The farmer has a mall

Chapter 837 Handle

The post-sealing ceremony will be held half a month later.

The process went smoothly, except for Sun Ying's complexion was a little ugly, and a small episode happened, the rest was perfect.

Gu Nanyan also saw someone at the ceremony, Sun Kening.

She entered the palace with Sun Qi, and Mrs. Zhao was also with her.

Sun Kening's complexion was also very bad, and he looked downcast, cowering like a frightened bird.

It was very different from the arrogant and domineering temperament before.

When she saw Gu Nanyan, her body, which had lost a lot of weight, trembled visibly to the naked eye.

His face was as white as a ghost.

Xu was frightened by Gu Nanyan's methods, she quickly lowered her head, tightly clenched the handkerchief in her hand, trembling all over, almost unable to stand.

Wuzhi was still imprisoned in the sky prison. Although he was not sentenced to death, he was sentenced to exile.

Along the way, it is estimated that if you don't die, you will have to peel off your skin.

The rough fate of the second half of his life is almost doomed.

And Sun Qi was demoted, and now his status in the court is not even as good as when the old grand master was still there.

Career life is tough.

As for Sun Kening, although she knew Wu Zhi's plan, she was basically a bystander.

Fu Tuo sold Sun Ying's face and released her unscathed.

The man let go, but was terrified.

It's impossible to try to do bad things all day long.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan's gaze fell on him, Sun Kening was on the verge of falling.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao smiled and helped her up, smiled kindly at Gu Nanyan, and nodded slightly in greeting.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly, then looked away.

Judging by Zhao's face, she must have been living a very smooth life recently.

Without Wushi making troubles, Sun Qi would have to act according to her daughter's face, and her future life would be smooth.

The grand ceremony was cumbersome, and Gu Nanyan felt drowsy watching it.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, there were bursts of noise in the distance.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" The woman's eager voice sounded.

Gu Nanyan looked along the source and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Your Majesty, this concubine has been wronged. I have never had any ill intentions towards Concubine Jin, so how could I join forces with her to kill her? This concubine was framed!"

Sheng Rui was crying and fussing, and rushed forward with all her might.

However, the imperial guards guarding the periphery didn't give her a chance and stopped her where she was.

"What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you take him down!" Wei Tianlu, who was dressed in chain armor, shouted in a deep voice.

He frowned, with his right hand resting on the saber, as if it would be unsheathed at any moment.

He walked over with a gloomy face.

Gu Nanyan watched with a smile.

I don't know if it's because of Wei Hong's training, but Wei Tianlu has matured a lot recently, showing the demeanor of a general.

Due to various reasons, Wei Yangjun won most of the hearts of the people.

In addition, Fei Qiang, who grew up in a martial arts family, assisted him.

He is now in the army like a duck to water, very easy to get away with.

Gu Nanyan expressed his relief.

Look at the high platform on the opposite side that is flush with your side.

Wei Hong was still sitting in a wheelchair, Wei Zhenzhen with a big belly stood on his right, and Fei Qiang, who was as strong as a hill, stood on his left.

The two siblings whispered from time to time, with smiles on their faces.

And Wei Hong looked at Wei Tianlu's back, also smiling, and slowly stroked his goatee.

The family looked very happy.

"Who dares to touch me!"

"I am the emperor's woman, and even more the daughter of the Grand Master's Mansion. You bastard, dare to touch me!"

Sheng Rui's hair was disheveled, and he pointed at Wei Tianlu and cursed viciously.

Although Wei Tianlu has calmed down a lot, he is still too young and has little experience.

Facing the shrew-like Sheng Rui, he stopped before touching Sheng Rui's hand.

Sheng Rui sneered complacently when he saw that he was frowning, not daring to touch him at all.

She took two steps forward.

She leaned towards the Imperial Forest Army who was blocking her.

The Imperial Forest Army's face turned green, he hesitated for a moment, and stepped aside.

Sheng Rui was thrown into the cold palace, but the status of concubine was still there, even if they touched a hair, they would be punished.

"Don't think that I don't know what happened to you in Ning's house before, if you don't want me to show it to you in public, get out of the way!"

Her body seemed to be Sheng Rui's support, and she leaned straight towards Wei Tianlu.

Wei Tianlu's face sank instantly.

Standing quietly on the spot, neither moving away nor taking the next step.

"Bring her here." Gu Nanyan said suddenly.

But it was to Nan Mei who was hiding in the dark.

Without saying a word, Nan Mei flew down from a high place, and after a few jumps, she threw Sheng Rui in front of Gu Nanyan, and then disappeared.

Everyone was shocked.

This is in the imperial palace, and the Queen's Sealing Ceremony is being held!
Except for the emperor, no one can bring guards, let alone hidden guards.

But Gu Nanyan asked the hidden guards to come out to arrest people without any concealment.

Looking at the emperor's appearance... there seems to be no unexpected reaction.

Apparently already known.

The princess is really favored!
The ministers sighed again.

But she said that Sheng Rui was thrown at Gu Nanyan's feet, knocked on his forehead, tears were about to fall from the pain.

She looked up at Gu Nanyan bitterly, and wanted to get up.

However, Nan Mei, who had disappeared just now, seemed to have forgotten something and reappeared in front of people.

Chao Sheng Rui's calf was "lightly" mended.

Sheng Rui let out a scream, and Nan Mei disappeared again without stopping.

Everyone bared their teeth.

On the ruthless or princess ruthless.

Even the hidden guards around him are so insignificant...

Not far away, Sun Kering shrank back when she saw this, and hid behind Mrs. Zhao.

"What do you want to shake?" Gu Nanyan ignored her painful expression and looked at Sheng Rui with lowered eyes.

"Don't you know why you're shaking?"

"I don't know."

Sheng Rui endured the pain and sneered: "The good thing about Wei Tianlu and Ning Zongyuan, you can hide it from others but not me."

A man and another man...

This is simply the biggest shame of the Wei family!

Great-grandfather had already told her when he wanted to use this matter to get married to the Wei family, and this was the only reason she had the confidence to bribe the guard eunuch to come here today.

She didn't believe it, relying on this trick, Gu Nanyan dared to do something to her!
Her words fell into the ears of Wei Tianlu who came after him, and Wei Tianlu's face turned pale instantly.

The hand holding the hilt of the sword was slowly clenched.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids and glanced at him.

"Tell me, what's the secret between my cousin and that thief Ning Zongyuan?"

Before Sheng Rui could answer, Gu Nanyan stood up and looked at the bewildered officials with his hand.

"At the beginning, the Wei family was framed by traitors and slaughtered. In order to avenge the Wei family, my cousin endured the humiliation and hid beside Ning Zongyuan. How did it become an unspeakable thing when it came to your mouth?"

She said it so generously, without any intention of hiding it.

Sheng Rui was a little puzzled, but didn't think much about it.

"Hiding? It's nice to say, his relationship with Ning Zongyuan, do you dare to say it!"

"Why not!"

Sheng Rui predicted that she would not dare to publicize it in order to protect the Wei family.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan raised her voice, and said seriously to everyone: "In order to hide my identity, my cousin did not hesitate to put himself in danger, but the thief has a deep scheming heart and has not shown his feet for many years."

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