Xue'er finally couldn't hold back anymore, ignoring the strength of Nan Mei's pressure on her shoulders, she struggled and begged: "Your maidservant can say anything, I beg the princess to save my mother, if you don't even help her, the mother will really die of!"

Then his body froze.

Xue'er became even more nervous when she heard the words: "I really don't know who that person is, maybe he deliberately pretended to be a guard in the palace..."

Gu Nanyan nodded slowly and looked at Xue'er.

" more, he ran away after handing the note to the servant. In less than two breaths, he didn't speak to the servant."

"you sure?"

And the craftsmanship is very good.

In this way, the owner of those shoe prints can only be someone from outside the palace.

"What does Concubine Jin's death have to do with Ben Gong? You have to figure it out, Ben Gong doesn't have to save her."

If it weren't for the fact that Sun Ying helped Fu Tuo and her character was not bad, she wouldn't meddle in other people's business.

She could have started with the few ministers who recommended her to suppress the tiger, and slowly found out who was behind her back, and then taught him a lesson.

"I will give you one last chance. If you still hide and refuse to tell the truth, I will ask you to be handed over to Brother Huang, and I will never interfere in this matter again!"

Xue'er didn't dare to hide any more, and talked about the identity of that person periodically.

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