The farmer has a mall

Chapter 828 Killing You to Vent Your Anger

Sudden pain in the side of the neck.

She couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and the picture before she lost consciousness appeared in her mind.

Then there was an "ah", screaming and about to sit up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as there was a movement, there was a tingling pain in the scalp.

Xue'er passed through the iron railing with both hands, and grabbed her hair fiercely, her small eyes were full of resentment.

"Bitch! You actually framed the concubine Jin, I will beat you to death today!"

Xue'er frantically grabbed Sun Kening's hair and bumped it against the iron railing, her face was ferocious, as if she wanted to tear her apart and eat her.

"Ah! Let me go!"

Sun Kering yelled in pain, and subconsciously stretched out her nails to scratch the hand that was holding her hair.

The long nails drew a few bloodstains on the back of Xue'er's hand, and blood beads immediately ooze out.

However, as if she didn't know the pain, she grasped it even tighter.

"Why do you want to join forces with Yunbi to frame my master, my master is such a good person, why did you frame her!"

As she talked, as if she was not relieved, she began to hit her head on the ground again.

That thumping sound was painful to hear.

Nan Mei, who was hiding on the beam of the house, grinned, not intending to go down to rescue her at all.

Instead, it looked like a good show.

Sun Kening was already severely beaten by Nan Mei's stick, but now she was hit more than a dozen times in succession, and she was dizzy, and she couldn't hear what she said clearly.

"Who are you, when did I frame your master, let me go, it hurts..."

Sun Kening burst into tears.

Xue'er had been hungry for the past few days and hadn't eaten. She was only holding on with a burst of anger, and she lost her strength after tossing about for a while.

Panting, she let go of Sun Kering's hair, and sat down on the ground.

His eyes were still fiercely staring at the other side.

Feeling that the restraint above her head was gone, Sun Kening scrambled to sit up, and at the same time retreated to the corner with her arms supporting the ground.

Only then did she see Xueer's face clearly.

"It's you!" Sun Kening exclaimed.

"How will you be here!"

She rubbed the back of her head with a big bump, and didn't care about pursuing Xueer's beating her, and looked around.

When it was discovered that this was a dungeon, the whole person froze.

She remembered that she had just left the palace and hired a car to go home, how could it be...

"It's Gu Nanyan! It must be Gu Nanyan, right!"

Sheng Rui told her that Xue'er was taken away by Gu Nanyan, and seeing her here now, Gu Nanyan must have taken her here!
It has to be said that Sun Kening, who was in a hurry, was quite smart, and he guessed who the culprit was.

"What does she want to do!"

She grabbed the iron railing in panic and slapped it hard a few times.

"Help, is there anyone outside, let me out!"

"Don't shout, the dungeon of Weiyang Palace is very remote, no one will pass by here." Xue'er sneered.

"Framed our empress, with such a vicious heart, you deserve what happened to you!"

"When did I frame Sun Ying!" Sun Kening glared at Xue'er angrily.

All this before her was something she had never experienced before. Realizing the danger, she was irritable and continued to slap on the iron railing.

"You stabbed the person. The person who instigated you was Sun Ying's cousin. The target was Sheng Rui. It's none of my business!"

"Do you dare to say that you didn't cooperate with Sheng Rui to set me up?" Xue'er raised the corners of her lips sarcastically, "Don't think I don't know, Zhao Kun must have accepted your favors, otherwise why would it be such a coincidence..."

It happened that Zhao Kun showed up, and the two started running to Yufu Palace every day.

It happened that Sheng Rui dodged the knife.

It happened to be stabbed on her mother's body again!

Xue'er was locked up for a few days, and after she calmed down, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

Sun Kening was choked up, still sternly refusing to admit it.

"That's Sun Ying's bad luck! Who made her just stand there..."

"Then it's your unlucky luck this time, who just happened to let you fall into the hands of the princess!"

Xue'er had a cold face, her eyes full of gloom.

"I might as well tell you the truth. The girl who kidnapped you just now said that you designed the princess to lure her out of the capital. The princess was furious and decided to kill you first to vent her anger, and then slowly deal with Sheng Rui. "

"You bullshit!"

Sun Kening's face turned pale with fright: "How dare she..."

"Why not, she is a princess!" Seeing her trembling appearance, Xue'er smiled in relief.

"The princess has always acted like this. She killed countless people on the battlefield, let alone you as a woman."

It's really a feng shui turn, and the retribution is not good.

Sun Kening also has today!
When she was in the mansion before, she often bullied the empress, and repeatedly attacked the empress.

At that time, the empress was so soft-spoken that she didn't even dare to resist, so she could only grit her teeth and endure it.

Xue'er has long disliked her.

Seeing that she couldn't stand still in panic, she raised her head and laughed and burst into tears.

"Alright, it's an irreversible fact that the maidservant has hurt the empress. If she doesn't have the face to see the empress again, she will die anyway. It's good to have the young lady and the maidservant as companions."

Thinking of the scene that day, Xue'er couldn't help crying.

She really regretted listening to the young master Biao's words and trapping her mother in an injustice.

The empress and his wife were imprisoned again!
But it's too late to regret.

All she could do was apologise.

After the princess found out the matter, she killed herself.

Sun Kening's eyes widened in disbelief, and when she saw her sad face, she didn't seem to be telling a lie, and instantly fell limp to the ground.

"That's what the man who kidnapped me really said?" She tentatively asked.

"It's not a man, it's a woman in black." Xue'er frowned, as if she thought her hearing was bad.

Sun Kening believed it even more.

She did see a woman in black before she was knocked out...

"But...but I really can't blame me for this..."

Sun Kening suddenly lost his mind, and wrapped his arms in fear.

Opening a pair of almond eyes, he said anxiously: "I just went to Yufu Palace with Sheng Rui a few times, and I didn't do anything else."

Everything was written by her mother and Sheng Rui!
She was just a bystander and didn't remind Sun Ying.

This is also human nature, after all, one of the parties is her mother.

So why did Gu Nanyan spread fire on her!

"When you get down to the underworld, explain to Lord Yan yourself." Xue'er said coldly, not feeling sorry for her at all.

"However, according to Shengrui's character, I am afraid that after your death, all the crimes will be pushed on you, and even if you have a mouth, you will not be able to speak clearly."

Sheng Rui...would put the blame on herself?
Sun Kening gritted her teeth.

It's not impossible, that woman is vicious and cruel in the first place.

Not only cruel to others, but also cruel to yourself.

Otherwise, how could she put herself in danger and use herself to lure Xue'er to draw her sword!

This kind of thing is not good, but she is the one who gets hurt!

There was a moment of silence in the dungeon. Seeing her in a daze, Xue'er's eyes flickered.

"However, I'm curious about one thing. What did you use to bribe Zhao Kun? As far as I know, the Zhao family is not short of money."

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