But when she entered the palace today, she couldn't even bring in a servant.

Those carriages containing her things were pushed in with the help of the guards guarding the palace gate.

Now the enemy is strong and we are weak, no matter how domineering she is usually, she has to endure it when she is in someone else's territory.

Sun Kening endured and endured, endured and endured...

In the end, I couldn't hold back.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Then turn around and run away.

The square-faced man wanted to tell her that you can't run around in the deep palace, lest you run into the nobleman.

But before she could speak, she ran away.

There was only a long line of carriages left, and the cart guards who looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Not bad, promising!"

Seeing that Sun Kening had run away, Yun Xi patted the square-faced man on the shoulder in relief, and gave him a look of "you are very good".

The square-faced man blushed even more, and said falteringly: "The girl is too famous, this is what a humble minister should do."

He cleared his throat.

Unavoidably, Yunxi noticed his abnormality, so she hurriedly turned her back.

"Girl, don't be angry because of this kind of person, this minister will truthfully report today's events to the emperor..."

He paused, didn't hear Yun Xi's words, and scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"That... Weichen's surname is Fang, and his name is Lian. If you don't mind the girl, you can call me Big Brother Fang..."

"Brother Fang..." A shrill voice came from behind.

Fang Lian was taken aback for a moment, and his face flushed instantly.

"Hey!" He responded nervously.

"Then Fang can call you Miss Xi from now on." He rubbed his fingers nervously, extremely nervous.

Miss Yunxi is really a good girl, she is capable of martial arts, and she is so approachable.

If I can marry her...

"Okay Brother Fang, why don't you just call my name, come on, read it to me, Yun Xi~"

The shrill voice came again, and Fang Lian, who was jumping happily, suddenly felt that the voice was a bit wrong.

He turned his head sharply.

He saw one of the guards guarding the gate with him pinching his throat, pointing at the orchid and flirtatiously winking at him.

And Yunxi...

Long gone!
"Brother Fang...hahaha!"

The subordinate blinked, seeing Fang Lian's dull face, he couldn't help laughing.

The rest of the gatekeepers also roared with laughter.

Fang Lian: "..."

"Brother Fang, you may have taken a fancy to Miss Yunxi."

The group couldn't straighten up laughing, and the displeasure brought by Sun Kening was instantly dispelled.

"Yeah, I look like it too. If you really have such thoughts, don't hide them. Miss Yunxi is the princess's person. Tell us brothers to help you come up with ideas..." Another person teased.

Fang Lian: "...I use your ideas!"

This is the default.

The few people became more enthusiastic when they heard the words, and they pulled Fang Lian and started asking questions.

I didn't notice it at all, but there were still two dark shadows lying on the roof to eavesdrop.

Nan Mei's eyes became brighter the more she listened, and she said eagerly, "Boss, how about we find a way to match them up and marry Sister Yunxi?"

Nan Chi: "...do you think she can listen to you?"

Although she also wanted to, but Yun Xi was obviously not a master who could be manipulated by others.

"Listen or not, you have to try."

Nan Mei narrowed her eyes: "Why don't we tell the princess about this and ask the princess to help..."

Nan Mei squinted at her.

"Calm down, Yunxi has been with the princess the longest. According to the princess, how could it be possible to match two people just because of you."

During the few days she was by the princess's side, she could see clearly.

Yunxi obeys the princess, and the princess trusts Yunxi a lot.

The relationship between the two is like master and servant but not like master and servant.

It is beyond the reach of others.

Although the princess was very kind to her and Nan Mei, she was not as close as she was to Yunxi.

"With all this time, it's better to do more and think less about crooked people."

How could she not be clear about Nan Mei's thoughts.

It's just like a child, competing with Yun Xi for favor.

Not bad actually.

Nan Mei pursed her lips and snorted coldly, got up and jumped off the roof as if angry.

Of course she knew that the princess liked Sister Yunxi better.

She was just a little reconciled.

Besides, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, she just wants to make progress.

Nan Mei turned her head to look at Fang Lian, who was still blushing, and quickly swept towards the inner hall.

Gu Nanyan pulled out the needle for Sun Ying, and stuffed the infusion into the medicine box she carried with her.

"You can feed her some rice soup today, don't eat for now, your mother can't digest it now."

Sun Ying recovered faster than she expected, and now she can slowly swallow some soup.

However, her internal organs were severely damaged, and she could only drink two mouthfuls of rice soup, but she still couldn't eat broth.

"Remember to give a smaller amount, half a teacup is fine." She reminded again.

The servants in the palace responded and stepped forward to tuck Sun Ying in the quilt.

Sun Ying was awake, but unfortunately she didn't have the energy to speak, so she could only look at Gu Nanyan gratefully.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was about to leave, Sun Ying opened her mouth, and then looked at the maid beside her.

His eyes were full of anxiety.

"Is your empress thirsty? This servant will bring you a glass of water."

Seeing this, the maid hurriedly went to fetch water and fed it to her with a small silver spoon.

But Sun Ying dodged her head slightly.

With her eyes sunken due to illness, she looked at Gu Nanyan imploringly.

The maid didn't know why, and wanted to feed it again, but was stopped by Gu Nanyan.

Sun Ying had just finished the infusion, and her body was not short of water, which obviously did not mean that.

She sat down on the bed again.

"You want to ask about the Zhao family?"

Gu Nanyan told her about her physical condition early in the morning.

Apart from the Zhao family, in this situation, she probably didn't have the time to think about anything else.

Sure enough, Sun Ying's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she nodded with difficulty.

Gu Nanyan did not hide it from her, and told her the current situation of the Zhao family in detail.

"Although no one has been caught yet, according to Xue'er's confession, she was indeed ordered by Zhao Kun. As for whether you will be implicated, it depends on what he will say at that time."

"In addition, the Zhao family is now under the control of the local government..."

Seeing Sun Ying's anxious eyes, Gu Nanyan hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, we just sent officers and soldiers to surround Zhao's house, and they didn't enter the prison."

After all, it's just Xue'er's one-sided statement, and the government can't arrest people without evidence.

Sun Ying felt relieved, and turned to look at Gu Nanyan worriedly.

"Mother..." She opened her mouth and exhausted all her strength to spit out a single word.

Of course Gu Nanyan didn't think she was calling him.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Zhao's family is also fine, but your father locked him in the mansion, unable to leave the house, unable to enter the palace to see you."

Sun Ying's eyes were stained with guilt when she heard the words, and her eyes turned red immediately.

It was she who made her mother hurt!

Mother was already living a difficult life, and being implicated by her would probably make her father even more unpopular.

And Wu Zhi, because he was neglected by his father before, now he is afraid that he will take all the grievances on his mother...

Sun Ying closed her eyes, tears streaming down her temples.

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