Chapter 834
Zhao Kun is smart.

After listening for a long time, I finally figured out what happened.

Could it be that the person pretending to be him is actually the grandson of his uncle?
Zhao Kun's face immediately turned dark.

If you think about it with your heels, there must be something strange in it!

Otherwise, thousands of miles away, how could it be a coincidence to marry Wu Zhi's elder brother!
And according to the princess, this was the same year his aunt Zhao entered the Sun family!
Zhao Kun's face was somber, more like a serious old gentleman.

At this time, the drowsy Wu Yuanchuan finally came to consciousness.

Seeing Fu Tuo sitting on top, he crawled to the ground with a plop.

Five-body cast.

"The emperor spares my life, the emperor spares my life... The villain was really wronged, and the villain was forced!"

He howled so loudly that the eaves shook.

Crying like mourning.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her ears, and gave Yunxi a wink with her teeth bared.

Yun Xi grabbed the dishcloth she had prepared long ago, and flashed to Wu Yuanchuan's side in an instant.

He stuffed the rag into his mouth.

Wu Yuanchuan: "Woooooh..."

Gu Nanyan: Well done!
"So were you wronged or forced?" she asked.

"If you say that you have been wronged, I have evidence here, and I have physical evidence, and I can guarantee that you will be convicted of murder, and you will only die in the end."

She threw the register in front of him.

"If you were persecuted, by whom, and how the other party persecuted you, think it through before you talk."

"If it's the latter, as long as you can name the mastermind behind the scenes and provide strong clues, you may still be able to save your life."

Gu Nanyan coaxed him like abducting a child.

"I, Caomin, Caomin was forced!" Wu Yuanchuan quickly changed his words when he heard that the other party had evidence.

"There are old and young in Caomin's family. If they were not forced to do such a rebellious thing! Please check the princess and the emperor!" He crawled forward a few steps, as if he wanted to hug Gu Nanyan's leg.

Yun Xi noticed it in time and kicked him out.

Wu Yuanchuan had already been tortured, but this kick almost cost him half his life.

This kind of person has the audacity to disregard human life, there is nothing to be pitiful about, Gu Nanyan just pretended not to see his miserable appearance.

"Then tell me who is persecuting you."

"Yes... I don't know who Caomin is, but that person is covering his face..."

"Then is he a man or a woman, and how did he threaten you?"

"It should be a man." Wu Yuanchuan's eyes flickered, and he moved his body uneasily.

"He said he captured Caomin's newborn child and asked Caomin to pretend to be Concubine Jin's cousin and send something to the palace..."

Gu Nanyan sneered upon hearing this.

Shit child, pretend she doesn't know!

This guy doesn't even have a daughter-in-law, so where are the children!

Androgynous? !

Some people don't cry when they don't see the coffin, they have already been arrested, and they dare to hide it.

"Brother Huang, I think what he said should be true."

"Since we can't catch the mastermind, why don't we just treat him as the mastermind and sentence him, after all, it's just a formality. If we catch someone, we can give Concubine Jin an explanation."

Fu Tuo nodded seriously when he heard the words.

"What the emperor said is very true, I am busy with government affairs and don't have so much time to delay, come here!"

As he spoke, he wanted someone to drag Wu Yuanchuan out and lock him up.

Wu Yuanchuan's complexion changed drastically.

"The grass people are wronged, the grass people are wronged!"

how so!
Shouldn't the emperor find a way to find out the mastermind and at the same time release him, a helpless commoner? !
This is different from what my aunt said!

Wu Yuanchuan desperately shouted for grievances, but no one paid any attention to him even though his throat was broken.

Seeing that he was about to be dragged out of the palace, he finally couldn't help the fear in his heart.

"The grass people say, the grass people say everything!"

Still no one paid him any attention.

Gu Nanyan lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking, while Fu Tuo sipped tea from a cup of tea without lifting his eyelids.

"It's my aunt, it was Cao Min's aunt Wushi who instructed me!"

Gu Nanyan raised her head when she heard the words, exchanged a glance with Fu Tuo, and grinned triumphantly.

Fu Tuo shook his head amusedly.

San Jin had someone drag him back with a wink.

"Wushi you mentioned, but Sun Qi is Mrs. Sun's official wife?"

It was Zhao Kun who had been silent all this time who asked this question.

He knew since he was a child that his aunt was married to be a concubine in the capital, and she was not well received by the principal.

But he didn't know that the woman was so vicious that she wanted the life of the little cousin!

It is conceivable how much wronged my aunt has suffered all this time.

If my grandfather knew about it, I'm afraid he would have a heart attack again.

Zhao Kun's heart ached, and at the same time he hated Wu Yuanchuan even more.

Except for him, no one present, including Xueer, was surprised by this answer.

Ever since Gu Nanyan found out Wu Yuanchuan's identity, Wu's participation in it was a certainty.

The most important thing now is whether the Wushi vine that Wu Yuanchuan shook out can reach the melon Sheng Rui.

Wu Yuanchuan, who was frightened half to death, sold Wuzhi completely.

With Xue'er testifying, it is basically possible to convict Wu Zhi.

At this time, Wu Zhi was hurriedly pacing back and forth in the closed room.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and she thought it was the butler who had gone out to inquire about the news, so she hurried over to open the door.

"How, is Wu Yuanchuan really arrested?" She asked impatiently.

Then she saw a figure rushing towards her.

Wushi subconsciously dodged away with a scream.

The housekeeper, who described being in a mess, threw his head on the ground and passed out limply.

Wu Shi raised his head stiffly, and saw Sun Qi looking at her gloomyly with a face that couldn't be darker.

"Master..." Wushi swallowed, and pulled the corners of his mouth pretending to be calm, "Why are you here?"

Didn't you say you're going on a business trip today, and you won't be back until early tomorrow morning?

Wu Zhi had a bad premonition, and glanced at the housekeeper lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown.

"What's wrong with the housekeeper?"

"I was beaten up by my people, and I just fainted from the pain."

Sun Qi's tone seemed to be the same as usual, it could be considered soft.

But for some reason, Wu Zhi always felt that his words were eerie.

"Why do you have such a heavy hand?"

Wushi smiled awkwardly, and subconsciously let go of his right hand holding the door frame.

"If you make a mistake, teach it slowly, you are all old people in the house..."

"Since you are an old man in the mansion, you shouldn't make some mistakes."

Sun Qi bought it in big strides, and walked towards Wushi without blinking.

"What's more, what he did has hurt my official career. Do you think I should fight?" He gritted his back teeth and said the last few words.

Even the blue veins on the forehead are bulging, which shows how angry he is.

Hearing what he meant, Wu Zhi's heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

Sun Qi was still wearing court clothes, obviously just came out of the palace.

Wu Zhi's face was pale, and he was forced to take a few steps back, almost tripping over the wooden bench behind him.

Did he already know?

She pretended to be calm, frowned and reprimanded: "What is the master doing? Could it be that he got angry in the palace and ran to Mrs. Ben to vent his anger!"

So what if he knew!
Wushi bit his lip and glanced at the ground.

She never showed her face from the beginning to the end of this matter, including the housekeeper who came into contact with Wu Yuanchuan.

As long as she doesn't admit it, and then keeps the butler's mouth shut, no one will be able to wrong her!

As for how to keep the butler's mouth shut...

With a hard look in Wu's eyes, he pulled out the hairpin on top of his head and stabbed at the butler's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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