The farmer has a mall

Chapter 823 Drawing the Line

Chapter 823 Drawing the Line
Although knowing that Gu Nanyan had intervened in this matter, Mrs. Zhao was immediately relieved.

But this time the involvement was too wide, and after the inquiring officials left, Mrs. Zhao wanted to go back to her mother's house to have a look in person.

She simply packed a few things to salute, and wanted to talk to Sun Qi.

"There are a lot of things going on in the mansion recently, you should stay and help Wushi take care of the housework."

Sun Qi stood in front of the desk in the study, with his back to the door, looking up at the plaque above, with no expression on his face.

Zhao didn't think much about it.

"I won't be able to go for a few days. My sister is also in the capital. It just so happens that she also has to go back. I can still have a companion with her. I will return within two days at most."

After going for a long time, she didn't feel at ease.

Ying'er's body is still very weak, she came back yesterday and wanted to pack some clothes before going to the palace to take care of her, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Although Mrs. Zhao was worried, she still tried to slow down her tone as much as possible, and said in a gentle voice: "I will trouble the lady to take care of it in the past two days..."

"The official said, let you stay in the mansion."

Sun Qi turned around, with eyebrows tightly knit together, and said impatiently: "The Zhao family is troubled now, what are you going back for?"

"Don't you think the current situation is not chaotic enough!"

The young master of the Zhao family instigated the palace servants to assassinate Concubine Yun. If this matter was not handled well, it would be a crime of treason.

It's too late for others to hide now, but she is fine!

Still want to move up!

Do you want to bring his grandson's family into trouble?
The more Sun Qi thought about it, the angrier he became, and the only affection he had for Mrs. Zhao disappeared.

"If you want to get involved in Ying'er's collusion with the Zhao family, go ahead and kill your own daughter. I'll see what you do!"

If it wasn't for her meddling, she insisted on sending that bitch Xue'er into the palace, how could such a thing happen.

And that Zhao Kun!

"What kind of heart does your Zhao family have, you dare to let a junior be obsessed with the affairs of the palace, and even implicate this official!"

At this moment, Sun Qi can't wait to kill all the Zhao family.

A good situation was ruined by the Zhao family just like that!

His colleagues didn't say anything, but secretly united to alienate him, clearly believing that he was doomed this time.

Even the emperor has been a lot colder towards him recently, deliberately ignoring him in the court.

Sun Qi's headache was so severe that he didn't even look at Zhao Shi, he let out a cold snort and flung his sleeves away.

Before leaving, he also ordered the housekeeper to send her back to his yard, and he could not step out of the gate without his order.

"I have to go to the palace to take care of Ying'er." Zhao's face was very ugly.

She knew what Sun Qi was early on, but she didn't expect him to abandon the relationship so quickly!

The matter was still under investigation, and he couldn't wait to draw a line with the Zhao family.

"Second Madam, you don't need to worry about your empress. The master said that he will send the eldest lady to the palace to take care of your empress." The butler said with a half-smile.

"As for the second lady..." He bit the word "two" hard.

"It's better to think about how to get rid of the relationship with the Zhao family first, so as not to hurt the master."

Zhao Shi gritted her teeth: "The Zhao family is my natal family, how can we separate the relationship."

The butler laughed happily.

"That's wrong. As the saying goes, the water thrown by a married daughter. Since the second wife is already a member of the Sun family, she should put her heart on the Sun family. As long as you are willing, there will always be a way."

"What way?" Mrs. Zhao narrowed her eyes.

"Your master still wants me to break up with my natal family!" Her tone was slightly mocking, but she didn't expect the housekeeper to actually nod her head.

"It would be best if the second lady is willing."

"The master said that if there is a need, he will go to the household registration office and tell you that you will be able to do it on the same day."

Zhao's face flushed with anger.

She knew that the housekeeper was from Wuzhi, but she was also the master of the mansion after all, so he dared to say such a thing, and knew it was Sun Qi's order without asking.

Otherwise, how dare he say such outrageous words!
"Presumptuous, you, a servant, can dictate the master's affairs!"

Dongxia was furious, so she yelled at the housekeeper.

The butler wasn't angry either, and still had a half-smile on his face.

"Miss Dongxia is serious, the servant is also for the good of the second wife."

"If you are a smart person, you should know what to do now." These words were addressed to Mrs. Zhao.

"What if I say no?" Zhao said coldly, "You still want to force me to go to the household registration office!"

"Second Madam is unwilling, how dare I, a slave, go beyond the rules, as long as you are not afraid of the master's anger."

The butler raised his chin slightly in satisfaction.

Some time ago, Wu Shi was not in the mansion, and Zhao Shi was in charge of the affairs of the back house alone, so he could be regarded as staring at him all the time.

Now it can be regarded as making him angry!
Looking at Zhao's slightly pale face, the butler snorted coldly.

"This is the end of the servant's words. I think the second lady knows what to do, so the servant will go to work first."

After saying that, he didn't salute, and walked out of Zhao's courtyard with his head held high.

"Things who rely on people's power, I don't know who rushed to please them a while ago, and I thought he had a change of sex!" Dongxia spat.

If Wuzhi is a villain, the housekeeper is a knife in the villain's hand.

In the past, I didn't make much trouble for them.

When Wu Zhi was away, he behaved like a man with his tail between his legs.

When Wushi came back, his dog gallbladder also fell back into his stomach.

It's even more fickle than that grass!
That villain's proud face is really disgusting!
Dongxia was furious.

If she wasn't afraid of causing trouble for her own lady, she would have wanted to slap him.

"Miss, this servant will help you go back to the house and rest first."

Looking at the tottering Zhao family, Dongxia felt extremely distressed.

Why is her lady so miserable, such a peaceful and uncontested person, has suffered for more than ten years.

It was so easy to survive until the little lady grew up and was promising, but this kind of thing happened again!
On the contrary, that shrew Wuzhi, who is vicious like a snake and scorpion, is blessed by God.

Could it be that good people are not rewarded!

Dongxia complained for her master.

On the other side, after Sun Qi left, he turned and went to Wushi's courtyard.

Wu Zhi was instructing his subordinates to pack the luggage for his daughter who was about to enter the palace.

After seeing Sun Qi, Sun Kening happily ran to the door, took Sun Qi's arm, and pouted her rosy lips coquettishly.

"Why did the father come here? Please help your daughter to see if there is anything missing."

She grabbed Sun Qi's arm and led him into the house.

Sun Qi was dragged by him to walk a few steps, and said dumbfoundingly: "There is everything in the palace, I told you earlier that you don't need to bring too many things."

Seeing that her daughter was about to stuff a pillow into her luggage, Sun Qi hurriedly stopped her.

"That won't work!" Sun Kening continued to stuff the pillow unwillingly.

"This is what my daughter is used to sleeping. Without it, my daughter will not be able to sleep."

Sun Qi had no choice but to let her go.

"Then just bring this pillow and a few changes of clothes. After all, this time I am entering the palace to take care of Concubine Jin. If you bring too many things, people will gossip."

(End of this chapter)

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