The farmer has a mall

Chapter 844 The return date is uncertain

Chapter 844 The return date is uncertain
Jianan Kingdom Palace.

Inside the imperial study.

"Nonsense!" Li Yihan slapped the table with a face.

"Brother Huang, how can you send someone to the Princess Mansion? If Yan'er gets angry, what will you tell me to do!"

Li Mi: "..."

How did you say such spineless words aggressively.

The corner of Li Mi's mouth twitched: "I also acted helplessly, Princess Daguan has paid a lot to Jianan..."

"That can't let her mess around, what is she, dare to enter the princess mansion!" Li Yi's anger did not diminish at all, and he almost smashed the table.

"Presumptuous! After all, she is our imperial sister!" Li Mi frowned, "Even Sister Nan should not be so rude here."

Li Yi gave him a cold look.

"Brother Huang has the ability to say this in front of Yan'er."

Li Mi: "..."

I have nothing to do.

But I am also very helpless.

He rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"I know this is inappropriate. Princess Dawan refuses to go to Beijing, and deliberately detours to Mingshan City, specifying that she is going to live in the Princess Mansion. What can I do?"

Princess Daguan was seven or eight years older than him, and went to the Western Regions as a marriage before he inherited the throne.

Although there are many small countries in the Western Regions, the geographical location is extremely special, sandwiched between Daliang and Jianan, not far from Anyang.

At that time, Jianan was troubled by domestic and foreign troubles, and Daliang deliberately borrowed from the Western Regions to attack Jianan from the side.

The first emperor had no choice but to propose peace with the Western Regions.

At that time, there was only one princess of the right age, Princess Daguan.

At that time, she already had someone she liked, and she was engaged, and she had a very good relationship with her fiancé.

But because of this incident, he had to regret the marriage, willing to go thousands of miles away, just to keep Jianan safe for a while.

Because of this incident, her fiancé died in grief and anger.

Li Mi has always admired this imperial sister, and later inherited the throne, and felt that the royal family was sorry for her.

It was also a helpless move to agree to her request this time.

"Don't worry, maybe she is just curious about Sister Nan and wants to get in touch with her at a close distance, but it may not be malicious." Li Mi reassured.

"And sister Nan hasn't come back yet, just drive her away before she comes back."

He softened his attitude and coaxed Li Yi softly as he did when he was a child.

Li Yi didn't like him.

"Don't think that I don't know what they must do. I have something to say first. If Princess Daguan offends Yan'er, don't blame me for being ruthless and driving them out of the country!"

When Li Mi heard him say the word "they", he understood that this younger brother already knew everything.

He sighed again, a little tired in his tone.

"Don't worry, I know you have a good relationship with Miss Nan, so I won't agree to this matter."

"However, the top priority is to find a way to bring Princess Daguan back to the capital... I have no other choice, why don't you go there yourself?"

You are afraid of your daughter-in-law, but I am more afraid than you!

If Sister Nan wasn't in Jianan Country, how could he dare to agree to Sister Huang's request.

Originally thought that she would take a look and come back if she didn't see anyone.

Who knew she would stay!
If it really does what the ninth brother said and offends sister Nan...

Li Mi felt his little heart was about to jump out.

He hurriedly said: "The person who needs to tie the bell to untie it, Princess Daguan is here for you, so I have to make this trip anyway, before Sister Nan comes back..."

"Heh!" Li Yi gave him a cool look.

"Now I know I'm scared, but it's too late." He said in a neutral tone.

"The king received a report from the spies that Yan'er had left the Anyang Palace, and rested in a small town on the border yesterday, and he may have arrived now."

"What!" Li Mi was shocked.

"Why so suddenly, are you sure the news is true?"

Li Yi cast a sideways glance at him: "Otherwise why do you think I entered the palace today?"

Seeing his royal brother's face turned pale from fright, Li Yi raised the corners of his red lips maliciously.

That charming smile made Li Mi's heart beat like a drum, and he was sweating coldly.

"I came here just to tell you that Yan'er is back. This king is going to Mingshan to find a wife. The return uncertain!"

After all, he left without looking back.

No matter how you look at the back, it looks so high-spirited, as if it is about to take off in place!

Li Mi: "..."

pills pills.

The little ancestor is back, is it too late for me to abdicate now?
If it's too late...

Why don't you find a place to hide in a deep mountain forest first?

Mingshan City.

Princess Huguo Mansion.

Gu Nanyan sat in the hall, looking at the old and the young in front of him expressionlessly.

The old one is only in his thirties, and the young one is only fifteen or sixteen.

The two sat side by side at the bottom, the shelves were tall.

Seeing Gu Nanyan holding the teacup and not saying a word, the old one seemed a little unhappy.

"Why doesn't the princess speak?"

"say what?"

"As an elder and also Li Yi's imperial sister, my princess should at least give me a salute first." Princess Daguan said unhappily.

salute?I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!

Gu Nanyan put down the teacup and ignored her, her eyes fell on Yunchu on the other side.

"Yunchu!" she called out.

Yun Chu pursed his lips and stepped forward: "The servant is here."

"What did I tell you before I left the mansion?" Gu Nanyan asked, "Didn't you take what I said as a deaf ear?"

"I don't dare." Yun Xi knelt down and lowered her head.

"The master told the servants to take good care of the princess mansion, and no one else is allowed to enter..."

She paused, not making excuses for herself.

"The servant has neglected his duty, please punish him severely!"

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, and looked at Yunchu who was kneeling on the ground expressionlessly.

Seeing this, Yun Xi was very anxious and hesitated to speak several times.

"Princess, what do you mean by that?" Before Princess Daguan could speak, the little girl beside her couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are you saying that my concubine and I are idlers?"


Her voice was delicate and tender, but her tone was strong.

"My concubine, as the woman with the highest status in Daguan, and the elder sister of your emperor of the Jianan Kingdom, her status is even higher than yours. I can't go anywhere in the land of Jianan!"

She snorted arrogantly: "Don't think that you can be defiant because you are very powerful. In your Jianan, this is called... called... yes, it's called being arrogant!"

She raised her chin arrogantly and pointed her nostrils at Gu Nanyan.

Even if she is the princess of the largest country in the Western Regions, this move is very rude.

Not to mention, the person in front of her is Gu Nanyan.

Princess Daguan is the most honorable woman in Daguan and the elder sister of Emperor Jianan.

But she, Gu Nanyan, is the princess of the Three Kingdoms.

If you really care about it, it goes without saying who is more expensive and who is less.

Daguan... is just a small country, at most the size of two or three Mingshan cities.

If it weren't for the awkward geographical location, easy to defend and difficult to attack, Daliang would have taken it down long ago.

"You mean, as long as you have a noble status, you can set foot on other people's territory at will?"

"So what?" the little princess said proudly.

For some reason, she looked at Gu Nanyan with some hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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