Chapter 845

"Then do you know who I am?"

"It's just a princess." The little princess said disdainfully.

Although she is the princess, her status in the Western Regions is no lower than that of Gu Nanyan.

Therefore, in her view, she is equal to the person in front of her.

Gu Nanyan smiled, and looked at Princess Daguan.

The other party frowned slightly.

"You are right. I am indeed just a princess."

"But this palace is the princess of the three major kingdoms of Jianan, Anyang, and Daliang, not to mention having the title of protecting the country, which is much higher than your concubine mother."

"According to what you mean, if you have a high status, you can do whatever you want. Couldn't this palace also set foot in Dawan at will and take your Dawan palace as its own?"

"If you dare to say yes, I will immediately reorganize the army and guarantee that the Daguan Palace will change hands within a day!"

Dogs know that they urinate everywhere and occupy territory, and outside dogs are not allowed to invade the territory.

Are you worse than a dog?
"You!" The little princess was very blocked, and her face was pale.

In the final analysis, Daguan is only a small country in the Western Regions. After Princess Daguan got married, it became a subsidiary of Jianan.

How can a princess from a small place know the difference between having a title and not having a title?
The reason why she dared to challenge Gu Nanyan was because of her concubine's power.

Yun Xi was very relieved, and added: "My master's status, even the current emperor dare not underestimate it, and he is courteous everywhere. Is it possible that Princess Daguan is more noble than the emperor?"

She snorted coldly, her eyes were full of coldness.

When she found Yun Chu, she asked the ins and outs.

Relying on their identities and the support of the emperor, these two mothers and daughters showed off their power in the mansion, and they made a fuss in just a few days.

Yun Chu was only dissatisfied with a few words, and was fined by them to go to the kitchen to do shopping.

Originally, with her skill, no one could stop the two of them from being thrown out of the house, but she was not Yun Xi after all, and the time she had been with Gu Nanyan was too short.

Haven't learned how to bully others.

Yun Xi knew that her sister's temper was not much better than hers, but she was just better at forbearance.

At the same time, I was afraid that if I offended these two people, my master would be blamed by the emperor.

I'm afraid this period of time has not been less angry.

Thinking of this, Yun Xi became even angrier.

Backed up by the shitty emperor.

I'm not afraid that the emperor will break his waist!
"Jilan, don't be rude." Princess Daguan finally spoke.

"Mother and concubine!" The princess Jilan stomped her feet in dissatisfaction.

"She bullied her daughter!"

Gu Nanyan: "...Have I ever bullied you?"

Can you be reasonable?

You are messing with me at my house, but I didn't do anything, just reasoning with you is bullying?

Gu Nanyan started to roll up his sleeves.

One of the things she hated most in life was being wronged.

Why don't you sit down?
"Come here, don't you even listen to the concubine's words!" Princess Daguan's face darkened.

She put down the teacup in her hand, and looked at Gu Nanyan with inexplicable eyes.

He had heard about this person's reputation for a long time, and it was rumored that this person was domineering and domineering, and even the emperor's younger brother was not in his eyes.

Seeing it today really lived up to its reputation.

"Don't blame the princess protecting the country. Jilan was spoiled by her father and has a bit of a straight temper. Don't take offense."

She bit the word "protecting the country" very hard, which sounded like she was being sarcastic.

It's just that the demeanor is very flat.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

She considers herself a broad-minded person, so naturally she won't care about her.

"Prince Daguan speaks seriously, and the little princess is innocent, so how can I care about it?"

She changed her voice, hooked the corners of her lips and said: "However, Wangfei still needs to explain to her the difference between being straightforward and having no rules."

"Otherwise, if you meet a really straight-tempered person in the future, be careful not to be beaten."

Yun Xi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she also started to roll up her sleeves.

It seemed that she would rush forward just waiting for Gu Nanyan's order.

Not to be outdone, Nan Mei, who was hiding in the dark, secretly moved to the position above the head of the little princess, ready to take off.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Are you planning to come to a place where Mount Taishan will be overwhelmed, and you will die with your ass?

What she said was not polite at all.

Princess Daguan was already relying on her status, so she couldn't bear it.

"Jilan is still young, and the princess is two years older than her, so it's a disgrace to be so fussy."

"Since you know that you are honorable, you should have the heart to match your status, so that you won't lose face to the ninth brother!"

She suddenly mentioned Li Yi, and quickly transformed herself into the identity of the elder sister.

"Back when the ninth brother got married, my concubine, as the imperial sister, should have taken care of it all by herself, choosing a good wife to be his wife, but she was thousands of miles away, so she had more energy than she wanted."

She sighed, and looked at Gu Nanyan meaningfully: "But since you are married, I can only bless you, I hope you will manage the back house well in the future, and relieve the worries of the ninth younger brother, so don't cause trouble for him." good."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"You mean, because I have a high status, I have to be lenient to those who offend me, and I can't argue with them?"

What absurdity is this?
I worked so hard to become a dragon and phoenix among men, but you let me be a turtle spirit?
"Children can be taught." Princess Daguan nodded in satisfaction.

He glanced at his daughter.

"My princess knows that you don't understand the truth, but don't worry, I will stay here all the time and teach you slowly."

She will grind down Gu Nanyan's temper and make her daughter's life easier.

"No, I understand, the princess is really kind!" Gu Nanyan clasped her fists together with an air of admiration.

I thought she would be angry, but unexpectedly she praised herself.

Princess Daguan was very surprised.

It seems that she is not as difficult to get along with as rumored by the outside world.

This is even easier!

Princess Daguan smiled slightly, even Gu Nanyan didn't care about claiming that I was old.

"It's good that you understand." She nodded.

Of course I understand!

Gu Nanyan suddenly put away her smile, looked at Yun Xi and said in a deep voice, "Throw them out!"


Yun Xi, who had endured it for a long time, was overjoyed, and instantly dodged to Jilan's side, grabbing her by the collar.

Gu Nanyan looked at Yunchu again.

"Yunchu, do you now know where you went wrong?"

"Yunchu knows."

She looked at Princess Daguan, her brows were already frowned.

It doesn't matter if she herself is wronged, but this mother and daughter are so disrespectful to their master and they are tit for tat everywhere, how can she continue to endure it.

"Now that you know it, let's do it."

"Presumptuous, how dare you!"

Princess Daguan was startled at first, but after realizing it, she jumped up, seeing her daughter being dragged so hard that her neck was red, she was trembling with anger.

"Gu Nanyan, you are so courageous, you still don't stop this princess!"

Seeing that her face was flushed with anger, Gu Nanyan smiled slightly with a very relaxed expression.

"Princess, don't be angry, remember your identity, and be generous." She said softly.

"I still want to use you as an example, come on, hold back!"

Princess Daguan: "..."

Hold back... Hold on to your sister!
Is this what the princess means? !
I'm letting you hold back!
(End of this chapter)

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