"The cousin had no choice but to pretend to be close, to flatter, and finally won the trust of the thief, and wanted to adopt him as... a foster son!"

She paced up to Sheng Rui, and knelt down: "Although there is a suspicion of admitting that the thief is his father, it is also to avenge that bloody sea of ​​blood. I don't think he is at fault."

"Instead, it's your Sheng family..."

She narrowed her eyes and squeezed Sheng Rui's chin, forcing her to raise her head.

"Take this matter as a handle, and threaten the palace again and again. Such a villain's behavior, how can he be the descendant of the old grand master!"

"I would like to ask you all, what's wrong with Wei Tianlu's move!"

Wei Tianlu didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Instead of being used as an argument, it is better to take advantage of the large number of people to clean up the relationship between the two.

In this way, even if someone heard some gossip, thinking of her words, they would only think that the rumor spreader had ulterior motives.

As she spoke, a tiny silver light flashed in the hand holding Sheng Rui, which instantly penetrated into her skin.

Sheng Rui only felt some pain in his throat, and he thought that he hurt his throat just now, so he didn't think much about it.

Wei Tianlu stared at Gu Nanyan with burning eyes, his eyes were full of gratitude.

All the ministers looked at each other when they heard the words.

"I will only admire such a filial descendant, so why would I feel inappropriate."

"Old General Wei Quanxia knows, and he can rest in peace."

"The Wei family is worthy of being a hero. Their descendants are promising and courageous. Let me be ashamed!"

"The Wei family is very lucky to have such descendants..."

"Indeed, if those unfilial sons of Weichen's family have such courage, I would be willing to die..."

Admirations came from time to time, Gu Nanyan's goal had been achieved.

She let go of Sheng Rui's jaw, and sat back leisurely.

"I've said what you want to say for you, what doubts do you have?" She asked Sheng Rui.

Sheng Rui was very angry at her eloquent tongue.

Open your mouth to refute.

Unexpectedly, the mouth moved, but no sound came out.

Her eyes widened in shock, and she opened her mouth again.

Still can't make a sound.

Shocked, Sheng Rui reached out to touch his throat, but found nothing abnormal.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, since there are no doubts, then I will have someone send you back." She looked easy to speak.

Everyone was stunned, just about to say that the princess had changed her sex today, but she didn't kill her.

Then Gu Nanyan continued: "But you slandered my cousin, who has a big heart and will not argue with you, but everyone knows..."

what do you know?
Everyone listened with pricked ears.

She glanced around, her smile undiminished: "As we all know, this palace is narrow-minded and must take revenge, so I definitely can't let it go, otherwise my face will be ruined."

"I will punish you to break your tendons and tendons, and you will be imprisoned in the cold palace forever. You will never get out again in this life. Do you have any objections?"

She squinted at Fu Tuo, who was facing upwards, with the look of being the most attracted to me in the world.

Fu Tuo was helpless, knowing that his sister wanted to take the matter onto him.

He shook his head and looked at Sheng Rui coldly.

"Brother Huang has no objection. Sheng Rui's assassination of our empress caused physical damage to the empress. It is a capital crime, but it is too cheap for her just to cut off her tendons and tendons."

He turned his gaze to Gu Nanyan's direction, and his eyes softened instantly.

"Yanyan is still too kind."

With a "Puff", Sun Ying, who was wearing a golden phoenix robe and supported by the palace servants, couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she hurriedly straightened her expression, and said weakly: "What the emperor said is very true. If I were to change to this palace, I would definitely cut her into pieces and hang her head on the gate of the city." To vent my hatred."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The brothers and sisters are only virtuous, but the queen is so cruel?

The ministers wiped off their cold sweat.

How are you going to live in the future!

Gu Nanyan grinned, and looked away from the weak Sun Ying without saying a word.

"Nan Mei, do it!" She said calmly, as if saying that the weather is fine today.

Nan Mei appeared for the third time, and quickly slashed at Sheng Rui's limbs with the dagger in her hand.

The blood gurgled like running water, instantly staining the ground red.

There was a gurgling sound in Sheng Rui's throat, but no sound came out, and he passed out in an instant.


Sheng Rui was resolved, and the post-sealing ceremony ended smoothly.

Gu Nanyan returned to Weiyang Palace.

Along with her were Wei Hong and others.

They heard that Gu Nanyan was going back to Jianan, so they came here to see her off.

Wei Zhenzhen was too old to run around, so she didn't go with her.

Wei Hong wanted to stay in Anyang and return to Jianan after his grandson was born, and he did not go with Gu Nanyan.

This time, I don't know when I will see you again.

Everyone was a little sad.

Especially Wei Hong.

Although I have a steam car in hand, it is a matter of saying where I want to go.

But as Prime Minister Liang, it is impossible for him to go to other countries all the time.

Count on a few little ones to see him...

Still don't get your hopes up.

Wei Hong sighed and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Father, drink less, your health is not well yet." Wei Zhenzhen worried.

"It's okay, it's much better already." Wei Hong said relievedly.

Compared with Wei Tianlu, it is obvious that his daughter is more caring.

Wei Hong really felt her concern, and couldn't bear to part for a while.

"By the way, I won't go to the banquet at the emperor's side for a while, so please tell me."

Although his surname is Wei, he is from Daliang now, and he is already content to be able to participate in the emperor's conferment ceremony and see his sister's children marrying wives.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly to express her understanding.

He didn't want people to gossip about the Wei family.

That's right, the dignified Weiyang army is in charge, and it will indeed cause dissatisfaction to fall into the arms of the enemy.

"If you don't go, don't go, anyway, the food is not good."

Wei Hong: "..."

He shook his head dumbfounded and said nothing.

"Sister Nan, you go back and help us talk to grandfather this time."

Wei Zhenzhen rubbed her chubby belly and glanced at Qu Zifeng.Reluctantly said: "These two children came too suddenly, there may be an accident on the way, so they can only give birth here, I really feel sorry for the old man."

"Grandfather will understand us." Qu Zifeng patted her hand reassuringly?
Gu Nanyan nodded: "No problem, if Old General Qu is willing, I can also send him here."

"That's not necessary, responsibility is more important." Qu Zifeng said, looking at his wife with gentle eyes, "I will take good care of Zhenzhen and the child in her belly, just let grandfather rest assured."

This is the first child of the next generation of the Qu family, so he must be valued, but his grandfather is still stationed at the border, and Qu Zifeng does not want his grandfather to fail his duty because of private matters.

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal.

Anyway, I have to pass by the barracks, and when the time comes, just ask, it's up to General Qu to decide whether to come or not.

Moreover, as the shipbuilding speed of Gu's Shipyard accelerated, the Zhenbei Army Navy had a total of three warships, and both grandfather and father also went to the shipyard to watch over the construction of the fourth warship.

Anyway, she had to go and take a look.

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