The farmer has a mall

Chapter 824 Drive Gu Nanyan Out

Chapter 824 Drive Gu Nanyan Out

Sun Qi can be said to be cautious now.

Without Mr. Sheng as his backer, he had to be careful with every step he took, for fear of being caught by someone.

Including the words and deeds of family members.

"That can't be done." Sun Kening didn't listen to him at all, and asked the servants to pack all her rouge and gouache.

"Why can't it work again?"

Sun Qi had always been helpless with this daughter, and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

This time he sent his prostitute daughter to the palace, nominally to take care of his younger sister, but in fact it was to attract the emperor's attention.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see his purpose at a glance.

But even so, this is not something that can be put on the surface.

"Take less rouge and gouache."

Forget about pillows, with so much rouge and gouache, plus the two carts of new clothes outside, the purpose is too strong.

Yinger is still sick!
Although he took the risk of being implicated this time just to take a gamble, he couldn't make it so obvious.

However, Sun Kening would not listen to him, and still worked tirelessly to instruct his servants.

It's like packing the entire courtyard into the palace.

"You just leave her alone, it's just a few boxes of rouge, who can say anything."

Wushi leaned on the couch with a calm tone.

"As far as Sun Ying's current situation is concerned, even if Ke Ning only knows how to dress up all day, who can complain for her?"

Wu Zhi raised the corners of his lips sarcastically: "If you think it's inappropriate, then don't let Ke Ning enter the palace, I'm not willing to let her leave my side!"

How this man treated her before, she will never forget in this life!

Fortunately, my daughter is not like him. She only listened to her mother since she was a child...

Sun Qi obviously knew this too, and knew better that he could not make Wu Shi unhappy anymore.

Although he was dissatisfied, he still forced a smile on his face.

"What madam said is that my husband is just worried that someone will gossip about Ke Ning and make her unhappy."

After all, he looked at Sun Kening with a doting and helpless expression.

"Since your mother has spoken, you can take them with you."

Satisfied, Sun Kening raised her smiling face, and said coquettishly to Wu Zhi: "It's better for mother to treat Ning'er better."

Wu Zhi glared at her reproachfully, "It's your mother who spoiled you. You can't do this again after entering the palace. If you become a queen in the future, you should..."

"Oh, my daughter knows."

Sun Kening pouted and interrupted Wushi impatiently, "Isn't this a queen yet? When the time comes, my daughter will naturally restrain herself a bit, and become the queen that everyone envies, and give my mother face!"

She puffed out her chest, and she seemed to regard the Queen's position as something in her pocket.

As long as she wanted to, she could sit in that position.

Sun Qi frowned.

This daughter is good in everything, but she is not as calm as Ying'er. Unfortunately...

He sighed, and suddenly felt that the air in the room was a little dull, so he left after saying a few words on the occasion.

Wu Zhi looked at his back and snorted coldly.

So what if she doesn't have the backing of the Sheng family, this man just wants to coax her.

When her Ke Ning takes the throne, the Sun family will still belong to her.

As for that bitch Zhao...

Wu Shi sneered.

As long as she is honest, it's not impossible for her to save her life, it's fine to stay in the mansion as a foot-washing maid.


Sun Kening moved into Yufu Palace the next day.

The gate of Yufu Palace was guarded by Imperial Guards, and she was stopped outside the gate.

"Why can't you go in!"

Sun Kening pointed to the five carts behind her, her face flushed with anger.

"This is what I usually use. If you don't let me bring it in, how can you let me live here!"

The Janitor guarding the gate was a tall man with a square face, and he didn't fluctuate at all when he heard the words.

"That's the girl's business. The order I received is that no one is allowed to bring suspicious things in."

At such a tense time, not to mention the five carts of sundries, even a hairpin has to pass their inspection.

But if the girl doesn't let her test, she can only turn her away.

"In addition, the girl herself has to be searched before she can go in."

He put his face straight and glanced at the nanny beside him.

Mammy stepped forward, smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"Miss, please follow me to the guest room, and you can go in after searching."

"Why!" Sun Keying asked sharply.

I feel extremely insulted.

"Do you know who I am?" She raised her head angrily, and cast a disdainful look at the two of them.

"This girl is the eldest daughter of Lord Sun Qi, the elder sister of your concubine Jin, and also the future..."

Sun Kening paused, not daring to say the word "Queen".

"You treat me like this, and you want to search me. You really have the guts. Believe it or not, I will let my father read your book!"

What, because they also want to search their body.

Don't even look at who you are!
Sun Kening expressed her disdain vividly.

Rolling his eyes, he was going to pass the two of them and go straight inside.

She thought that when she mentioned her father, these people would not dare to be rude to her anymore, they would definitely apologize to her, and invite herself in respectfully.

After all, her father was a second-rank official at any rate, and even officials in the imperial court wanted to give him face, let alone a small guard.

However, her arrogant appearance did not scare the two of them.

Whether it is the imperial guards or the nanny, they are all guarded here by Gu Nanyan's order, so they dare not release water.

Even if the other party is the daughter of a high official, she can't compare to the princess' face!
What's more, the girl in front of me is not Sun Qi herself.

"Princess has an order. You can't enter without a body search. If you take a step forward, don't blame me for being rude!"

Fangzheng stepped forward to block the way.

Seeing this, other imperial guards also gathered around one after another, watching Sun Kening and his party warily.

The scene was very serious, but Sun Kening was not afraid at all.

In her opinion, the imperial guards are just watchdogs of the imperial city, and they are only worthy of carrying her shoes.

As for whether this is Gu Nanyan's order...

Sun Kening let out a disdainful snort from the tip of her nose.

She is about to become Gu Nanyan's wife-in-law, if she doesn't give this little face, she insists on having her body searched.

Then don't blame her for asking the emperor to drive her out of the palace!
Weiyang Palace has always been the queen's residence, it belongs to her!

Why did Gu Nanyan occupy the magpie's nest and stay in the palace.

Sun Kening was already spoiled, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Gu Nanyan had occupied her territory, and she was even more rude to the people she sent.

She didn't remember the words her father told her over and over again before she entered the palace.

"You dare to touch me and try!"

"Believe it or not, I will tell the emperor and let him punish you!"

It just gave her an excuse to take the opportunity to meet the emperor.

The emperor can even fall in love with someone like Sun Ying, and he must be astonished to see him.

If it goes well, maybe she will be given a title today.

After Sun Ying, a bitch, is convicted, she will be the only one who is qualified to be a queen!

Sun Kening's abacus made a crackling sound.

The voice was so loud that even Gu Nanyan, who was treating Sun Ying, could hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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