The farmer has a mall

Chapter 830 Set fire

Chapter 830 Set fire
"I'm good to you, too." She pointed to the guide.

"Look, you still question Bengong's decision, I don't dislike you, do I?"

Nan Qi's complexion changed.

Only then did I realize that I was questioning my master just now!

She immediately knelt down on one knee and said in shame: "This subordinate knows his mistake, please punish me!"

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. She is afraid that she has been with Nan Mei for too long, so she has forgotten the rules!
Nan Chi blamed himself endlessly.

Gu Nanyan smiled, stood up from the chair, walked to her side and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't be too serious about being a person, otherwise you will be very tired. As long as you can complete the tasks I gave you on time, you are all good comrades."

"There's nothing wrong with a healthy competition once in a while."

She has long seen Nan Mei's dissatisfaction with Yun Xi.

I haven't talked about her all the time, because in her opinion, this is not something worth reminding.

She said it on purpose, but it was not good for the relationship between the two parties.

On the contrary, such a way of getting along can make Yunxi and Nanmei develop a revolutionary friendship faster.

After hearing Gu Nanyan's words, Nan Chi lowered his head in shame.

"The subordinate thought too much, thinking that she would annoy Miss Yunxi by doing this."

Compared to Nan Mei, the master obviously trusted Yun Xi more. If there was a conflict, she was also afraid that Nan Mei would be punished.

"Besides, Nan Mei's temper is the most unsteady one in the Dark Guard Camp. The subordinates are really afraid that she will cause trouble for the master."

"If you cause trouble, you will cause trouble. As long as you don't do evil, you are afraid that I won't be able to protect you."

Gu Nanyan waved her small hand, raised her head confidently, and showed all her arrogance.

Nan Chi pursed his lips, moved and funny.

It is their luck to be able to follow their master.

Although the treatment of the dark guard camp is not bad.

But for some reason, only with her master can she feel a sense of belonging.

The Dark Guard Camp is also her home, but the feeling is very different.

Nan Chi lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.


Nan Chi predicted that Nan Mei would get into trouble sooner or later.

But I didn't expect this moment to come so fast and suddenly...

The dungeon is flooded.

Nan Mei set fire to it.

Nan Chi was completely Spartan, looking at the raging flames at the entrance of the dungeon, unable to recover for a long time.

Gu Nan, who was watching the situation together, twitched the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the dungeon full of scorched marks, Gu Nanyan almost felt angina.

She shook her finger, pointing at the flame that could not be extinguished, but burned more and more vigorously.

She turned her head tremblingly and asked Nan Mei: "What did you use to burn it?"

Why is it getting bigger and bigger!
Nan Mei scratched her head: "It's nothing, it's just the buckets of black water that the princess keeps in the warehouse."

black water...

Fuck oil!

You are so clever! !
Gu Nanyan's eyes widened and she was on the verge of falling.

"Is it all poured in?"

she asked with a trembling voice.

That's a whole five big iron buckets!

Enough to refuel her steam car dozens of times! !
If it really all fell in...

Gu Nanyan's expression was blank.

Weiyang Palace is estimated to have to be rebuilt.

"That's not true." Nan Mei's words made Gu Nanyan heave a sigh of relief.

However, before the breath was over, he hung up again.

"The dungeon is not very big, so I don't need that much, I only poured a bucket."

Gu Nanyan: I thank you for being so economical.

It's also fortunate that you are saving money, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pay for my loss if I sold you!
Gu Nanyan patted Nanmei's shoulder in relief.

He said kindly, "Thank you for your hard work, I will leave the rest to you."

Nan Mei puffed out her chest excitedly.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her turbulent waves, and smiled more kindly.

"In addition, the cost of repairing the dungeon will be deducted from your salary, and your salary for this month will be gone!"

After saying that, I left without looking back...



Chaos in the southern charm wind.

"Why is the master deducting my wages?"

She also planned to send money to buy a new dagger!
She has been looking at the one for a long time, and she is short of this month's wages!

Nan Mei expressed that she wanted to cry.

Nan Chi glanced at her inexplicably, sighed, then turned around and left as well.

Now she is relieved.

Knowing that the master is not just pampering her, but also punishing her.

Although the way of punishment is a bit different from what she imagined...

But based on her understanding of Nan Mei, she will also reflect on herself after this time.

After a major event in his mind, Nan Qi's mood improved obviously, leaving Nan Mei behind and went back to the house to rest with peace of mind.

Sun Kening watched Gu Nanyan walk past her, terrified in his heart.

She swaggered so ostentatiously, she clearly saw herself but didn't try to hide it at all.

Did she not care if she knew about it, or...

There is no need to care at all!
Could it be that what Xueer said is true, that Gu Nanyan really wants to kill herself to vent her anger?
Sun Kening, who was a little suspicious that Gu Nanyan would not dare to kill her, suddenly panicked.

This time she really panicked, she looked desperately at the Weiyang palace servants who were busy putting out the fire back and forth, through the iron cage where she was locked up, she wanted to grab someone to ask for help, but no one wanted to talk to her, they didn't even look at her She glanced.

It was as if she was just a cloud of air, and no one could see her at all.

"Don't waste your energy, those who can walk around the inner hall of Weiyang Palace are specially selected by the emperor for the princess. They are the princess' confidantes, and they will not save you."

A young eunuch squatted beside the iron cage, eating melon seeds and watching everyone busy.

On the other side of him was a cage, in which lay Xue Er, who was covered in smoke and black, unconscious.

The little eunuch didn't go to put out the fire, but just squatted between the two cages to watch the fun, probably sent by Gu Nanyan to watch them.

Sun Kering clenched her lower lip, feeling extremely humiliated.

Does Gu Nanyan treat her like a dog?

Lock it in a cage and let people watch it!

"It's none of your business, what are you!"

Although described as desolate, facing a young eunuch, Sun Kening can still boss her around.

Hearing the words, the little eunuch didn't make trouble, shrugged indifferently, and moved half a step to the other side.

"A slave is nothing, just a gatekeeper in Weiyang Palace. If you feel that the slave has offended you, just stop talking."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head away and pointed the back of his head at Sun Kening, but he really stopped talking.

Sun Kening only heard the noisy footsteps and the sound of him cracking melon seeds.

The little eunuch seemed bored, so he greeted another eunuch of the same age passing by, but the other eunuch gave him a blank look and ignored him.

The little eunuch curled his lips and continued to eat melon seeds.

Seeing this, Sun Kering's eyes flashed.

She hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sorry, I was too harsh."

She seemed very sorry, with an apologetic look on her face.

"You also know that I was arrested by Gu Nanyan, and I might die tonight... I'm really not in a good mood."

Speaking of the last two sentences, her heart really sank to the bottom, and her eyes were full of fear.

The little eunuch stopped eating melon seeds, hesitantly said: "I understand, and I don't mean to blame you, but how did you offend the princess and let her treat you so cruelly?"

(End of this chapter)

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