Chapter 835

"Presumptuous!" Sun Qi raised his big foot and kicked Wu Zhi in the heart.

"This officer is here, but you dare to kill me!"

Sun Qi's forced calm immediately dissipated, and with an angry look on his face, he kicked again, flying the hairpin in Wushi's hand.

"Don't kill me, wait for the master to question the concubine?" Wu Shi sneered.

The best time to kill someone and silence her was over, so she simply broke the jar.

"There is an excuse to completely expel the concubine from the Sun Mansion. I am afraid that the master has been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Since she married this man, although she has a bad temper and often loses her temper with him, everything she has done has been paving the way for him.

If she hadn't tried her best to fight for it, and went to Mrs. Sheng every now and then to cry and complain, how could the old grand master help him sit in his current position!
It is estimated that a third- and fourth-rank petty official will send him away.

But he is not only ungrateful, he is the first one to abandon once he gains power!

At this time, Wushi hated Sun Qi very much.

She even accepted Zhao's family into the mansion for his reputation, and divided her husband in half!
It's fine if there is no return for the effort, and the favor will be repaid.

How can she not hate this!
"Sure enough, you did it!"

How could Sun Qi understand Wu Zhi's hatred, he just felt that he was going to explode with anger.

He never expected that it was his wife who held him back!

"You are so vicious! Why do I have any grudges against you, and why do you want to spoil my good deeds!"

The youngest daughter is abolished, and the position of queen is no longer destined for her.

Although the eldest daughter has entered the palace, it is still unclear whether she will be promising in the future.

He made a good move.Let this bitch be ruined like this!
Sun Qi wished he could kick her to death to vent his anger.

"I'm vicious?"

Wu Zhi seemed to hear something funny, and started giggling.

I couldn't keep my eyes open when I laughed.

"Master, don't you feel bad for saying this? If it's about viciousness, my concubine's body is no match for you..."

Enduring the pain, she stood up slowly with her elbows on the ground.

"Even your own daughter can be used as a tool for you to climb up. If you die, you will only worry about your own interests. Are you not vicious?"

"This officer is focusing on the overall situation, what do you know, a woman!"

"It's really nice to say, as if who cares about your overall situation." Wu Zhi laughed sarcastically.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!" Sun Qi became furious, and with a wave of his big hand, Wushi was caught by his servants.

"You made a big mistake today, and your instincts handed you over to the emperor, but for Ke Ning's sake..." He narrowed his eyes.

"For the time being, I will send you out of the capital, and I will send you out after the matter subsides."

In the end, Sun Qi was still reluctant to part with the status he should have obtained, and he still expected that Sun Kening could win the game for him.

Therefore, he did not dare to go too far with Wu Zhi.

It's a pity that he only knew that the assassination matter was found out on Wu Shi's head, but he didn't know that Sun Kening was also locked up.

The most urgent thing at the moment, all he can think of is to send Wu Zhi far away.

If the emperor finds out the truth and convicts her, he can disregard the relationship and say that it was all Wu Zhi's own idea, and he has already sneaked away without telling him.

Maybe even crying and complaining will get some sympathy from the emperor.

If there is no evidence that can convict Wu Zhi in this matter, he can easily explain to his daughter.

He just said that he sent her away for Wu Zhi's safety.

The big deal is to pick it up again.

Sun Qi's abacus sounded loudly, and immediately he had Wushi stuffed into a borrowed steam car and rushed towards the city gate.

However, what he didn't expect was that Gu Nanyan had guarded against his move early in the morning, and asked Fu Tuo to issue an order to replace the guards of the gate tower with his own people.

Wu Zhi, who was hidden under the seat, had nowhere to hide, and was dragged into the palace with his people and the car.

Wu Yuanchuan's confession has basically been collected, and he is only waiting for Wushi to be arrested.

Wu Shi did not admit it at first, it was Wu Yuanchuan who framed her after killing her.

Wu Yuanchuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

When the housekeeper of the Sun's residence approached him, but Wu Zhi himself didn't show up, he kept his eyes open.

Wu Shi was suspicious by nature, even though the housekeeper belonged to her, she didn't trust her very much.

She definitely wouldn't tell him all about such a terrible matter.

Every time she had an important order, she would inform Wu Yuanchuan in a letter.

All these autographed letters were left by him.

Hidden in the brick wall of the residence.

Fu Tuo immediately ordered someone to take the letter back.

The handwriting did not match Wuzhi's usual handwriting, it was written by her left hand.

It's not hard to tell.

Wuzhi was in a state of mourning, and never thought that her nephew, who was always respectful to her, would be wary of her.

It also left evidence.

She sat slumped on the ground with ashes on her face.

"My wife is not reconciled..." She looked forward in a daze, and her gaze happened to meet Gu Nanyan's.

"I can not be reconciled!"

"Why! I am obviously a noble girl, but I was condescended to marry a white body, and I managed to make it through."

"But that bitch of the Zhao family rebelled against the army!"

Wu's face was ferocious, and he stared at Gu Nanyan firmly.

"Everyone says I'm jealous, but what's wrong with me!" She shouted, her eyes full of rage.

It seemed that he had endured it for too long, and Wu Zhi was trembling with excitement.

"I'm not greedy for power and wealth, and I'm not a person who loves money. I chose to marry in vain because I want to share joys and sorrows with him. From then on, we will be a couple for the rest of our lives. What's wrong with me!"

"Why, why are you all doing this to me!"

She seemed to be crazy, struggling hard to get rid of the person who imprisoned her.

However, her strength is too weak, and it will be futile in the end.

Wushi covered his face, the sobbing sound resounded through the imperial study room.

Gu Nanyan sighed.

Her idea was right, what was wrong was that she chose the wrong person and used the wrong method.

Reborn in the wrong era...

In ancient times, if you want to be a couple for a lifetime, it is better to seek to usurp the throne, and it is easier to be an empress with three husbands and four attendants.

"So you did all this just to get all of Sun Qi's sincerity?" Gu Nanyan shook her head to express her disapproval.

Wu Zhi said coldly: "Sincerely? I have never expected such a thing. I just want him to put me first in everything, and only let me be around, even if he is forced."

"Then you did it?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Wu Shi's mentality was already out of balance.

Maybe it was because her parents were not around, and she was not close to her only brother, so she cared about Sun Qi, the person next to her pillow.

Trying to control everything about him.

However, it is futile after all.

"You're going the wrong way." Gu Nanyan looked at her without pity.

No matter what she did for it, she shouldn't hurt anyone's life!

"There is not only one way to live in a hurry for decades in one life. You shouldn't confine yourself in a cage and hope for something that is already extremely rare."

It's not that there are no infatuated men in the world, but it's a pity that there are none.

If you meet the right person, you don't need to do much, he will see you as the only one.

If the wrong person...

Everything is in vain.

It's better to let yourself go, put all your energy on yourself, live as you are happy, this is fun!

(End of this chapter)

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