Chapter 840

This is a good idea, he might as well stop going to Jianan with his daughter, and run to the Western Regions...

"Of course I'm not afraid." Fu Tuo smiled gently.

"If you run away, I will follow suit and pass the throne to the eighth younger brother, and go wandering around the world to carry forward the style of my father..."

Fu Jingqi: "...your eighth brother is still a child!"

he said angrily.

The brat dares to threaten me!
"I'm a child too." Fu Tuoshou said shamelessly.

"In my father's heart, I will always be a child, won't I? My son is like his father."

Fu Tuo continued to stab his father in the heart.

Fu Jingqi clutched her chest, feeling like she was going to die.

Fu Tuo ignored him, turned around and walked to Gu Nanyan's car.

"Yanyan, take care all the way, and remember to report that you are safe when you arrive." He looked at his younger sister with reluctance.

Only then did there become some parting atmosphere.

Gu Nanyan nodded lightly: "Emperor brother, take care too, your body has been poisoned after all, don't be too tired on weekdays."

"If you're too busy, you can divide up some of the government affairs." She pouted her chin at Fu Jingqi pointingly.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

No, not filial daughter.

I'm pissed off!
He got into the car angrily, and slammed the door shut.

Fu Tuo's smile became brighter and brighter: "Brother Huang will pay attention."

Gu Nanyan nodded, seeing that there was nothing to explain, she waved goodbye to him.

"Brother Huang, please go back, Sun Ying... I have given the medicines for Mrs. Huang to Imperial Physician Sun, and he will take care of it."


The convoy was driving very fast, but it was already approaching the border town in four hours.

Going forward, it will take less than two hours to pass the level.

Gu Nanyan made people stop in one of the most prosperous towns nearby.

"It's not safe to travel at night, find an inn to rest for the night."

Driving for eight hours and continuing on the road is fatigue driving.

This is not good.

Anyway, there is no rush to go back.

Yun Xi took the order, got out of the car and entered the inn.

Meanwhile, in a nearby tavern.

Several men in black clothes and hats were sitting there drinking.

Their eyes were fixed on Gu Nanyan's car.

These people were obviously not locals, and they carried a strange sword on their backs, mumbling something, and their accent was very strange.

The guy in the tavern walked past them, and they stopped talking immediately, and looked at the guy warily.

The boy is baffled.

But he didn't care about the people who greeted and sent them all day long, so he said with a smile on his face, "What else do you need?"

He said and looked at a few people.

These people were shorter than him, and the guy who could only be considered medium in height found confidence in an instant.

It's just that it's a bit weird to cover your face in broad daylight.

"Check out!" The person who seemed to be the leader said.

The tone was blunt, with a bit of murderous intent.

As he spoke, he threw a silver ingot on the table, got up and left.

The rest followed suit.

The little guy sent him out with a thousand thanks.

Seeing that the person walked away, he clicked his tongue twice and shook the silver ingot in his hand.

"Hey! It's a generous move, a pot of tea gave me a full twelve taels!"

Strange things happen every year, but being taken advantage of is rare.

The boy looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he stuffed the silver in his hand into his sleeve.

It's just a pot of tea worth three renminbi, and he will make up for it later.

As for the ten taels of silver, it naturally belonged to him.

The little guy is very happy.

This is worth more than a year's wages!
He hurried back to his house in the backyard to hide the silver.

A quarter of an hour later, when it was time to receive customers, there were several tables of people sitting in the tavern, and some were overwhelmed.

The shopkeeper didn't see the boy for a while, and he muttered dissatisfiedly: "The lazy donkey grinds a lot of excrement and urine, and it takes so long to go to the latrine, so why don't you run away to hide from laziness."

He told the other guy to go and have a look in the boy's room.

The man wiped off his sweat and hurried to the backyard.


After a while, screams came from the backyard.

The guests all looked out there.

The shopkeeper smiled apologetically, holding back his anger and trotting towards the backyard.

"What are you screaming, you're dead!" He came to the backyard angrily, and he saw the guy sitting on the ground with a terrified face.

Point to the house.

The shopkeeper looked along.

I saw the boy who just said he was going to the latrine was lying on the ground upright at the moment.

His face was facing the door, his eyes were round and round, his face was black and blue.

He was still holding something black in his hand.

Shaped like a silver ingot.

Silver is black when poisoned.

"No, no, it's dead!"


Chaos broke out across the street, officers and soldiers flocked.

Gu Nanyan lowered the window lattice, frowning.

"Do you want your servant to go down and have a look?" Yun Xi asked.

Gu Nanyan shook her head: "No need, the officers and soldiers will deal with it."

No matter what happens, it's none of her business, she's just a passerby.

Yun Xi didn't say anything after hearing the words, but just glanced at the beam, signaling the people above to be more vigilant.

Nan Mei nodded invisibly upon receiving the signal.

This is the busiest town from the border town. Although it is not as lively as the capital city, there are many tourists.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the streets are still lively.

With great difficulty, Gu Nanyan drove Fu Jingqi back to the house, washed up and then turned off the lights and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, everything was silent.

Dark clouds covered the moonlight, and the whole street was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

The figures of a dozen or so men in black appear and disappear from time to time, and when they arrive at the inn where Gu Nanyan is staying, they quietly leap onto the roof.

Nan Mei, who was on guard at night, was closing her eyes to rest when she suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

She opened her eyes vigilantly, and looked out the window sharply.

As soon as I wanted to get up, I felt dizzy.

"Boom bang."

There were two dull heavy objects falling in the room.

The man in black outside the window waited for a while, but he didn't hear any movement in the house, so he opened the window and jumped in.

There were two figures lying on the ground, motionless, as if they had lost consciousness.

The leader looked at the bed.

The bedding was bulging.

He approached cautiously, deliberately making some noise.

The person on the bed was silent.

The man in black was relieved, his eyes turned cold, he drew the sword behind him and stabbed at the bed.

The tip of the sword penetrated half a foot into the quilt, but the quilt was still quiet.

The man in black frowned, pulled out his long sword and took a look.

There was no blood on the long sword.

Not good, caught in the trap!
He turned around and ran away, without even bothering to remind his companions.

However, before he could take a few steps, the room was suddenly brightly lit.

"It's already here, isn't it too rude to leave without saying hello?"

The screen at the end of the bed was slowly opened, and Gu Nanyan sat neatly behind the screen, looking at the man in black in a leisurely manner.

Yo, this outfit looks familiar.

What I was not sure about, I had a clear answer after seeing the clothes of these people.

"Ninja?" Gu Nanyan wondered.

I didn't expect that this kind of profession, which I only saw on TV, actually existed!
(End of this chapter)

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