Chapter 829
With the help of Gu Nanyan, the god of wealth, Zhao's franchise stores have gradually started to make profits.

And the Zhao family knew in their hearts how they stood out from many more powerful merchants than them.

Without Sun Ying, the Zhao family's franchise store might not be able to survive.

After all, the right to speak is in Gu Nanyan's hands.

Giving up on Sun Ying is tantamount to giving up the fat in his mouth, which can be described as extremely stupid.

The Zhao family is obviously not stupid.

Otherwise, he would not become a wealthy businessman in their area.

At least I won't pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon for a little profit.

So Xue'er felt that Zhao Kun, the next heir of the Zhao family, would definitely not do such a thing because of the word "profit".

"Is it possible that he was granted an official position?" She asked.

Not impossible.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have the lowest status.

Does Zhao Kunxu want to change the court?
Sun Kening was thinking about what Xueer said just now.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Sheng Rui would definitely blame her for all the crimes in order to get away.

Anyway, there is no evidence of death.

Hearing Xueer's doubts, she sneered,
"A person like him doesn't need the temptation of an official position, as long as..."

"Just what?" Xue'er asked eagerly.

Sun Kening closed his mouth and looked at her warily.

"Why are you asking these things?" Why did she feel that this lowly maid was trying to trick her?
Xue'er glanced at the beam inadvertently.

"I'm just curious."

"What are you curious about?" Sun Kening subconsciously followed her to the beam.

Nan Mei frowned, held her breath, and retracted her figure into a corner.

"What else can I do, he has harmed me and my empress, I can't ask!"

Xue'er suddenly raised her voice, angrily, and successfully attracted all of Sun Kering's attention.

She didn't look at the beams again.

"So what if I just told you, you are now locked up here like me, and you still want to seek revenge from that rascal."


Xue'er was puzzled.

Although Zhao Kun was born in a merchant family, he is talented and polite, and has a good reputation.

Even his wife, who has never met this nephew, often compares him with the children of the capital.

It is said that if he was born in an official family, he must be a handsome young man who would be overthrown by the noble ladies in the capital.

Although after meeting Zhao Kun, she felt that Madam was exaggerating.

But to be praised by his wife from time to time, at least he wouldn't be a rascal.

"Isn't it just a rogue, who takes the money and doesn't do anything and still sits and raises the price. Calling a rogue is flattering him."

Sun Kening's tone was full of disgust, which showed that he really looked down on Zhao Kun.

Xue'er heard more and more wrong.

"Are you talking about Zhao Kun from the big house of the Zhao family?"

Zhao's ability to become the leading wealthy businessman in the local area relies on the word "integrity".

The master of the Zhao family even included these two words in the family rules, and taught the younger generation to be honest.

The Zhao Kun Sun Kening was talking about didn't sound like someone from the Zhao family.

Sun Kening didn't answer her.

She is now pacing up and down the cell, trying to figure out how to get out.

Just like what Xueer said, Gu Nanyan might really want to kill her to vent her anger.

She must not sit still!

But what can she do, a weak woman with no strength to restrain her?
Seeing the time passing by, Sun Kening was very anxious, for fear that the person who arrested her would suddenly come in and stab her to death with a sword.


After listening to Nan Mei's words, Gu Nanyan tapped on the table silently.

After a while, he ordered: "Yunxi, go to Brother Huang and ask if Zhao Kun has been caught."

Yun Xi answered yes, exited the hall without looking sideways, and jumped into the night.

Nan Mei watched her figure disappear.

"The qinggong of this subordinate is not bad." She said suddenly.

Gu Nanyan looked at her unexpectedly.

"So?" Do you want me to praise you?
Is this girl's vanity too strong?
Nan Mei lowered her head and said hesitantly: "If the master needs to run errands, he can also order his subordinates to go..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

So this girl is not a compliment, but wants to do more work?

These days, even the hidden guards have to find work on their own initiative...

so much competition?

"Nan Mei! Shut up!" Nan Qi, who was standing beside her, reprimanded dissatisfiedly.

"You can do whatever the master asks you to do. When is it our turn to give the master orders!"

The ranking of the nine of them is based on their strength.

Among them, Nan Mei's talent was considered the highest, although she was ranked second, she was the last to enter the Dark Guard Camp.

It also received the least amount of training, so it has a more lively personality.

At the beginning, Long Yi took a fancy to her, so he picked her out, and sent her to his master along with the other eight people.

But Nan Chi felt that Nan Mei seemed a little too lively.

Even the rules of the hidden guards are forgotten!
The master is the master, and the orders of the master cannot be disobeyed.

Even if you let them die, you have to listen obediently!

Nan Qi grimaced.

It's fine to talk nonsense in front of her on weekdays, but it's also so unruly in front of the master.

It seems that after going back, she has to make her familiar with the rules of the hidden guard again.

So as not to offend the master in the future, implicate the other sisters and follow her to be punished!
Nan Qi's displeasure was written on his face, even Gu Nanyan could feel it.

Nan Mei pursed her lips even more, and clenched her fingers nervously.

In fact, she was not like this before, but during the time she followed her master, the master treated them very well, so she relaxed for a while.

Thinking of Nan Ji's usual means of punishing and copying, Nan Mei's face also collapsed, as if life would be worse than death.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She looked at Nan Chi and then at Nan Mei, and cleared her throat.

"Brother Huang is more familiar with Yunxi, so she will go faster."

Yun Xi has already passed the Ming Road, and is the person Fu Tuo gave her, so she can enter the imperial study room openly and aboveboard.

But Nan Mei can't, she can't let her sneak in, if she is treated as an assassin, it will be very lively.

"Besides, I have other things to tell you to do."

"You find a way to bring Sun Kening out of the dungeon, so that she has the opportunity to contact outsiders, remember, don't make her suspicious."

Nan Mei's eyes immediately lit up when she heard the words, she swept away the depression just now, and answered yes energetically.

Then stepped back quickly.

Before going out, he gave Nan Qi a smug look.

Nan Chi: "..."

"Could the master get too used to Nan Mei?" She said helplessly.

"The subordinates feel that she has been a little impetuous recently and always wants to compete with others. This is not what a secret guard should do."

Nan Qi, who grew up in the Dark Guard Battalion, has engraved the rules in his bones, and strongly disapproved of Nan Mei's behavior.

Gu Nanyan squinted at her: "What's the matter, I'm used to her, are you jealous?"

Nan Chi: "...This subordinate doesn't mean that."

Would she be jealous of Nan Mei?

Jealous of her talking and acting out of her head?

Nan Mei expressed her disdain, and quietly glanced at Gu Nanyan.

She has absolutely no such idea!

She was also very envious of Yunxi.

(End of this chapter)

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