Chapter 848

"The king said long ago that both you and the emperor's brother are the closest relatives of the king. If you have to talk about who is better, naturally you are more important."

"Oh? Why?"

The two brothers are compatriots, and they supported each other to grow up, and their relationship is much better than that of ordinary brothers.

He said this, but Gu Nanyan was surprised.

The dog man's mouth is quite sweet.

Li Yi smiled: "There are so many why, the emperor has a family, and this king also has a family, that's all."

Gu Nanyan didn't understand.

But she didn't care, it was just a small talk.

She yawned.

"I'm going to rest if it's okay." In order to clean up those ninjas last night, I didn't sleep well at all.

Li Yi nodded: "It's late at night, it's time to rest."

"I'm going to wash up first."

He got up and walked straight to the bathroom.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

"Why don't you go back to your room and wash it."

The noise of coming in and going out is too loud, how can she still sleep?
"Yun Xi didn't prepare a room for this king, so I'll spend the night at your place tonight."

Li Yi looked very calm on the surface.

Gu Nanyan frowned.

It shouldn't be, Yun Xi has always been proper.

It is estimated that I was busy with many things just after I came back, so I forgot.

"Now let people clean it up. There are people cleaning it on weekdays, just change the bedding." She said.

"My lord is also the kind of person who oppresses the servants, don't torment them at night." Li Yi said righteously.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Nanyan's response, she turned around and slipped into the bathroom.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

All right, sleep here and sleep here.

She didn't say anything, and went to the bedside cabinet to get a picture book.

Li Yi stood in the bathroom, listening with his ears up.

Only the sound of pages was heard.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly happy.

Just knew it would work!
Yan'er has always been soft-hearted, he said so, how could she have the heart to drive herself out.

Li Yi was in a great mood, and took a shower happily.

The smile on the corner of his mouth never disappeared.

Two quarters of an hour later, when he came out of the bathroom smelling fragrant.

Facing an empty room.

Li Yi: "..."


"Where's your master?"

He opened the door and asked the night watch boy.

The boy swallowed.

Seeing that Li Yi's clothes were wide open, exposing the white and greasy skin on his chest, he looked very coquettish.

Hastily lowered his head.

"My lord, the princess has gone to sleep in the guest room, and told the little one to stay and serve her."

Li Yi: "..."

I thought the mountain was not just me, so I went to the mountain.

Who would have thought that the mountains would also have long legs to run.


Li Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then closed the door with a stern face.

The door panel vibrated a few times before returning to calm.

The candles in the house were extinguished.

Servant: "..."

Miss Yun Xi is right, the prince's temper is really unpredictable.

It seems that when serving in the future, you have to be more careful.

All of a sudden, the news that Li Yi had a bad temper and liked to throw things spread among the servants.

Coupled with the evidence of Yun Xi and the night watchman, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense.

The princess' mansion was full of rumors, and it made it easier for Yunchu to renovate the mansion.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Yi's complexion was still not good.

It was black and blue, and it was obvious that he hadn't slept well.

The journey to chase his wife is long, how can he fall asleep.

"Report to the lord, there are people outside the mansion asking to see you." The night guard said tremblingly.

Li Yi was already in a bad mood, so he said impatiently, "No see!"

"But...the man said that she is your...sister Huang." The boy's legs trembled in fright.

"I don't see anyone here!"

What Huangjie, even if Huangxiong came, he was not in the mood to deal with it.

Moreover, Yan'er chased him away, so what's the use of looking for him.

He can still make his wife unhappy for an irrelevant person.

After saying that, he got dressed and went to the backyard with his sword in his hand.

On the carriage that had been waiting all night outside the Princess Mansion.

Hearing that Li Yi didn't see her, Princess Daguan couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible!"

The imperial brothers have always respected her, even if Lao Jiu is cold-tempered, they will give her some face, and when they see her, they will respectfully call her Huangjie.

But now I don't see her!

Princess Daguan didn't believe it.

"Could it be Gu Nanyan's fault?" Jilan Xiaojun asked.

Princess Daguan also has this suspicion.

"Who was the person who went to report, and did it really reach the prince?"

Don't let the woman stop you halfway.

"This... this subordinate doesn't know." It was a young man who answered, dressed like a guard.

"Trash, I can't do this well!" Ji Lan cursed unhappily.

The face of the young guard instantly turned red.

Princess Daguan firmly believed that if Li Yi knew that he was here, he would definitely come out to meet him.

Therefore, being rejected was only due to Gu Nanyan.

"Forget it, I've been waiting all night, so it's not too late."

She gathered Ji Lan's skirt: "Just wait here, your Jiuhuang uncle will always go out."

"But..." Gillan bit her lip unwillingly.

"My concubine, as the princess of Daguan, was left outside for a night like this, and if she has to wait, wouldn't she be laughed at?"

"According to my daughter, it's better to lead people directly into it, I don't believe it, Gu Nanyan alone can defeat hundreds of us strong men!"

Gillan was furious.

This is the worst time she has lost her identity since she grew up.

Not only did he lose his grade, he was thrown out by the back of his neck, it was a shame to throw it at grandma's house!
If she doesn't say this, if word gets out, what face does she have to stay in Jianan and get married!

Not to mention that Gu Nanyan is still her rival in love!

She will be her greatest enemy in the future!

She must give her a good look!


Gu Nanyan didn't know at all that there was a girl not much younger than her outside the house, and she was planning to make her look good.

She slept until mid-morning and didn't get up.

"Where's your lord?"

While eating the early lunch that Yun Chuduan had brought, Gu Nanyan asked very casually.

"My lord is practicing sword in the backyard." Yun Chu bowed his head and said.

"Do you need a servant to invite the prince over?"

After what happened yesterday, Yun Chu became more cautious in his words and deeds, and treated Gu Nanyan with the same respect as before.

"No need, just ask casually." Gu Nanyan took a bite of the crystal bag, eating it very sweetly.

"But... the prince has been practicing for more than three hours..."

Gu Nanyan stopped biting the steamed stuffed bun, then looked up at Yunchu in surprise.

"Three hours?"

That is six hours.

Such good physical strength?
"Yes, and it never stopped in the middle."

Yun Chu really wanted to say, the lord looked a little unhappy, probably still angry because you left without saying goodbye last night.

But she glanced at her master's heartless look, and swallowed her words again.

Forget it, it's probably useless to say it.


Sure enough, Gu Nanyan just praised her and said nothing.

He lowered his head and continued to compete with food.

Yunchu: "..."

It is said that the prince is cold and difficult to get along with, but now it seems.

Actually... the prince is also quite difficult.

Yun Chu looked up at the dark sky.

It's going to rain.

Let's get someone to prepare some medicine to dispel wind and cold for the prince first.

(End of this chapter)

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