The farmer has a mall

Chapter 825 Miss Sun Family

"Who is making noise!"

Yun Xi frowned, and walked towards the inner hall dissatisfied.

"I don't know if the princess needs to be quiet for diagnosis and treatment, what are you doing so noisy!"

Master's hearing has always been excellent.

The noise spread from here to the inner hall, ordinary people may not be able to hear it, but the master can hear it clearly.

Because there are a few more goblins around her who are competing for favor with her, Yunxi has been in a bad mood recently, and now she has completely found an outlet.

She had never seen Sun Kening before, so she walked slowly to the door.

Seeing that the troublemaker was a strange woman, she frowned even tighter.

"Who are you, what are you doing in Yufu Palace?"

She is a martial artist and a background guard, her aura is not comparable to that of ordinary women.

Seeing her ferocious look, Sun Kening took half a step back guiltily, and her high-spirited aura fell short instantly.

"I am Concubine Jin's older sister, who are you?"

She glanced at Yunxi's attire, and saw that she was only wearing ordinary palace maid attire, and she was a little ashamed.

"Which servant in the palace are you, you don't know the rules, and dare to question Miss Ben!"

Yun Xi looked at her lightly with lowered eyes.

In order to attract Fu Tuo's attention immediately, Sun Kening dressed up carefully before coming.

She was wearing a pink wide-sleeved dress, and her black hair was combed into a bun.

There is a circle of butterfly-shaped bead flowers on the hairpin.

The tassels on the bead flower swayed under her movements, instantly dazzling.

Her small lips were painted with bright red lip balm, her cheeks were pink, and her fingertips were also dyed red Danko.

With that flamboyant dress, she knew that she was here to visit a doctor.

I didn't know that she was here for a beauty pageant!
Yun Xi secretly rolled her eyes, showing the aura of the number one court lady beside Gu Nanyan, and raised her chin slightly.

Looking down at people with the slits in their eyes.

"Where did the prostitute come from, dare to pretend to be the sister of the concubine Jin, could it be that she is impatient?"

"Who do you say is a prostitute!"

Sun Kening was furious when he heard it.

As if being poured with hot oil, the anger was instantly ignited.

"Whoever talks to whom."

Yun Xi wasn't afraid of her at all, and leaned against the door frame with her breasts in her leisurely form.

"Why, why don't you let me know that you can do this business?"

"Tell me clearly, what kind of business does this lady do, you bitch, believe it or not, I will punish you!"

Her clothes were carefully selected, and her makeup was painted by the most famous female master in the capital.

She actually said she was a prostitute!

Are you blind? !

Yun Xi: "I don't believe it."

who do you think You Are?

Your father dare not say such a thing.

She, Yunxi, has a master, who would dare to punish her except the master!

"You, do you know who my father is!" Sun Kening's eyes turned red with anger.

She was already aggrieved when the imperial guards stopped her at the door and refused to let her in.

Who would have thought that a slut came out of nowhere, and humiliated her when she opened her mouth.

She just pretended that Yunxi didn't hear her words clearly, and said through grinding her teeth, "This lady is the younger sister of the imperial concubine Jin, and the lady of Sun Qi and Mrs. Sun's family!"

Sun Kening's voice was so sharp that he was about to yell splits.

Yun Xi plucked her ears, and said in a leisurely manner: "Okay, I know you are a young lady, so there is no need to emphasize it."

The lady is the lady, what are you arguing about!

Are you afraid that others will not know?
Sun Kening: "..."

I don't know why, but I always feel that this bitch is scolding her...

Yun Xi pouted, of course she knew who Sun Kening was.

I also know what she came to enter the palace today.

It's a pity that the master obviously didn't want to see her, and when he asked her to come out to take a look, his tone was impatient.

Yun Xi felt that, as the No.1 by the master's side, she not only had to be a qualified hidden guard, but also became the master's interpretation flower!
Her ears moved and her eyes moved slightly to the right.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Nan Mei who was secretly lying on the roof and eavesdropping.

So the end of the shelf is more straightened.

Sun Kening really wanted to go up and slap this lowly maid who insulted her.

But whether intentionally or not, the square-faced man stood between the two of them.

Sun Kening couldn't reach her, so he could only vent his anger on the square-faced man.

"Are you deaf? You haven't heard this bitch insulting Miss Ben, and you haven't arrested her yet!"

What's wrong with her today, everyone is against her!

"My subordinates dare not. Miss Yunxi is the most trusted person around the princess, and my subordinates have no right to arrest people."

The square-faced man glanced at Yun Xi casually as he spoke.

The roots of his ears turned red.

He quickly turned his head away and cleared his throat.

"Girl, don't make trouble here. You'd better listen to Miss Yunxi and go back and forth wherever you come from."

Mr. Sanjin had told him about Miss Sun's coming to serve the sick today.

He originally thought that as long as the other party was willing to let them check, no matter whether it was a person or an object, it would be fine.

But listening to Miss Yunxi, the princess really doesn't want to see her!

He had no choice but to drive people away.

As for how the emperor will explain...

The square-faced man glanced at Yun Xi quietly again.

Even his cheeks were red now.

His mother said, women should listen to what they say.

Miss Yun Xi is so pretty, you should listen to her!

Sun Kening was taken aback.


Gu Nanyan?
Sun Kening originally thought that Yunxi was a servant of Yufu Palace, and wanted to order the imperial guards to take her down as sister Sun Ying.

When she heard that she was Gu Nanyan's person, she immediately fell silent.

Although she yelled fiercely and looked like she didn't take Gu Nanyan seriously, she really didn't dare to confront him head-on.

Sun Qi's advice can be ignored, but Wu Zhi's can't.

Before she entered the palace, Wu Shi gave her thousands of instructions to avoid Gu Nanyan.

But even so, she can't even give way to her servants!
"Then she can't say that Miss Ben is a prostitute, and also say, that I am in that line of work!"

Sun Kening stomped her feet and stared at Yun Xi angrily.

The square-faced man: "..."

He looked at Yunxi in embarrassment.

Miss Yunxi is beautiful and kind, but her mouth is a bit poisonous...

I don't know who I learned from.

"No matter what you do, this is not a place to make trouble..."

Sun Ke condensed his anger and fell back.

It doesn't matter what line of work she is doing.

What can she do!
These two are in the same group!
Mad at her! !
Sun Ke gasped for breath.

"Extremely true." Yun Xi continued to add fuel to the fire.

Although this woman has a face that needs to be punched, people want to punch her face at a glance.

But the master said, try not to do anything if you can make noise.

in order to avoid property damage.

Her clothes and jewelry seem to be quite valuable, and if they are broken, they will have to pay for money, which is not worth it!

Yun Xi was gearing up in her heart, planning to thoroughly practice what she had learned from her master.

"There is no man in Yufu Palace to flatter you."

Don't force her to do it!

I will tell you if it is broken and you will not be compensated.

Sun Kening is charming, but in the past, others gave way to her, so she has never met someone like Yunxi.

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