The farmer has a mall

Chapter 847 Who is closer

Chapter 847 Who is closer

Princess Daguan didn't finish speaking, she looked down at Jilan.

A look of affection flashed in his eyes, "Don't worry, my son, even if the concubine mother can't always be with you in the future, she will clear the way for you."

"Daughter, thank you mother."


The night is deep.

Gu Nanyan was about to take a rest, and just covered the quilt when she heard Yunxi knock on the door.

"Master, the prince is here."

"So fast?"

She was surprised for a moment, then lifted the quilt helplessly and got up.

It's a bit colder today.

Gu Nanyan was thinking whether to bring Huhu's cub over to warm his feet, when he saw a tall figure appearing at the door of the room.

"What do you do with the door open at night, be careful to freeze your master."

Li Yi was tall and tall, and he was dressed in black clothes, which perfectly outlined his figure.

His broad shoulders were straight and upright, with his hands behind his back, he glanced at Yun Xi with a straight face.

"Go down and set up a charcoal fire."

Before Gu Nanyan could speak, Li Yi turned around and closed the door smoothly, keeping Yunxi out.

Yun Xi who was outside the door stepped back quickly, avoiding the door frame that greeted her forehead, and was speechless for a while.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I closed the door without even seeing your face clearly.

Are you in such a hurry?
She is only seventeen!

Not yet of age!
Gu Nanyan shrank back into the bed, her gaze fell on Li Yi's jade-like handsome face.

I haven't seen you for a few months, but the dog man seems to look better.

The skin is fair, the facial features are sharp and angular, and the eyes are like stars.

Just looking straight at her.

The thoughts in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Yan'er is finally back. I miss her husband..." His voice was soft, and a faint smile slowly appeared on his thin lips.

Gu Nanyan only felt her heart beat a little faster.


She swallowed.

Start scratching your fingers.

In ancient times, age was calculated according to imaginary years.



It turned out that she was an adult!

"Do you miss Yan'er as a husband?"

Seeing that she was silent and stared at him blankly, Li Yi straightened his body even more, exerting all his strength.

Muscle lines are looming through the clothes.

Gu Nan's smoke almost flowed down.

"miss you!"

She said sincerely, and at the same time nodded vigorously.

Satisfied, Li Yi slowly walked towards the bed.

I knew his daughter-in-law couldn't stand the temptation.

This trick really works!

It was not in vain that he did not hesitate to suffer from the cold, in order to show off his figure, he only wore a thin shirt to meet her.

"Ah Choo!" He was handsome for less than three seconds.

Li Yi sneezed loudly, feeling a little dazed.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

All the good things were scattered by this sneeze...

She sighed helplessly, and asked Yunxi to prepare hot soup to warm Li Yi's body.

"How do you know I'm back?"

"I have people in Anyang Imperial City." Li Yi said without hiding anything.

"I knew as soon as you left the palace."

Gu Nanyan nodded.

She stayed in the border town for one night, so it was reasonable for Li Yi to come so soon.

"In such a rush, did something happen to the elder brother?"

Seeing his dusty appearance, he presumably left just after getting the news of her return.

Recently, he has been staying with Gu Yunge, and it can only be Gu Yunge's business.

Li Yi was silent.

"It's not a big deal... The Zhenbei navy is ready. The eldest brother thinks that he will start from Mingshan and come by water. I will make preparations one step ahead of time."

Returning from Yangguo, Cangyun took the ferry near the capital, and it would take a few more days to get here.

He could have started a few days later.

But he couldn't say that he was eager to see her, so he came here early.

Li Yi cleared his throat, drank the hot soup brought by Yunxi and changed the subject: "Everything is ready, the only thing missing is your firecracker."

"How is the arsenal going?"

Although his wife didn't stop him about the arsenal, he didn't always pay attention.

Therefore, he doesn't know much about how far the firecracker has been built.

"It's almost there. Some improvements were made in the later stage, and all of them were made into bursts."

A warship can accommodate at least a thousand people.

Now the shipyard is building a fourth ship, plus two ships from Anyang, for a total of six warships.

But she didn't intend to make all the warships fully manned. From her point of view, 5000 men would be enough if there were bursting firecrackers.

Too much but too cumbersome.

After all, the journey is long, and the journey is by water, so it will be troublesome if the supplies are not enough on the way.

Moreover, she also had people develop mortars, which are not as powerful as modern ones, but are sufficient.

It's just a small island, but mobilizing the crowd will give them face.

"It's up to you." Li Yi nodded, put down the soup spoon, and let out a satisfied breath.

Then he personally brought the tray to the door and handed it to Yunxi.

Yun Xi took the tray, and just wanted to ask him if he wanted to prepare another room.

Haven't waited to speak.

With a bang, the door closed again.

Yun Xi: "..."

"By the way, a princess and princess from Daguan Kingdom came to the mansion, and I had someone throw them out." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

She lowered her eyes, tapped the teacup with her white fingertips, and drank it immediately.

Li Yi frowned, and grabbed her slender wrist.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "What, are you unhappy?"

She smiled, but did not explain why they were thrown out of the house.

"If you want to, let someone take it back. You and I are married, and half of this princess mansion is yours. Whoever you want to live in is up to you."

She spoke very casually, and she never broke away from Li Yi's hand, but just looked at him with a smile.

Li Yi frowned: "Throw it away, throw it away, what does this king have to do with it, why does this king bring two troubles to the mansion."

As he spoke, he took the tea cup out of Gu Nanyan's hand: "Drink tea at night and be careful not to fall asleep. If you are thirsty, drink some hot water."

After that, he poured out the tea in the teacup, emptied the teapot together, and filled some hot water into it.

Xu felt that the water was too hot to drink, so he picked up another teacup and poured it back and forth several times.

Steaming heat fluttered between his skeletal fingers.

Even the ordinary teacup, against the backdrop of his slender fingertips, was as flawless as beautiful jade.

Gu Nanyan blinked, appreciating his gentle and peaceful appearance at the moment.

The tip of the nose smells a faint cold saponin fragrance.

In the house, the needle can be heard, only the breathing of the two of them is left.

After the heat in the tea cup dissipated, Li Yi put the tea cup back into Nan Yan's hand again.

Gu Nanyan drank it all in one gulp and put down the teacup.

"Isn't Princess Daguan your imperial sister? Are you not angry if I drive them out?"

It sounds good to say that you are driven out.

The two sisters, Yun Xi and Yun Chu, were throwing.

"Why are you angry? You are my king's wife and the person closest to me, sister Huang..."

He shook his head slowly, "Same father and half mother, they are not relatives."

Gu Nanyan became interested when he heard the words, and asked curiously: "In your heart, who is closer between me and your imperial brother?"

It's not that she loves comparisons, it's that Li Yi's way of saying this is too natural, which arouses her curiosity.

 Little cuties~ The author has recently started preparing a new book, sometimes there may only be one update, everyone forgive me~

  In addition, this book is coming to an end, but it will not end too soon, please rest assured ~ Sahua∠※

  Or if you have any topics you want to read in the next book, you can also tell me, the author will consider it carefully~ da da da da da...

(End of this chapter)

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