The farmer has a mall

Chapter 833 True and False Zhao Kun

Chapter 833 True and False Zhao Kun
Xueer was quickly brought over.

"Come and take a look, do you know this person?" Fu Tuo did not reveal Zhao Kun's identity.

Xue'er raised her head when she heard the words, and her eyes fell on Zhao Kun who was at the side.

Zhao Kun was very magnanimous, without any intention of hiding it.

"Master Cousin!" Xue'er seemed surprised.

"Are you sure he is Zhao Kun?" Gu Nanyan frowned.

This didn't match what she knew.

Xue'er came back to her senses, and looked carefully for a moment.

Frowning and shaking his head.

"No, you are not the cousin..."

"If you mean Young Master Biao, you mean the eldest son of Empress Jinfei's natal family, then I am indeed." Zhao Kun said.

Xue'er was even more surprised: "Impossible!"

"Although you look somewhat similar to Young Master Biao, and your figure is also similar, but it wasn't you that this servant saw in the palace..." She paused when she said this.

His face quickly turned pale.

She glanced at Gu Nanyan, and saw that the other party nodded slightly in agreement.

I was so frightened that I couldn't even kneel steadily.

"But, but if you are Young Master Biao, then...who is it that is meeting my empress!"

"Of course it's a fake." Fu Tuo said lightly.

"Three catties, bring people up."


Sanjin sternly shouted out of the hall.

The sound of armor rubbing against each other sounded.

Two Praetorians dragged one in.

The man was dressed in rich and noble clothes, with his head bowed, and his messy hair was dragged by the two of them.

Throwing him on the ground and kneeling down, the two guards did not leave, they stood by and stared at him cautiously.

"Look again, do you recognize this person?" Fu Tuo asked Xue'er.

Xue'er turned her head sideways, her sight was blocked by the other party's messy hair, so she couldn't see clearly.

One of the Praetorians grabbed the man by the hair and threw his head back, revealing his true face.

"This is Master Biao!" Xue'er said bitterly.

"Are you sure?"


Although the man's face was a bit dirty and had a lot of blood stains on it, Xue'er still recognized him at a glance.

Regardless of the shackles on the bracelet, she rushed up to punch and kick the man.

"Who the hell are you, why did you want to kill me, and even implicate my mother!"

If he hadn't said that Concubine Yun was going to kill her, how could she have taken the risk of assassinating her.

But in the end, this Young Master Biao turned out to be a fake!

When the princess asked her to help test Sun Kening that day, she had some doubts why the princess asked her to test Zhao Kun.

So it's not too surprising to know the truth.

And Gu Nanyan had long suspected that this "Zhao Kun" was not that Zhao Kun.

the reason is simple.

The Zhao family has business dealings with her now, and Zhao Kun is one of the main persons in charge, so she still knows a little about his itinerary.

Zhao Kun did set off for the Western Regions two months ago, at least that's the news she got.

Therefore, after the accident, Gu Nanyan was very confused, and immediately ordered someone to check the customs clearance registration.

It does have Zhao Kun's name on it.

If it was just like this, she wouldn't have doubted that the Zhao Kun who entered the palace was a fake.

The key point is that at the gate of the capital, there has not been a businessman named Zhao Kun registered recently.

In other words, either "Zhao Kun" sneaked in over the city wall, which is almost impossible.

Or use someone else's identity to register at the city gate.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan sent people to move all the registration forms for entering the city from the ten days before "Zhao Kun" appeared to the day when he first appeared in the palace to Weiyang Palace.

Check it out for yourself.

Mark out suspicious people one by one.

Among them, the one who made her most suspicious was a businessman surnamed Wu.

There are not many people with the surname Wu.

The only one she knew was Sun Qi's wife - Wushi.

So she asked someone to check the household registration of the businessman surnamed Chawu, and it was in Wuzhi's hometown.

More importantly, this person has a close relationship with Wu Zhi!
Back then, Wuzhi's parents died young, leaving behind not only Wuzhi's child, but also the concubine that her father gave birth to when he was having a good time outside.

That is, Wu Zhi's half-brother.

It's just that Wuzhi's mother has a bad temper and educated her father very well, so she never dared to take her home, and only bought a small yard outside to raise her.

Wu Zhi only found out about this when her parents were at the funeral.

Later, she came to the capital and never contacted him again.

until she gets married.

Her cheap brother is not bad, and he sent congratulatory gifts from thousands of miles away.

Although they never showed up, the two families have been in touch since then.

Later, Wushi gave birth to a daughter, and when he learned that Brother Qiai hadn't married yet, he personally acted as a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for him.

The marriage finally came to fruition, and not only did it succeed, the two also gave birth to a boy in the second year.

"You mean, he is the eldest lady's natal nephew?!" Xue'er said in surprise.

"That's right, he is indeed Wu Zhi's nephew, it's true."

Gu Nanyan smacked his lips, looked at the real Zhao Kun's face, and then at the fake Zhao Kun, and had to admire Wu Zhi's foresight.

"But why does he look so similar to Young Master Biao, and he looks much older than Missy..." Xue'er couldn't believe it.

The eldest lady she was talking about was Sun Kening.

Since Wu Zhi was the matchmaker after giving birth to Sun Kening, he should be younger than Sun Kening.

Xueer was completely dumbfounded.

She and the empress would easily believe that he was the cousin, on the one hand, it was because his identity had to be verified before entering the palace.

Another aspect is his face.

It is indeed two points similar to her family's second wife.

"Perhaps it's because he grew up in a hurry, and because he deliberately dressed up, he looks older than your mother. As for his appearance..."

"That's because there is a blood relationship between the fake Zhao Kun and the real Zhao Kun."

Gu Nanyan's words were like thunder, not only stunned Xue'er, but also scared Zhao Kun.

"What do you mean by the princess?" Zhao Kun frowned.

"My Zhao family has strict rules and regulations. The elders keep themselves clean, and no children are left outside. Is there any basis for the princess to say this?"

He frowned like an old master and looked at Gu Nanyan. There was no fear in his eyes when others saw Gu Nanyan, but a trace of disapproval.

It seems to be saying that Gu Nanyan has insulted the reputation of his parents.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

No wonder the second son of the Zhao family mentioned that this nephew always looked scared when he signed the contract with her.

Just his old-fashioned face.

It is estimated that the popularity at home is not good.

"Of course I have a basis. No matter how strict your Zhao family's family rules are, you still want to marry your daughter out?"

"Wu Yuanchuan is the child of your Zhao family's daughter and Wu's brother."

Zhao Kun still didn't believe it: "My Zhao family doesn't have a daughter married to someone surnamed Wu."

"That depends on which Zhao family you are talking about."

Gu Nanyan adjusted her posture and leaned on the back of the chair.

"According to what I know, Grandfather Ling also has a younger brother who was a concubine. After your great-grandfather passed away, he split up and went to other places. Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Kun suddenly realized: "There is indeed such a thing. Caomin's uncle and father did not get along. After the division of the government, there was almost no contact. He had never even seen him when he worshiped his ancestors."

Therefore, it is normal for his grandfather not to know about their family's marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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