Chapter 846

When had she ever been treated like this before, her anger rose instantly.

She is also straightforward.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and save the little princess!" Princess Daguan shouted angrily.

Several strong men guarding the door rushed into the house after hearing the words.

They wore the clothes of ethnic minorities, their limbs were thick and powerful, and they could feel the ground trembling when they walked.

Seeing this, Yunchu's eyes sharpened, and he flew forward and grabbed Princess Daguan.

"Presumptuous!" Seeing this, several strong men rushed forward.

Nan Mei on the beam is eager to try, just waiting for the master to give orders.

However, Gu Nanyan didn't call her.

He rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards the strong man.

She clenched her hands into a fist and thumped a few times.

Facing the casserole-sized fist of the person in front.



There was a scream, and the man's arm instantly bent into a strange arc.

He took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

The rest of the people were shocked, but before they could react, Gu Nanyan's fist came in front of them.

She is so fast that she is almost invisible.

Unprepared, several people were punched in the chest.

Before he could even scream, he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

A total of five strong men, only two breaths of time, all useless.

Even when Gu Nanyan sat back, everyone still hadn't reacted.

Nan Mei on the beam: "..."

This was the second time she saw her master make a move, and it refreshed her understanding of him for the second time.

With this speed and strength, even ten of them are no match for the master!

In addition to being shocked, Nan Mei felt unspeakable excitement and excitement in her heart, she stared blankly at Gu Nanyan.

"Look, if you don't come down and throw people out!"

Gu Nanyan raised his head to meet her gaze, seeing her looking at him like a fool, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

what eyes.


Nan Mei jumped down, a strong man with high spirits, and threw them out with arrogance and arrogance.

The Jilan princess had been frightened out of his wits for a long time, and let Yunxi carry her tremblingly, and was thrown together with those strong men.

Princess Daguan was stronger than her, she calmly waved Yunchu's hand away.

"Princess is such a good way to treat guests, this princess has learned it!"

She straightened her skirt, and her eyes were gloomy.

"Since the princess doesn't welcome our mother and daughter, we naturally won't hang on, it's just..."

"Today's humiliation, I, the King of Daguan, will not let it go!"

She said with a cold snort, and walked away with her head held high.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

I am afraid of you!

Going to other people's territory, huh, scum, and I still care about you.

Yun Chu said with a look of guilt: "It's all bad for the slaves. If the slaves hadn't let him in, what happened today would not have happened..."

She originally thought that she was humiliating for the sake of her master, but unexpectedly, she caused even bigger troubles.

Although she was born in Anyang Kingdom, she had heard rumors about this Princess Daguan.

It is said that even the first emperor respected this daughter very much, just because she dedicated herself to the country, regardless of personal gains and losses.

If the current emperor blames it, I don't know if the master will suffer.

"It's good to know that you made a mistake. Next time you encounter such a thing, do you know what to do?"

"The servant knows."

"Very good." Gu Nanyan nodded.

She didn't blame Yun Chu.

There is no doubt about the loyalty of Yunchu and Yunxi, but the former thinks too much about things and always puts the overall situation first.

This is also the reason why Gu Nanyan left her to manage the Princess Mansion.

"You need to remember that since you and Yunxi are the closest people to me, it represents the face of me."

"Whoever dares to make things difficult for you is stepping on my face. You should understand such a simple truth."

Yun Chu was startled.

Thinking of letting the mother and daughter stir up wind and rain in the mansion these few days, but I don't know how to stop it, isn't it letting them trample on the master?
Yun Chu immediately turned pale, and knelt down with a plop.

"It's the servant who made a mistake, please punish the master!"

"Punishment must be punished." Gu Nanyan tapped her fingertips.

"But for Yun Xi's sake, I will punish you to clean up the useless people in the mansion yourself."

The so-called useless people, of course, refer to those servants who are obedient to others and help the evildoers by the side of Princess Daguan.

"Your maidservant takes orders and will definitely restore the princess mansion to its former glory!"

Yun Chu was punished but did not complain, but was very grateful.

She made a big mistake and caused the princess mansion to be full of smog. Not only did the princess not drive her away, but she also gave her a heavy responsibility, which is very merciful.

At the same time, she was very envious of her younger sister, who actually asked the princess to save her face.

You must know that when the sisters first came to the princess, she was more valued by the princess than Yunxi.

Yun Chu gritted his teeth.

She will definitely work harder in the future and never make such a low-level mistake again!


On the other side.

Li Yi left the palace and went straight to Mingshan City.

Flying the steam car like a plane, he ran all the way, leaving Long Yi and others behind.

Finally arrived before the city gate was locked.

Thinking that he was in a hurry and his image might not be very good, he found an inn to wash up, changed into new clothes, combed his hair meticulously, and then left for the princess mansion.

In the carriage parked by the side of the road, Princess Daguan looked at the direction in which the steam car disappeared through the window lattice, and frowned slightly.

"Li Yi? We're here so soon..."

The emperor didn't say anything about Gu Nanyan's return, so he didn't even know about it.

But Gu Nanyan just returned at noon, and Li Yi arrived at night, so he should have been paying attention to Gu Nanyan's news.

"What did the concubine mother say?" The little Princess Jilan was frightened at noon, and she hasn't calmed down until now, and she is a little out of her mind.

"It's nothing. Concubine Mu thinks that maybe we don't need to go back to Beijing."

"Why?" Gillan was puzzled.

"Didn't you say that you want to go back to Beijing and ask Uncle Huang to make the decision for us?"

Princess Daguan lowered the curtains and looked at her daughter.

Jilan's little princess's face was pale, and her eyes were not as sharp as before, which made her feel distressed.

"I'm afraid your imperial uncle can't do anything."

She lovingly touched her daughter's little face.

Gu Nanyan's deeds have already spread all over the country.

Although she wanted to rely on her devotion to Jianan, she could suppress Gu Nan's smoke.

But she also understands that this person is probably more important to Jianan than she is.

Even if she went to the emperor to complain, all she could get was a few words of comfort.

When the princess of Jilan heard the words, there was a hint of hostility between her brows.

She bit her lip and said, "Could it be that Jilan's grievances are in vain?"

"Jilan is nothing more than herself. The mother and concubine are the most favored by the father and king. Do you have to swallow it?"

"Then where is my dignity, Da Wan?"

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, and she hugged Princess Daguan's arm with extreme aggrievedness.

"Mother, Jilan can't swallow this breath..." She choked up.

Princess Daguan was heartbroken upon seeing this.

"You are mother's concubine's darling, how can mother concubine let you be wronged, if it wasn't for your father and king insisting on going his own way, he insisted on letting you come and get married..."

(End of this chapter)

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