The farmer has a mall

Chapter 832 Denial

Chapter 832 Denial
Xiao Jinzi took the letter written by Sun Kening and left quickly.

It wasn't until he could no longer see Sun Kening's figure that he turned back from another road and headed towards the sleeping hall.

At that time, Gu Nanyan was already waiting.

"Thanks for your hard work." She took the letter paper with a smile, and asked Yunxi to give him a reward.

Xiao Jinzi took it happily.

"You don't have to work hard, the servant. Just ask the princess if you have something to do. The servant will definitely go through fire and water for you."

What he said was swearing, with a firm expression on his face.

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment: "There is indeed one more thing..."

Little Jinjin patted his chest: "Princess, tell me!"

"I don't know if you are interested in changing careers. How about setting up a troupe for you to play a role?"

Little Gold:? ? ?


In the end, Gu Nanyan failed to get Xiao Jinzi to change careers.

the reason is simple.

This person looks like five people and six people, but who knows that he has a tone deafness!
After howling a few times at the scene, I almost didn't send her away!

The magic sound that makes people's blood flow backwards pierces the ear, which is similar to the sound wave skill in martial arts novels.

Gu Nanyan resisted the urge to cut off his ears and drove them away.

Xiao Jinzi was wronged.

He is a young eunuch with dreams. Before entering the palace, he liked to listen to operas, and he often imagined that he would stand on the stage one day.

I also thought that one day when I grow older, I will find a troupe to stay with.

Even if it's just a gong or a drum.

The princess's suggestion didn't just hit his heart!
Xiao Jinzi, who was disliked by Gu Nanyan for his broken voice, didn't want to lose this opportunity, so he asked her eagerly if she still wanted to be part of the theater troupe, and he could be a handyman.

Seeing his expectant look, Gu Nanyan couldn't bear to refuse.

So he said: "You go back and sing the song well before talking about it... at least people can hear what you are singing, and the troupe's matter... let's talk about it!"

After finishing these words with difficulty, she covered her ears and ran away.

Xiao Jinzi was full of surprises and couldn't help but thank Gu Nanyan from behind.

Then he swaggered forward and went back to his post in good spirits.

That night, nearly a hundred people in Weiyang Palace lost sleep.

From time to time, ghostly screams sounded in my ears, high and low, like crying and laughing.

It seems that a grieving ghost has come...

As a result, rumors of ghosts spread in Weiyang Palace.

It is said that this ghost is quite powerful and dares to show up during the day.

Just hovering at the gate of the palace.

For a while, Weiyang Palace was even more desolate, not to mention visitors, even the palace people had to go around.


Zhao Kun was quickly arrested and brought to justice, and Fu Tuo was the first to interrogate him because he was involved in the harem.

Zhao Kun is about [-] years old and has a good appearance. His skin is slightly dark because he has been running business all the year round.

However, this does not affect his appearance, but makes him look more stable and reliable.

Gu Nanyan looked at him for a moment and then looked away.

"Why did you instruct Xue'er to assassinate Concubine Yun?" Fu Tuo asked.

Zhao Kun's hands were tied behind his back, but his spine was still straight, and his eyes didn't dodge.

"The grassroots don't understand what the emperor means."

His voice was the same as his appearance, rigid and serious, not at all like a businessman, but like a teacher.

The first time I met Shengyan, I didn't panic at all.

"Caomin just came back from the Western Regions three days ago, and was arrested by officers and soldiers as soon as he entered the border town. It is still unknown why he was arrested, let alone why the emperor asked such a question."

He frowned, "I don't know who Yun is?"

Fu Tuo narrowed his eyes: "Are you refusing to plead guilty?"

Zhao Kun shook his head slowly: "You can't admit what Caomin has never done."

"Then when did you go to the Western Regions?" Fu Tuo asked again.

"I left home about two months ago and arrived in the Western Regions more than a month ago."

He paused when he said this: "Caomin has a customs clearance document on his body, if the emperor doesn't believe it, he can go and check it."

Hearing this, Fu Tuo glanced at Sanjin, and Sanjin hurried forward to search him.

Sure enough, he found the customs clearance document in his skirt.

This thing needs to be stamped by the government before it can be released, and it cannot be faked.

But that doesn't mean that it was he himself who left the Western Regions with the documents.

After all, this is an ancient time when people are recognized by portraits, and only the general characteristics of the holder are written on the document.

It is also easy to cheat if two people are similar in stature and appearance.

"Are you trying to say that you did not instigate this matter, and you have never entered the palace?"

Gu Nanyan closed the customs clearance document and handed it back to Sanjin.

Sanjin hurriedly showed it to Fu Tuo for inspection.

Fu Tuo: "..."

Although he didn't mind his sister looking over first before it was his turn.

But who is Sanjin this guy?

Fu Tuo took the document and gave him a blank stare.

Sanjin: It's so difficult to be a slave.

Who told you to dote on the princess so much, the servant is also a person who knows how to look at the eyebrows, okay?

Besides, he was also on the way, who would let the princess get close to the prisoner?

If you bring it over to you first, and then turn it back to the princess, you will be unhappy again!

Why are there so many problems! !

San Jin sighed.


From Jianan Kingdom to the Western Regions, one must first go to Daliang, and then pass through several towns in Daliang to reach the Western Regions.

If it is true as he said, it is indeed impossible for him to go to the palace on the tenth day and instigate Xueer to assassinate.

Fu Tuo asked people to bring Xue'er to Weiyang Palace.

While waiting for Xue'er, Gu Nanyan asked intentionally or unintentionally: "I have taken a fancy to a piece of purple jadeite from Concubine Jin and wanted to take it back and make it into a hairpin, but unfortunately the size is not suitable."

She slowly took a sip of the tea, and said with a hot breath, "I heard that Zifei was given by your father? I don't know if there is a bigger one."

Zhao Kun was taken aback, "Yes, there are, but although Zifei are all purple, they have different shades, I wonder which piece the princess is looking at?"

"It was your father who gave it to Concubine Jin, it seems to be just that one piece, don't you know?"

"This... father sent too many things to Beijing. At that time, Caomin was about to leave for the Western Regions, so he didn't have time to check them all. I really don't know which one it is."

Gu Nanyan nodded, "Then you admit that the Zhao family sent something to the palace?"

"Yes, my father did order someone to send something to the palace as a token of his affection."

More than ten years ago, my grandfather was ordered by my aunt not to show up in Sun's residence.

Every time my second uncle was asked to deliver something to my aunt, Dongxia who was beside her was also responsible for supporting her.

Don't dare to send too much, so as not to attract attention.

This time when the cousin entered the palace, the father discussed with the grandfather and sent a lot of good things.

It can be regarded as the Zhao family's compensation to the aunt and cousin.

Zhao Kun was puzzled, wondering why the cold-looking princess in front of him asked these questions.

Fu Tuo didn't know why she asked this.

But he knew his sister, so he must have a reason to ask, so he didn't interrupt.

He just turned around and ordered Sanjin to collect all the purple jadeite in his private treasury and send them to Weiyang Palace.

San Jin: "..."

The princess just said it casually for the trial of the case, and you took it seriously.

Sanjin secretly rolled his eyes.

There is no one who can spoil my sister like this.

If you become a queen in the future, what will you do if your sister-in-law doesn't get along with you!
(End of this chapter)

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