The farmer has a mall

Chapter 822 Wanted

"You mean, that person is Sun Ying's cousin?" Gu Nanyan frowned.

"What is he doing in the palace?"

As far as she knew, Sun Ying was not familiar with the Zhao family.

Except for the second son of the Zhao family, that is, Sun Ying's second uncle who often gave things to Mrs. Zhao, and he may have met him a few times.

The others never showed up in all these years.

It's not that they don't want to see Mrs. Zhao, but Mrs. Zhao has told them not to let the Zhao family go to her.

"Master Biao went to the palace for the elder of the Zhao family to deliver things to the empress. The elder wanted to go to the palace himself, but he was afraid that others would gossip, so he asked Master Biao to replace him."

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Before, Sun Ying's mother and daughter lived aggrievedly at the Sun's house.

Unavoidably aroused Wu's dissatisfaction, Zhao even dared not see her natal family.

Seeing Zhao's legs go limp, he fell down on the chair, looking in a daze.

For example, how did the young master of the Zhao family know that Sheng Rui was going to kill Sun Ying.

Fu Tuo immediately ordered people to go out of the palace to arrest Sun Ying's cousin.

It's just that although we know who the culprit is, there are still many doubts.

It is impossible for the eldest brother to come to Beijing without notifying her.


Now Sun Ying is the emperor's concubine, and she is also a certain future queen.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her throbbing forehead.

The young master of the Zhao family showed so much concern for Sun Ying, and after getting his instructions, it's no wonder Xue'er never doubted it.

It makes sense!

What's more, if the elder brother wanted to send something to Ying'er, he would only hand it over to himself because of his temperament.

"I haven't seen my nephew lately."

"What did you say? How could Kun'er instigate others to assassinate Concubine Yun, and when did he enter Beijing?"

Sun Mansion, Zhao's Courtyard.

It was because of his behavior that Xue'er believed that he really cared about his mother.

Xue'er's expression froze for a moment, and she said in a low voice: "When Master Biao was leaving the palace that day, he happened to meet Empress Yun and the young lady going to Yufu Palace."

Gu Nanyan looked at Xue'er: "The murderous dagger was also given by the young master of the Zhao family?"

"Master Biao followed the servant to the vicinity of the imperial dining room, and did not leave at ease until he got the reply from the servant."

Zhao Kun is the son of her elder brother's family. He is usually reticent and has a more old-fashioned temperament than his father.

Xue'er looked guilty, thinking that she had stabbed her master, she wanted to kill herself in front of others to forgive her.

In her heart, compared with Sheng Rui, the young master of the Zhao family is more credible.

The reason why Xue'er concealed it was because she was afraid of implicating the Zhao family.

"So this note was also given to you by the young master of the Zhao family?"

"Yes, Master Biao has come here three times in total, the first time was half a month ago."

"You go down first, I will find a way to find out the truth, as long as Concubine Jin is really wronged."

"Princess, this servant has committed a lot of crimes and only wants to die, but my mother is really wronged, please find a way to save her, it's been hard for my mother to live a good life for a few days..."

"When the servant saw the dagger behind the rockery, he thought that Master Biao meant to let the servant kill Yunbi."

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was silent, Xue'er stood up from the chair.

Old Mr. Zhao knew that his daughter had difficulties, so he only asked his second son to give her things secretly, and never dared to show his face openly.

Mrs. Zhao stood up abruptly from her chair and paced back and forth in the room.

In addition, I haven't seen her for so many years, just from the lines in that letter, I can see how much my elder brother misses her.

"Master Biao seemed to recognize the eldest lady, so he kept chasing the servants, asking them why they went to the empress, and whether it was a bad luck for them to go to the empress."

Another example is why he didn't tell Sun Ying or Sun Qi, but instead told Xueer a girl?
Also, the dagger that Xue Er stabbed Sun Ying was not from the palace, where did she get it.

How could he let his son enter the palace without avoiding suspicion!

"Did you make a mistake?" Zhao asked.

Xueer shed tears again as she spoke.

When she was still in her boudoir, their brother and sister had a very good relationship.

"Brother did send me a letter last month, saying that after the post-closing ceremony, he would come to Beijing to pick me up for a short stay."

"But I haven't heard that they have come!"

"What did you say to the young master of the Zhao family that day, and why did you quarrel near the imperial dining room?"

The official who asked the question had an indifferent expression, "I have to check again if I made a mistake. This matter was confessed by Xueer who is next to the concubine Jin. It is said that Zhao Kun has entered the palace many times, so it should not be false."

"He has often entered the palace recently? When did he come for the first time?" Gu Nanyan asked with a frown.

I have been here three times in half a month, which is indeed a bit frequent.

Xue'er burst into tears when she heard the words.

Facing Gu Nanyan's direction, he kowtowed several times.

Xue'er tremblingly said: "Master Biao stuffed the note to the servant, and only said 'behind the rockery, play by ear' and left in a hurry."

So that day...

So Fu Tuo issued an order to arrest him, and sent people to the place where Zhao's household registration is located, asking the local government to help arrest him.

This time Nan Mei didn't press her down again, Xue'er stepped forward and knelt on the ground, looking at the person above with a pleading face.

"The servant girl was going to the imperial dining room to bring the bird's nest to the empress, and she was worried that the empress would face Concubine Yun alone, so she didn't answer Young Master Biao in a hurry."

"If you starve to death, no one will testify for your master."

But the master was wronged because of her, and she can't die until she explains it clearly!

Xue'er didn't speak, Gu Nanyan took it as her acquiescence.

"You don't even know when your nephew came to Beijing?"

"Before that, you stay in the dungeon first, so that you can eat well, don't be like before."

Besides, he was only Sun Ying's cousin, and he belonged to the category of outsiders. Wouldn't he be afraid of having a bad influence on Sun Ying if he often entered the palace?
And half a month ago, didn't it happen to be the time when the tiger trouble happened.

Then, with Nan Mei's support, he returned to the dungeon with his overdrawn body.

However, no one was found at the place where he registered.

After Xue'er left, Gu Nanyan asked Yunxi to tell Fu Tuo about it.

The officer who asked the question was surprised.

The elders of the Zhao family were afraid that if they came into contact with Sun Ying now, they would be said to be clinging to the dragon and the phoenix, causing trouble to Sun Ying, and it would be understandable to send a junior.

Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief.

So hearing that he instigated Xue'er to kill someone, Zhao's first reaction was not to believe it.

"It's just that for some unknown reason, Empress Yunbi seems to have a premonition, and before the servant can take out the dagger, she takes the lead and dodges..."

Thinking of the feeling of the dagger piercing into the flesh that day, Xue'er shuddered all over.

The officer who asked the question pondered for a moment, and comforted him: "But don't worry, this matter is very important. The princess has personally intervened. If the Zhao family is wronged, she will definitely give the Zhao family justice."

Upon hearing the words, Mrs. Zhao regained consciousness instantly.

"You said the princess intervened in this matter?"

She let out a heavy breath, and her eyes turned red unconsciously.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it's a princess, so the concubine can rest assured..."

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