Sun Kening ran to Liuyun Palace and cried to Sheng Rui for half an hour.

"She is just a court lady, what right does she have to treat me like this, she must have been ordered by Gu Nanyan!"

Unlike Sun Ying who was dying, Sheng Rui seemed to be in good spirits today, and sat upright in front of the dressing table after sweeping away the previous sluggishness.

Try on the hairpin in the jewelry box.

"You also know that she is just a court lady, why are you so angry."

She compared it with the bronze mirror for a while, and felt that the lotus hairpin in her hand was not suitable for today's makeup, so she changed another one.

"Wait for me to seal the post one day, and help you clean up her."

When Sun Kening heard the sound of crying, a touch of disdain welled up in her heart.

Her father is a privy envoy, if anyone is said to have the most strength to sit in that position, it is undoubtedly her.

What is Sheng Rui?
Still delusional, without any self-knowledge.

Sun Kering curled her lips secretly.

However, she didn't show her disdain, she wiped away her tears with a corner of the handkerchief, and reluctantly said: "What I'm saying is, I just think Gu Nanyan is too arrogant, treating the whole palace as her own home."

As she spoke, she moved her buttocks, and said with an unclear expression:

"I'll forget it myself, you are the emperor's woman, if she also makes things difficult for you in the future, what should I do?"

After that, she glanced at Sheng Rui cautiously, with an expression of feeling worthless for her.

"Everyone says that a married daughter spilled water, not to mention that Gu Nanyan was married to the country of Jianan, so I am no longer from Anyang."

"On the other hand, she doesn't have any self-awareness at all, and she still stays in the palace. At her age, she should have been out of the palace a long time ago. How cheeky!"

Sun Kening pursed her lips, not knowing whether it was anger or jealousy, she angrily grabbed the silk handkerchief in her hand.

She is considered favored at home, but if she really gets married one day, no matter how much her mother loves her, she will not allow her to live at home for a long time.

Not to mention father.

"The emperor and the overlord are happy to keep her in the palace, so what if you don't agree."

Sheng Rui sighed, and suddenly lost the mood to dress up, and slammed the exquisitely crafted step shaker back into the box.

"Anyway, she won't be staying in Jianan for long, and she'll be back soon."

Gu Nanyan kept her word in the palace, even the emperor listened to her.

If you live for a long time, no one else will be able to live!

Sheng Rui suddenly felt that it was a wise decision for Empress Wei to send her to the Gu family to raise her.

If not, the emperor and the overlord would not be willing to marry her so far away.

"That's not what I said. Although she will leave, Weiyang Palace still belongs to her." Sun Kening disagreed.

"When there is a queen in the harem, where will I live? Queens have always lived in Weiyang Palace. Could it be because she broke the rules of the ancestors?"

"Even if the civil and military officials are willing, don't you feel ashamed?" She looked like she was thinking of Sheng Rui.

Damn Gu Nanyan, dare to let a mere servant insult her!

Sun Kening sneered.

She can't take revenge herself, can't she instigate others!

Even if her mother found out, she just said a few more words, and she couldn't blame her.

How could Sheng Rui not see Sun Kening's cleverness.

If she is a little fox, then Sheng Rui's Taoism can be her ancestor!
But she was right, Gu Nanyanjiu occupying the magpie's nest is really hateful.

She pursed her lips and remained silent for a while.

Thinking about the fact that one day she will become a queen, but she will not be able to live in the queen's exclusive place. Wouldn't it be ridiculed if the name is not right?

"I'll talk to my grandfather about it."

In the Ministry of Rites, my grandfather still has a few colleagues who can talk.

"You should mention it to your father when you go back, and ask him to talk about it with the Minister of Rites."

She sat there with her back straight, and habitually looked at Sun Kering with lowered eyes.

Sun Kening was a little dissatisfied with her attitude like ordering her servants, and finally endured it, and pulled the corners of her mouth with a fake smile.

"I see. I'll tell my father when I get back."

It was what Sheng Rui ordered her to do.

It's not that she didn't listen to her mother and deliberately provoke Gu Nanyan.

Seeing that she was obedient, Sheng Rui was very satisfied.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the lotus hairpin from the jewelry box and handed it to Sun Kening.

"It's not suitable for me to wear this hairpin, so I gave it to you." The tone was like giving alms.

Sun Kening: "..."

She was about to refuse, but Sheng Rui impatiently stuffed the hairpin into her hand.

"Why are you being polite to me? There will be more good things in the future. We are relatives after all. I won't treat you badly."

Sun Kening held the pretty but not excellent lotus hairpin, and slowly squeezed her fingers tightly.

Sheng Rui has always been like this.

He thought that the things she didn't want would be treasures for others, and he would be grateful for picking up her rags.

What an amazing thing she has!
It's just that she stepped into the harem first.

Even now, she is still a concubine, and she still thinks that she is the eldest lady of the Grand Master's Mansion?

Sun Kening wanted to spit in her face.

After thinking about it, I endured it again.

She took a deep breath and said goodbye to leave the palace, and broke the hairpin in two as soon as she walked out of the palace gate.

Then he shook his head dismissively and left.

What virtue!It seems that the position of queen must be hers.



She is the future queen, okay?
But the most important thing for her now is to go back and file a complaint.

Tell me about her being kicked out of Yufu Palace.

Father will definitely try his best to help himself!
Since the servants of the Sun family didn't expect her to leave the palace, they disappeared long ago.

In desperation, Sun Kening had no choice but to hire a carriage from the side of the road, take a shortcut and drive home, and then...

got tied up...

The person who tied her up was Gu Nanyan, who she cried all morning.

She didn't do it herself, but let Nan Mei go.

Nan Mei stopped the carriage halfway, leaped down from the fence handsomely, and lifted the curtain of the carriage.

Before Sun Kening could see the face of the person in front of her clearly, Nan Mei gave her a stick in the head.

Sun Kening fainted on the spot, and she was so completely unconscious that she didn't wake up until she was carried into the dungeon.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She still wanted to ask a few words.

"Dead?" she asked Nan Mei.

Nan Mei shook her head: "It's still alive."

That stick was a bit heavy, and I haven't lifted it yet, so I won't know it after a while.

"Oh." Gu Nanyan sighed.

Somewhat disappointed.

"Do you want me to hire a doctor for her?"

"No need." Gu Nanyan shook her head vigorously.

Let her fend for herself!
As the saying goes, the scourge will last for thousands of years, she believes that this girl will be absolutely fine.

A master and a servant walked out while talking.

Sun Kening, who was lying alone on the cold ground, and Xueer, who was next door to her, was staring at her angrily.

After Nan Mei sent Gu Nanyan away, she turned back.

It's just that this time he didn't stay inside, but jumped onto the beam.

It took a full hour for Sun Kening to wake up leisurely.

She opened her eyes in a daze, not knowing where she was for a moment.

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