The farmer has a mall

Chapter 842 Blood Smelly

Chapter 842 Blood Smelly

"Ah!" screamed.

The man in black who disappeared without a trace appeared in front of everyone.

The rest of the men in black yelled something.

"Don't move! Be honest!" Nan Mei shouted in a deep voice.

Gu Nanyan glanced at several people, and with his left wrist, he threw the man in black to them with a shooting motion.

"I still think you have a genetic mutation, and you can really be invisible... It's just because of your speed."

She shook her head in disappointment.

The leader who was hit by Gu Nanyan covered his heart.

He felt that the flesh near his heart was about to be scratched to pieces!
Is this woman transformed by a bear spirit?
Although he was slandered, his heart was like a stormy sea.

He originally thought that with their ninja skills, it would not be difficult to kill with one blow as long as there was a chance.

But who would have thought that the speed of the person in front of him was so fast!
Catch him as he accelerates...

And not only the speed, but being able to see his movement clearly shows that this person's eyesight is also quite good.

He is the leader of these people, so kung fu is naturally the best.

Even if it is the number one expert in the Yang Kingdom, it is absolutely impossible to capture him in an instant.

But she... looks so relaxed.

Not only was he shocked, but the rest of the men in black were also shocked.

They know the leader's methods best, and all the people present can't match him alone.

Or how to say is their leader.

However, the leader who was extremely powerful in their minds was caught in one shot!


Are the people on this land so powerful?
The thoughts of the people in black were difficult to calm down, some were cautious and some were fearful.

Gu Nanyan didn't bother to care about what they were thinking, and continued to ask questions.

"Last question, how many spies do you have in our country?"

According to Gu Yunge's news, General Dong brought all the remnants back to Yang Country, so where did these people come from?
Or is it that they have already deployed manpower here, and these people are just a part of them?

"Only I wait." The leader said with difficulty.

"You think I'll believe it?"

"That's the truth." With the support of his subordinates, he slowly got up.

"General Dong left suddenly, I didn't catch up..."

Gu Nanyan was silent.

No wonder they ran away when they saw the situation was bad. They didn't have any ninja spirit. They turned out to be a group of abandoned sons without a leader.

It makes sense.

But even if they didn't tell the truth, she wasn't afraid.

It's just a tiny place, so what if the people from the whole country are deployed here, maybe there are not as many people as her Mingshan City.

"I've finished asking my questions." She said lightly.

The person who is the leader is overjoyed.

"Then... should I be let go?"

Gu Nanyan nodded, "I have always kept my promises. Not only will I let you go, but I will also send you off personally."

After she finished speaking, she raised her right hand, and aimed the black muzzle of the gun at the man's head.

The man in black turned pale with fright, he didn't care to accuse her of breaking her promise, and hurriedly dodged.

However, the speed of the bullet is beyond the reach of a mortal body, even if his speed is extremely fast.

The leader's eyes widened in despair.

The moment the bullet passed through the barrel, he thought of the pink cherry blossoms in his hometown.

The flowering period of the cherry blossoms is extremely short, only half a month. At this time, I am afraid they have already withered.

Just like him at the moment.

He regretted it.

I regret that I shouldn't have come to this land, regret that I have become greedy, and want to help the lord occupy this vast land, so that my descendants are no longer limited to a small island.

The word greed hurt him.

If he hadn't come here, at this time next year, would he still be able to see the beauty of the cherry blossoms in full bloom?

He regretted even more that he had underestimated the woman in front of him.

Even when you come, you are ready to retreat if the situation is not good.

But I forgot, the people here have a saying, one force can defeat ten, any strategy, in the face of absolute power... is vulnerable!
On a quiet night in the town, more than a dozen bangs echoed on the street, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

Looking at the man in black lying on the ground, and the blood all over the ground, Gu Nanyan's eyes remained calm.

This is what happens to intruders!

I don't care whether you have any difficulties or not.

It doesn't matter if you have a family or not.

Not to mention the grief of your loved ones at home after you die!
Since you set foot on this land with an aggressive attitude, don't even think about going back alive!

"Clean it up, and throw the the mountain to feed the beasts." Gu Nanyan said coldly.

They didn't leave the whole body behind!

"Yes! This subordinate takes orders!" Nan Mei's eyes were bright, looking at her master excitedly.

Before following the master, Long Yi said that the master's kung fu is not weaker than the prince, even a little stronger than the prince.

She thought Long Yi was lying to her.

The gap in martial arts between men and women is inevitable, and the lack of strength alone is a gap that is difficult to bridge.

The nine sisters were able to stand out and be among the top experts of the Dark Guard Camp, and they paid much more than others.

Therefore, when she saw the master for the first time, she didn't think that the petite and petite master could surpass the strong and strong prince.

But what she saw today really took her by surprise.

Don't mention the weapon, just talk about the astonishing speed of the master, as well as the strength that can easily lift and throw a grown man, it is difficult for ordinary people to match.

Not to mention, the relaxed expression on the master's face at that time, it was obvious that there was no effort at all!

When the man in black disappeared, she watched without blinking.

With her eyesight, she couldn't see any trace.

The master caught him easily.

This is what ordinary people can do!

What Long Yi said is right, master...maybe he is really more powerful than the prince.

And the prince is the most powerful warrior she has ever seen before today!
Nan Mei was so excited that she stared blankly at Gu Nanyan, forgetting to move.

Seeing this, Yun Xi pushed her.

"Why are you in a daze, and you haven't called Nanji and the others here, are you planning to dispose of so many corpses yourself?"

It doesn't matter if you are tired, did you not see the master is still here?

What should I do with such a strong smell of blood!
Nan Mei came back to her senses and glanced at her in a daze.

This is the reaction.

"Master, wait a moment, this subordinate will ask someone to clean it up, please bear with it."

After that, he hurried to the next door to call someone.

Yun Xi shook her head.

Later was later, not half as clever as she was.

It seems that in the future, she will still be by my master's side...

"Princess, this servant will change a room for you. The smell here is too strong. I'm afraid it can't be completely eliminated even if you clean it up."

Look, she didn't even think of such a thing, and dared to compete with her for favor.

Could she win Yunxi's favor so easily?
Gu Nanyan nodded slowly: "You're still caring, the people of Yangguo stink of blood, and this palace smells disgusting."

Yun Xi sniffed when she heard this.

Isn't it just the smell of blood, no difference?

But the master has always had a keen sense of smell, if the master says there is a smell, it must be!

Yun Xi frowned in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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