The farmer has a mall

Chapter 851 I Choose Your Majesty

Chapter 851 I Choose Your Majesty
Gu Nanyan couldn't help muttering.

Could it be uncomfortable? When it was arranged, she had a lot of blood.

Only the bluestone slabs used to pave the floor were custom-made, and later there was cement, and another layer was pasted on it.

Not to mention some of the larger guest courtyards are still paved with wooden floors.

Wood is worthless in ancient times, but labor is not cheap.

Nuoda has a princess mansion, even if it only paves a few courtyards, it will cost a lot of money.

Mainly the mahogany she used is much more expensive.

"The only guest room that was packed was burned by you, where else do you want to go?"

Focusing on the drawing book again, Gu Nanyan said lightly, "Just sleep here, and don't bother the servants at night."

After she finished speaking, she took the time to look him up and down.

"I don't think you look like that kind of oppressor."

Li Yi: "..."

"You agree with me staying?" He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

The heart beat wildly.

He pretended to be calm and cleared his throat: "Don't worry? You're not afraid of me..."

When he asked this question, he was a little nervous, his breathing was a little stagnant, and his face turned red instantly.

He stared at Gu Nanyan without blinking, fearing that he would miss any subtle expression on her face.

The room became quiet, and Li Yi seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

He hated him and wished he could slap himself.

What are you so excited about!
It's never been done on the battlefield before.

Can you be a little bit promising!
However, his emotions don't seem to be under his control.

"This kind of thing is about what you want, and we said before we got married that you want to break your promise when I become an adult?" Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes.

Li Yi really wanted to say that a girl from the Jianan Kingdom has grown up at fifteen.

But he remembered what Gu Nanyan said.

Women do not grow up until they are eighteen.

"This king keeps his promises, how could he break his promises?"

He cleared his throat, looking like you don't look down on people.

"This king is not a hungry ghost..."

Speaking of this, his face turned even redder, making Jiang Jun's face even fairer.

Li Yi suddenly felt that the temperature in the room was a little high.

"Ahem, I still have business to deal with. If you are sleepy, go to bed first."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the low couch by the window and sat down, opened the window a crack, and looked at the official documents solemnly.

The cool wind outside the window blew on his face, and the blush faded a little.

After a while, Gu Nanyan felt a little sleepy. Seeing that Li Yi was still reading the official documents, he washed up and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Li Yi walked out of the bathroom, and walked lightly to the bedside.

Turning on the bed, he carefully embraced Gu Nanyan, who was already asleep, in his arms.

There is plenty of carbon fire in the house, and the room temperature gradually rises.

Looking at her little red face, Li Yi smiled contentedly, and slowly closed his eyes.

With a beauty at your side, how can you rest your pillow.

But he fell asleep very quickly.

In the dream, it seems to be in the warm spring sun, warm and peaceful.

The next day, when Gu Nanyan woke up, Li Yi had already washed up, and as before, bought breakfast from outside.

To be precise, she was awakened by the smell of breakfast.

Looking at the sky, it was about eight or nine in the morning.

She simply got up, finished washing at an extremely fast speed, and sat down at the table.

Li Yi put a soup dumpling in her bowl.

The soup dumplings are crystal clear, with thin skin and plenty of soup. Since they have cooled down a bit, they are just right in your mouth.

One bite down, the soup overflows the mouth.

Seeing that she was eating with gusto, Li Yi gave her a spoiled smile, and picked another one for her.

"The king will invite Princess Daguan to discuss the cost with her in a while. You don't need to come forward."

First, he was afraid that his daughter-in-law would be angry when she saw the two mothers and girls.

Furthermore, they used the name of him and the emperor's brother to act recklessly in the Princess Mansion and treat his wife as nothing.

With this tone, he had to help Yan'er out.

With her around, he can't perform well.

Now he has to maintain his image in front of her, and if she sees a fierce side, what if he scares her away.

"You can figure it out." Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

Even if Li Yi didn't say anything, she didn't want to see the mother and daughter.

Too bad.

Moreover, Princess Daguan is his imperial sister, so he can deal with it as he pleases, and it didn't cause her too much loss anyway.

Even if he wants to deal with it lightly for the sake of his blood relationship, she will give him this face and not pursue it.


Concubine Daguan was having dinner with Princess Jilan, when she heard that Li Yi wanted to see her, she hurried over.

"Ninth Brother, Sister Huang finally saw you." She sighed as soon as she saw Li Yi.

"When Miss Huang got married back then, you were still a child, and you have grown up so much in a blink of an eye."

She looked at Li Yi with satisfaction, her eyes were slightly red, she picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her eyes.

After all, they were born to the same father, seeing her like this, Li Yi couldn't open his mouth to talk about money.

"I've wronged my sister, my father owes you a lot, and I still kept thinking about you before I left."

"This is what the imperial sister should do. The food of the king is to worry about the king's worries. As the princess of Jianan, I have to do some things."

"It's just that the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety has existed since ancient times. I failed to send my father to the emperor for the last time. It was because of my unfilial piety..."

She spoke and touched tears again.

"Father will understand."

Among other things, Li Yi still admires her willingness to ruin a good marriage and get married for thousands of miles.

Speaking of the first emperor, Li Yi was also a little sentimental.

Among the many heirs, the father respects the emperor's sister the most, but he is the one who loves him the most.

He still remembers when he was a child, his father taught him to read and write, and the scene of fishing with him by the lake.

At that time, he was only three years old, so young that he couldn't even hold a fishing rod, but he wanted to catch big fish.

If you can't catch it, you won't go back. No one says it's useless.

Father had no choice but to order the imperial guards to go into the water, hang a big fish weighing seven to eight catties on his hook, and then coax him back.

In fact, he only remembered fragments of these things.

After all, I was still young at that time.

Can't remember many details.

It was later that the emperor brother told him.

"Yeah, my father has always been reasonable, and he took good care of me before we got married. Otherwise, my sister would not have gambled her whole life for the country, for my father, and also for you and the emperor to go to the Western Regions to get married."

Princess Daguan nodded, as if she was very impressed.

Li Yi frowned slightly.

Although given the circumstances at the time, she had to go if she didn't go to the Western Regions.

But after all, she was the one who voluntarily gave up on the original marriage, preferring to bear the ruthless reputation. She didn't even look at her fiancé's death, and resolutely embarked on the road of marriage.

For the country and the father, he does not deny it.

She did contribute a lot to Jianan.

It can be said that it is a bit far-fetched for the sake of the emperor and him.

At that time, he was still a child, and the emperor was not very old, so why bother with them.

To be honest, it can only be said that the entire Jianan royal family is the beneficiary.

I am afraid that there are other deep meanings in bringing him and brother Huang out alone.

Sure enough, seeing that he was silent, Princess Daguan smiled.

"Perhaps you don't believe me. Before my father passed away, he contacted me and asked me who is the best candidate for the successor to the throne. I chose the current emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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