The farmer has a mall

Chapter 843 Princess Daguan

Chapter 843 Princess Daguan
Only three people entered Fu Jingqi's room. Except for Nan Mei, the other eight hidden guards were all protecting him, and it was easily resolved.

Seeing that cheap father was not injured, Gu Nanyan yawned and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, the group was not in a hurry to get on the road.

After having breakfast, we are ready to leave.

The front of the tavern diagonally opposite was empty, and there were two officials guarding it.

There are a few portraits pasted on the door. Judging from their clothes, it is obvious that they are the group from last night.

It seems that they should have been lurking here for a long time.

Knowing that this is the only way to go back to Jianan, this is just waiting for a rabbit!


She is not a rabbit.

Gu Nanyan only took one look and then looked away.

Lead a group of people to continue on their way.

But at noon, he entered the gatekeeper town of Jianan Kingdom - Mingshan.

"Finally back." She took a deep breath.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel, but you are still comfortable in your own territory!

Gu Nanyan was in high spirits, and drove the steam car into the gate of Mingshan City...


To enter Mingshan, first pass through the garrison of Zhenbei.

She came back suddenly without prior notice, so no one in the army knew about it.

Gu Nanyan originally wanted to enter the garrison and pass on Qu Zifeng's words to Old General Qu.

After thinking about it, I just sent a message, and then I went back to the Princess Mansion first.

In less than an hour, the group arrived at the gate of the Princess Mansion.

Yun Xi stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Ever since she and Yunchu followed the princess, Yunchu was ordered to guard the princess mansion, and she followed the master.

It's been a long time since I saw you.

The two are sisters, and their relationship is also very good.

As for Yunchu, she missed her very much.

The knocker of the golden-lacquered door slammed with a dull thud.

Yun Xi waited for a while, but no one came to answer the door, so she couldn't help frowning.

Raise your hand and buckle again.

"Come here!" A man's voice sounded from inside the door.

Slightly impatient.

"Come on, what are you knocking on, it's so annoying!" The door opened, and with a soft reprimand, a broad-faced man in his 20s revealed his figure.

"Who are you."

The man with the broad forehead was wearing the servant's clothes of the Princess Mansion, and his face was full of impatience.

Yun Xi frowned even more upon hearing this.

"The princess is back, open the door!" She said succinctly.

The broad forehead man was taken aback.

Then he laughed out loud.

"It's so courageous, even the princess and the old man dare to impersonate her."

The man stretched his head and looked behind her, only to see several steam cars parked at the door.

"Don't think that you can pretend to be a princess by driving a car. I don't have time to talk to you, so get out!"

Although steam cars are rare, they are not uncommon.

Especially in Mingshan City, there are almost all powerful families.

"Cripple Zhang, hurry up, don't play anymore, we have to go back to work if we don't play!" A voice called from inside the door.

The man with a broad forehead named Zhang Laizi turned his head.

"What kind of work are you doing? I'll be idle when I go back. I'm going to be confused. You dare to run... Get out, get out. I'm in a good mood today and let you go. If you knock and disturb the princess to take a nap, be careful of your life!"

The following paragraph was addressed to Yun Xi.


What princess?
It doesn't look like you're talking about the master...

A bad premonition welled up in Yun Xi's heart, and she was about to ask again.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zizi only thought that Yun Xi was a liar, and he was thinking about his good hand of cards in his mind.

The door shut with a bang.

Yun Xi: "..."

She was very angry, and she didn't care about the princess or not.

When did such a murder-seeking thing come to Dark Dao Mansion?

Lift your foot to kick the door.

Lifted it halfway, then put it down again.

No, you can't kick!

This is my own door, the princess should feel distressed if it breaks!
She put her foot down carefully, and wiped a piece of dirt on the door by the way.

No matter how angry you are, you can't vent your anger with your own things, otherwise you will still be the one who loses.

"Master, please wait a moment." Yun Xi turned and said to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan saw everything in his eyes, and nodded with a smile when he heard the words.


When Yun Xi heard the words, without saying a word, she jumped onto the wall with her feet, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was a miserable cry of ghosts and wolves in the courtyard.

After a while, the door opened, and Yunxi opened it herself.

"Tsk tsk, what kind of people are there in your princess mansion, and the management is too lax."

Fu Jingqi, who was sitting in the back seat like an old man, was amazed.

"If this is placed in our house, if you dare to disrespect the master, your head will be smashed!"

Our home refers to the imperial palace.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes and didn't bother to talk to him.

She got out of the car and walked into the gate, and Yunxi rushed to meet her.

"This servant looks strange at these people, they don't look like people from the mansion." She said with a sullen face.

Gu Nanyan looked down, and there were four people lying crookedly on the ground, rolling all over the ground in pain.

No matter whether they are from the mansion or not, if they offend Gu Nanyan, how can Yun Xi spare them lightly.

"Where is Yunchu?" Gu Nanyan asked directly.

Zhang Laizi gritted his teeth and said, "Who are you? Trespassing on the princess' mansion is a death penalty. I'm so impatient!"

He was kicked in the abdomen by Yunxi, and he bent down on the ground like a shrimp, with cold sweat protruding from his forehead.

"Still talking hard!" Yun Xi gave another kick, perhaps because of the lingering anger, this kick was heavier than before.

Cripple Zhang snorted immediately, and spat out blood with a wow.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Be good, this girl Yunxi has become more and more irritable recently, she was kicked and vomited.

"The answer is irrelevant." She shook her head, showing no sympathy for Zhang Laizi.

"I ask again, where is Yunchu!"

Hearing that she called herself Ben Gong, Zhang Cripple choked for breath.

Only then did I realize that the woman in front of me didn't seem like an ordinary person.

Calm and calm, with the breath of a superior.

Even the eunuchs around him looked condescending.

Lame Zhang looked away from Fu Jingqi.

Anyone who can claim to be the master of the palace is the master of the first palace.

Apart from the nobles in the palace, there is only one person who can call himself that in Mingshan City.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lizi suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then began to carefully observe the group of people in front of him.

"Yun, Miss Yunchu is not in the mansion..."

"Where is it not in the attached middle school!" Yun Xi shouted lightly.

"Go, went to the street to buy..."


As the princess's personal maid, and Yun Chu who was in charge of the princess's mansion, why did she even have to go shopping in person?

Yun Xi wanted to ask again, but Gu Nanyan waved her back.

"Since that's the case, who is in charge in the mansion now?" she asked.

"Now everything in the mansion is taken care of by the big maid next to Princess Daguan."

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

What about the big bowl princess and the small bowl princess, did she go to the wrong door?

Gu Nanyan was in a daze, and looked around.

That's right, it's the same arrangement as when she left.

Is it possible...

That bastard Li Mi took advantage of her absence and sold her house?

In order to make sure that she didn't go to the wrong door, she went back to the door and looked up.

The big characters of Princess Huguo's Mansion are shining brightly in the sunlight.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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