The farmer has a mall

Chapter 841 Ninja

Chapter 841 Ninja
The leader did not speak, and he did not know whether he understood or not.

Nan Mei and Yun Xi on the ground quickly got up and came behind Gu Nanyan.

"Shut up!"

There was a fighting sound next door, it was Fu Jingqi's room.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head.

"Master, don't worry, Nan Chi and her sisters will protect the master." Nan Mei said.

Gu Nanyan nodded.

Fu Jingqi also had secret guards, and together with Nan Qi and others, nothing would happen.

She refocused her attention on the leading man in black.

"Are you the boss?" she asked.

"Break into a woman's room in the middle of the night, what's the point?"

The man in black said with heavy eyes: "Come to kill you!"

The tone is a bit awkward.

"The tone is not small, I am afraid that you will never return!" Nan Mei said angrily.

Dogs dare to poison!

Fortunately, she carried the detoxification pill given by her master with her, otherwise she would fall face-to-face from the beam, and this person would be a big loser!

Nan Mei was so angry that she clenched the long sword in her hand, as if she was going to lose her temper at any moment.

"Then try it!" The man in black disdainfully.

Gu Nanyan pouted.

"Try it and die, I'm afraid you will be short."

Man in black:"……"

He is really not tall.

But you are a short man who is not as tall as my nose, why should you talk about height?

"You scolded me!" Gu Nanyan's face darkened.

"I didn't!" The man in black frowned.

"You have, you scolded me in your heart!"

Man in black:? ? ?

Gu Nan stood up in a huff of smoke.

"How dare you scold people in Lao Tzu's territory, you are a poor bastard, Nan Mei Yunxi!" She shouted.

"The servant is here!"

"Subordinates are here!"

The two clasped their fists together.

Gu Nanyan put one hand on his hips and pointed at the leader with the other: "Fuck me to death!"

Whether you scold me or not, I'm just looking for an excuse to kill you, why not!

"Yes!" The two responded, drawing their swords out of their sheaths.

The man in black was also unambiguous, and swung his sword to block it.

The two sides immediately fought together.

The martial arts of the two are not weak, but those men in black dare to assassinate Gu Nanyan, obviously they have some skills.

Especially the one in the lead, with a very strange movement, quickly dodges and moves, as if he can disappear from his eyes and reappear.

Gu Nanyan's eyesight is excellent, and he can see his movements clearly.

With two people facing more than a dozen men in black, although Yun Xi and Nan Mei could do it well, they couldn't take care of it at the same time.

Seeing that the assassination failed, these people already wanted to retreat.

Under the cover of other men in black, the leader approached the window.

Gu Nanyan pouted.

Legend has it that ninjas carried out missions with the heart of death, and committed seppuku if they failed to achieve their goals.

It doesn't look like a drop.

I want to run just to show my face in front of Lao Tzu, what about playing?
I'm not here to pick flowers!
Gu Nanyan took two steps forward and shouted loudly.

The men in black were startled.

The person at the head had a serious expression on his face.

Rumor has it that this man is so powerful that he can smash people into flesh with one punch, but no one can escape if he strikes.

From what it looks like, is she going to play in person?
The man in black looked serious.

Gu Nanyan was also very serious.

With her hands behind her back, she slowly took out her right hand. Even through the clothes, she could feel the strength in her arms ready to go.

The men in black tensed up and looked at each other, ignoring the attacks of Yun Xi and the other, and rushed out of the window with all their strength.

"Bang bang!" There were loud noises.

Several small holes appeared under the feet of several people.

Gu Nanyan withdrew his hand, raised the gun in his hand to his lips, blew lightly, and raised his chin triumphantly.

I'm not stupid, whoever has a weapon will break your head with your bare hands.

Man in black:"……"

"This is... a firecracker!" The leader was surprised.

Their country also has this thing, a gun can injure hundreds of meters away, although it cannot penetrate iron walls, it can penetrate wooden boards.

The man in black looked down at the black hole at his feet.

This is not force penetration, but penetration!
You don't need to try to know that the power is much stronger than their firecrackers.

The leader was shocked, and subconsciously took a step in the direction of retreat.

"Don't move, I'll blow your head off!" Gu Nanyan said fiercely.

After all, she aimed the gun at the man's lower body.

The leader: "..."

"What do you want?" He asked in a jerky tone.

"I don't want to do anything, just ask a few questions."

"As long as you answer obediently, I'll spare your lives." Gu Nanyan said as he cocked the gun twice.

"Go over, it's too close to the window, I don't feel safe."

What should I do if I run away, this is the first time she has seen a ninja, so it's a good thing to study it carefully.

The men in black didn't dare to move, and looked at the leader one after another.

The man's eyes flashed.

"The girl keeps her word?"

Give in so easily?

Gu Nanyan said with a serious face: "Keep your word, there needs to be more trust between people, trust me!"

The man in black under the black mask couldn't see clearly.

After a while, the leader walked vigilantly towards the middle of the room.

Gu Nanyan was extremely satisfied.

really obedient!
"I ask you."

Holding the gun, she sat back on the chair again, crossed her legs and asked, "From Yangguo?"

The leader was surprised, and nodded slightly after a little thought.

Although their attire is not too different from that of the people in this land, there are still differences when you look closely.

What's more, their accents are wrong, and their identities can be seen...

It's also normal.

Yun Xi and Nan Mei looked at each other with serious expressions.

The master will soon go to sea to fight, but at this time, a foreigner comes to assassinate him. Could it be that the news has been leaked?
But didn't Long Yi send a letter before, saying that General Dong and his party had already left by boat?

Where did these people come from?

It seems that there are still people left in Yangguo, so we have to be more careful in the future.

The two raised their vigilance and watched every move of the man in black.

Gu Nanyan didn't think as much as the two of them thought, she asked purely out of curiosity:

"Are you ninjas?"

The leader was even more shocked: "How do you know!"

Their identities should be unknown in this land.

But this girl told the truth without saying a word, and she also knew the existence of "ninjas" that only existed in the royal family of Yang Kingdom.

"You don't care how I know, I ask you or you ask me!" She said angrily.

Then he looked curious again: "I heard that your ninjas know invisibility, is it true?"

The person in charge: "...There is indeed such a thing."

"Come, come, show me a change!" Gu Nanyan said with great interest.

The leader: "..."

"This is my ninja secret..."

"Huh?" Gu Nanyan snorted softly.

"Girl... really want to see it?"

"Hmm, look!"

Don't look at nothing, it's much more interesting than playing monkeys.

Gu Nanyan's eyes were shining brightly, staring at him without blinking.

The man looked around, pursed his lips, and then his eyes sank.


"It's better to obey than to be respectful, the girl is optimistic!"

After all, he jumped and disappeared in an instant.

Yun Xi and Nan Mei were startled, and just about to run over to protect them, they saw Gu Nanyan jumping up too, reaching up with his left hand, fingers forming claws, and gripping hard.

(End of this chapter)

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