The farmer has a mall

Chapter 839 I am with you

Chapter 839 I am with you

Gu Nanyan is a person who can do what he says, so he asked people to pack their luggage on the same day and gave an order to leave in two days.

The reason why they left after two days was because the franchise store at the Zhao family still had some details to communicate.

There is no way, Cui Yao is not around, so she can only end in person.

Two days flew by.

Tomorrow is about to leave, Gu Nanyan wants to wash up and sleep early.

"Princess, the Supreme Emperor is here." Yun Xi pushed open the door.

Gu Nanyan frowned, and put back the outer clothes she had just taken off.

"What is he doing here at this hour?" She said to herself, got up and went to the outer hall.

Fu Jingqi cocked his legs and was humming a little tune when he saw Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up.

He hurriedly waved at her.

"Girl, come, come, my father has something to discuss with you."

Gu Nanyan glanced at her sideways, and flicked the hem of her clothes to move away from him.

"I have something to say."

Just seeing you gives me a headache.

Look at your sitting posture, your legs are going up to the sky.

How can there be a bit too emperor!

She sat down with a bang, her body nestled limply into the back of the chair.

All over!

Fu Jingqi: "..."

so far so good.

Fortunately, the child is a girl.

If a man...

I'm afraid he is born to be a bandit!

The whole body exudes a bandit's breath continuously.

Fu Jingqi clicked his tongue in amazement, and secretly thought that he was really good, and the children he gave birth to were so different.

He cleared his throat without beating around the bush.

"I want to go with you."

Gu Nanyan: "Impossible!"

His voice was full of disgust.

Didn't she say that he is a good emperor and is not staying in the palace, what's the matter with always thinking about running outside?

The smell of wild flowers outside!

The key is that you run as soon as you run, and always follow me behind my ass!

Gu Nanyan mercilessly refused, and walked away after finishing speaking.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

If I can run away, what else do I need you for!
Don't you know that that rebellious brother of yours is staring at me all day long? !
"Wait a minute!" Fu Jingqi roared loudly, his voice was like splitting.

Unmoved, Gu Nanyan quickened her pace and walked out.

"I offer 10 taels!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"20 taels!" she said.

"15 million!"

"18 million!"

"make a deal!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Are you shouting low...

Fu Jingqi bared her teeth proudly.

Knowing that this money fan would bargain, he originally wanted to give 20 taels.

Save money now!

"Where are you going?"

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes.

"Brother Huang is busy with government affairs, so can't you stay and help?"

"What help, I have passed on the throne to him, I am now the Supreme Emperor!"

Do you understand what is the overlord?
I have retired!

You still want to squeeze me, you are not a filial son!
Fu Tuo's nose smoked in anger.

Gu Nanyan didn't care whether he retired or not.

The 30s are the prime of life, is this retirement?
Obviously laid off!
"Then you can't let go of the pick, be careful that the emperor will return the throne to you." Gu Nanyan threatened.

"If he dares to return me, he dares to throw down the pick!" Fu Tuo threatened.

Anyway, no matter when he abdicates, the next successor to the throne will be Fu Tuo.

Didn't the brat clean up the mess that was left behind?
Fu Jingqi was confident, but Gu Nanyan was quite speechless.

A good throne makes these two look like time bombs.

"Then what are you going to do when you leave the palace?"

If this old thing dared to say that he was going to roam the world, she would dare to kill relatives and kill him!
Sensing her daughter's malicious gaze, Fu Jingqi shrank her neck.

"Of course I have business..."

He glanced at Gu Nanyan.

"I heard that your arsenal is going to expand, I plan to go and have a look." He cleared his throat.

"If it's possible...can we build one in Anyang?" He asked cautiously, as if he was afraid of offending his daughter.

"Of course, the construction is still under your control, and the land and construction costs will be borne by your brother."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "The reason?"

All the things in the arsenal, which she gave to Jianan, were also given to Anyang, so it really doesn't make sense to open another one here.

It doesn't look like he wants to take the arsenal for himself.

Fu Jingqi said awkwardly: "There is no particular reason, just... I suddenly had such an idea."

He can't say it's because of jealousy!

This girl is her daughter, so it's fine that she was forced to be sent to Jianan country before, and she used all her skills in the border of Jianan country.

Fu Jingqi was very uncomfortable, and always felt that it was because his daughter was not close to him.

He knows how important the arsenal is.

The proposal to build the arsenal in Anyang is also to make her move her heart to Anyang.

It's best to focus on this one day, and maybe let her move back to live in Anyang country.

As for the fact that she has married into the Jianan royal family.

Fu Jingqi said that he believed that Li Yi's follower would definitely follow him!

"No need, the two arsenals are too far apart, so it's not easy to manage." Gu Nanyan refused without thinking.

She originally only wanted to expand, not to build a new factory.

Seeing Fu Jingqi's disappointed face, she thought for a while and added: "But if you want, you can also choose two people to go back to Mingshan City with me, and let them stay in the arsenal, so that you can learn about the development of various weapons as soon as possible. "

In her opinion, Mingshan City is her private property. Although it is still under the name of the Jianan Kingdom, it has long been out of the control of the Jianan court.

The arsenal has Gu Qing, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and of course there can be people from Anyang.

This can also virtually stabilize Fu Tuo's throne.

Of course, they have no way of touching the core secrets.

Fu Jingqi pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.


Although the original goal has not been achieved, it can be regarded as an improvement.

"Then it's settled like this. We will set off at noon tomorrow, and remember to bring the money before we set off."

Gu Nanyan patted the hem of his clothes and left gracefully.

People sit at home, and money comes from the sky.

very nice.


On the morning of the second day, Eunuch Xu handed over 18 taels of silver with great heartache.

Prodigal master, you can't save as much money as you have!
Eunuch Xu beat his chest and stomped his feet, and gave Fu Jingqi several supercilious looks.

Fu Jingqi didn't take it seriously, thinking that he was about to get rid of Nizi, his mood was like that of a dancing butterfly, wishing he could grow a pair of wings and fly out with his head.

However, he was still too happy.

Fu Tuo smiled and waved, and immediately a guard moved a calf-high box.

"These are all the memorials my father has accumulated recently. I have already dealt with the urgent ones, and the remaining ones will be reviewed by my father slowly."

"Don't worry, the smoky steam car is here, and I will ask someone to pick up the discount every two days, and the business will not be delayed."

Fu Jingqi: "..."

"Of course, unless my father runs away, my people won't be able to find you."

Fu Jingqi rolled his eyes: "Don't be afraid, my son, how could I run away..."

(End of this chapter)

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