The farmer has a mall

Chapter 836 Wife Misses Him

Chapter 836 Wife Misses Him

Wu Shi stared blankly at Gu Nanyan, as if thinking about her words.

Gu Nanyan had no intention of talking to her, leaving the mess to Fu Tuo, and swaggering away with Yun Xi.

Looking at the back of my sister leaving, there is a kind of indescribable chic.

Fu Tuo's eyebrows were tightly knit together.

"Why do I feel that Yanyan is like an extraterrestrial expert, and his words are more pure and ascetic than that pure monk."

Fu Tuo rubbed his chin: "Could it be that Li Yi made Yanyan wronged?"

No way, that guy follows Cigarette's butt all day long, and whenever he has time, he will come up to him to find a sense of presence.

On the contrary, it was Yanyan who ignored people's answers and ran all over the place, making Li Yi chase her away, even looking tired and flustered.

Let Yanyan be wronged...

He has that bear heart and leopard courage?
Fu Tuo doesn't think so.

After thinking about it for a long time, it can only be attributed to the nature of my sister.

Seeing that his master hadn't spoken for a long time, Sanjin didn't know what he was thinking, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Your Majesty, how do you think Wu Zhi should be dealt with? And Miss Xue'er..."

Sanjin felt that the princess seemed to want to protect Xueer, but no matter what she said, she stabbed the concubine Jin, so it seemed inappropriate to let her go.

What's more, that day she went for Concubine Yun, and Concubine Yun would definitely be dissatisfied if others would not say anything.

Fu Tuo came back to his senses, thought for a while and said, "Wu Shi will be imprisoned in the prison for now, and Xue'er will be handled by Concubine Jin herself."

He was not afraid of Sheng Rui making trouble.

This matter has nothing to do with her.

Now that Wu Zhi has been arrested, when she gets the news, it will be too late to find a way to protect herself.

How can I care about such a small person like Xue'er.

After Fu Tuo gave the order, he squinted his eyes, got up and went directly to Sheng Rui's Liuyun Palace.

An hour later, the news that Concubine Yun was thrown into limbo spread throughout the palace.


Gu Nanyan first went to Yufu Palace to take a look at Sun Ying.

Seeing that she was fine, she returned to Weiyang Palace.

The palace people I met along the way all stopped and saluted in awe, without daring to take a breath.

They were also very cautious in the past, but not as nervous as they are today.

Gu Nanyan was baffled, and after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't think of what unconscionable things she had done recently to make these people so afraid of her.

She didn't know that one of Sheng Rui and Wu Shi was thrown into limbo, and the other was thrown into prison, all of which were blamed on her.

Everyone didn't know the truth, and they only thought that anyone who Gu Nanyan didn't like would be in trouble.

If it is light, it will suffer from flesh and blood, and if it is severe, it will not be far from death.

Who dares to mess with this!

Don't you see Mrs. Sheng, who has white hair and a childlike face, has a red face, and she lost her old life after only confronting the princess a few times.

And that Sheng Rui, probably also affected by the old grand master, was thrown into the cold palace shortly after entering the palace.

As for Wushi...

Needless to say, she must have offended the princess too!

Gu Nanyan didn't know that she had been blamed for no reason.

She stayed in Weiyang Palace for a few days, thinking that her stay in Anyang would not be short, and Jianan still had matters waiting for her to deal with, and she was thinking about returning in these few days.

So she ordered Yunxi to have someone pack some of them as a salute first, so that she wouldn't be in a hurry when she set off.

Fu Tuo was very reluctant when he found out, and hurried over from the imperial study, wanting her to stay for a while longer.

"I plan to make Sun Ying the empress. She is not in good health and can't get up. See if you can find a way for her to survive the empress ceremony."

Having said that, in fact, even if there is no empress ceremony, as long as the imperial decree is issued and the phoenix seal is granted, Sun Ying is still a legitimate queen.

He said this just because he wanted his sister to stay for a few more days.

"When will the post-sealing ceremony be held?" Gu Nanyan asked.

She was not surprised by Fu Tuo's decision. To him, Sun Ying's health and whether she could give birth to a prince were not the most important.

The important thing is that Sun Ying's identity is appropriate.

Her father, Sun Qi, was implicated by Wu Zhi, although after investigation, he really did not know what Wu Zhi did.

But it is hard to escape the punishment of lax family management.

From the former second-rank privy envoy to the current third-rank privy envoy.

The position of Privy Envoy was replaced by Fu Tuo's people.

The queen's natal family is only a third-rank official, and the father and daughter are at odds, so it is undoubtedly the best choice for Fu Tuo.

What's more, Sun Ying's infertility may also be the reason why Fu Tuo chose her.

"The post-sealing ceremony has been fully prepared and can be held at any time." Fu Tuo said lightly, taking a sip of tea.

"It depends on when you think it's appropriate."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes.

What I said, if I didn't know it, I thought it was her marrying a wife!

"If you are not in a hurry, it will be half a month later."

Although he slanders his brother for being outspoken, he still needs to help when he is busy.

"I have a medicine that can refresh a seriously ill person for half a day. If you don't have a lot of activity, it's no problem to last until the end of the post-seal ceremony."

"It's just that Sun Ying is still too weak, taking this medicine now is not good for her health."

At least wait until she can sit up, half a month should be enough.

Fu Tuo nodded, "Then I will trouble Yanyan."

"What's the trouble, just pay a little more for the correction fee when the time comes."

According to the custom in Anyang, the newlyweds have to pay the younger brothers and sisters in the family to change their mouths.

Depending on the condition of the bride's family, the more you give, the more valuable the bride is.

Gu Nanyan herself is dismissive of this kind of bad habit, but it is a local custom, and she can't change it just by saying it.

It's better to ask for a little more, and it seems that the bride is noble.

Anyway, the money came out of Sun Qi's pocket.

Don't be in vain!
Gu Nanyan happily planned to cheat Sun Qi for money.

Fu Tuo was funny, his eyes flashed and he reached out to rub Gu Nanyan's hair.

Gu Nanyan turned his head quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"I still touch my head when I'm old, so that people can see what it looks like!" Gu Nanyan said with a serious face.

After all, she is also a dignified country... No, the princess of the Three Kingdoms!
What a shame to be patted on the head!

Is she shameless! !

Gu Nanyan stayed away from Fu Tuo defensively, and rolled his eyes at him.

Fu Tuo looked regretful.

Since getting married, my sister has become less and less close to him, and she won't let her head be touched.

How can I live in the future!

That fellow Li Yi must have said something to sow dissension, and taught him to be obedient!
Jianan Kingdom.

Prince Sheng's Mansion.

Afterwards, Li Yi felt chilly, and the chill rushed straight to Tianling Gai.


He sneezed big, and looked at the big sun outside the house inexplicably.

What's the matter, did you catch a cold?

It's been quite warm recently.

Or is someone talking about him behind his back?
Li Yi narrowed his eyes.

Definitely is!
It must be that the daughter-in-law misses him and is talking nicely about him to others!

Li Yi raised the corners of his mouth happily, looking quite happy.

Gu Yunge on the opposite side: "..."

He looked down at the sea trip budget form in his hand.

What happened?
Talk too much?
If you are not satisfied, just say it, what are you doing with such a penetrating smile!
"This budget is inappropriate." Li Yi suddenly said.

Gu Yunge acted like I knew it.

He just wanted to explain that the risks of going out to sea are unknown, and a little more budget means more protection.

Then I heard Li Yi say in a deep voice: "It's too little, at least five times more, or it won't be enough for my wife."

"Go back and re-draw!"

Gu Yunge: "..."

Your wife is a pig, eat five times!
(End of this chapter)

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