Chapter 852

"Imperial father Xu felt that the words of the imperial sister were well-founded, and within half a month after receiving the letter, he drafted an edict to pass on the throne..."

She paused, "Of course, it's also possible that the emperor had this intention a long time ago, and I'm just adding to the liking."

What she said meant something, how could Li Yi not hear it.

"What the princess means is that your brother is able to ascend the throne as the emperor, and you have contributed a lot?"

Thinking of the past, Li Yi felt a little ups and downs in his heart. He didn't intend to stop her from being sensational, but he calmed down after hearing this.

"Wangfei is asking for credit?"

Princess Daguan was taken aback, she didn't expect him to speak so directly, telling her purpose.

Instead, she couldn't continue.

"Ninth Brother was joking, but Sister Huang just sent it out of feeling, just happened to remember this old incident..."

She said embarrassingly: "Besides, the imperial sister has already married, and to you, she is already a foreigner..."

To the Jianan royal family, she was already an outsider.

To the royal family of Daguan, she is also an outsider.

Ever since she got married, she felt like she couldn't find duckweed on the surface of the water, her heart was floating around and had nowhere to take root.

And her daughter is about to step into the same life as her.

Maybe not as good as her.

At least she has Jianan as her backer, even if King Daguan doesn't like her, he still has to treat her with courtesy.

She smiled bitterly.

He glanced at the little Princess Jilan next to him.

The little princess hadn't said a word since seeing Li Yi, and just stared blankly at Li Yi's handsome face, his eyes were full of obsession.

But Li Yi didn't seem to see her, his eyes skipped her, and he said seriously to Princess Daguan:

"That's good." He lowered his eyes and fiddled with the ruby ​​wrench on his thumb.

"You can always remember your identity. Just remember that you are already the princess of Dawan. Don't mention these words in the future, so as not to make people misunderstand that Dawan is involved in the battle for the throne of Jianan."

"You should know that if someone with a heart finds out, Daguan may be wiped out!"

Those who are interested are naturally those who covet the throne.

Although there are Yan'er's city defense guns in place, no one dares to take the lead easily, and it is difficult to prevent someone from taking advantage of the loopholes.


There is no proof, no one knows what she said is true or false.

Her father had already died, and there was no proof of her death, so she could say whatever she wanted.

Even if it was true, based on his understanding of his father, he would never sway his decision just because of other people's words.

He looked like a smile but not a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, and the words he said were cruel and direct.

Princess Daguan's heart skipped a beat.

This is a blatant threat!
I've heard long ago that Lao Jiu is unkind, cruel and cruel, and seeing him today, it's true!

Even her royal sister can threaten her, let alone other people.

No wonder others nicknamed him Hades.

Princess Daguan's chest rose and fell, she was startled and angry.

However, she dared to go against Li Mi's will and insist on coming to Mingshan City, but she dared not go against the ninth brother in front of her.

Before coming, King Daguan told her not to provoke Princess Huguo and his wife.

She took it for granted that King Daguan was afraid of Li Yi, who was once invincible on the battlefield.

However, she didn't realize that what King Daguan warned was not to provoke the "Princess Huguo and his wife", not Prince Sheng and his wife.

Daguan is a small country closest to Jianan in the Western Regions. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as the city gate is firmly guarded, others will not be able to use it to attack Jianan.

This is also the reason why the first emperor wanted to make peace with such a small country.

But it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it is not impossible to attack.

Ever since the appearance of the city defense guns, King Daguan had trouble sleeping and eating, for fear that Jianan would bring the city defense guns and flatten his square inch of land.

I have been in panic for a long time.

Almost bald his few hairs.

In the end, he decided to repeat the previous routine and marry Jianan Kingdom to promote peace between the two countries.

The king of Daguan is so afraid, how can Princess Daguan not be afraid.

It's just that she is still unconvinced.

After all, she was also Li Yi's imperial sister, and the other party was threatening and intimidating, clearly not paying attention to her!
"Ninth brother has grown up and is full of manliness. Sister Huang dare not not listen to you." Her words were full of sarcasm.

He glanced at Li Yi with a smile on his face.

"I just don't know if the ninth brother can be so tough in front of your princess!"

Gu Nanyan's reputation of being domineering has spread all over the world, and she doesn't believe that he can tolerate it with his temper.

I'm afraid that there is no harmony between husband and wife.

"This king is tough to the outside world, but not when dealing with his wife. Gentleness and care are the most basic."

He said that his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

Princess Daguan was surprised by this answer.

"So, even if she made a mistake, Brother Jiu doesn't care?"

She is Li Yi's imperial sister, that is, Gu Nanyan's imperial sister.

Gu Nanyan dared to throw himself out of the mansion, obviously he didn't take Li Yi seriously.

He doesn't care if he is so bold and arrogant?

"Why bother?" Li Yi said.

"This king's concubine will not make mistakes. Even if there is a conflict with someone, the other party is at fault."

Li Yi paused, and added: "Including this king."

Princess Daguan:? ? ?
What kind of strange brain circuit is this, if the relationship is wrong, it is the fault of others, what Gu Nanyan does is right?
Princess Daguan almost died of anger.

These words were clearly meant for her!

She was about to bring up the matter ahead of time to seek justice for herself and her daughter.

"My lord is such a good man, sister wangfei is so blessed."

The princess of Jilan sighed with a look of nympho.

The eyeballs seemed to be glued to Li Yi's face.

Princess Daguan: "..."

Princess Daguan, whose hind leg was almost torn off, was silent, all words were choked in her throat.

"This king's concubine is naturally blessed beyond ordinary people."

Li Yi, who had just been allowed to sleep in the same bed last night, was in a pretty good mood, and finally set his sights on the little Princess Jilan.

"The little princess has great insight, and this king happens to have something to ask for advice."

"W-what's the matter?" Gillan asked excitedly with flushed cheeks.

Li Yi pulled out a charming smile.

"If someone owes money and doesn't pay it back, what should I do?"

Looking at his smiling face, Gillan felt that his breathing had stopped and his head was dizzy.

"Of course I want it back."

Which fairy is this? How can someone be so good-looking!
She has never seen such a handsome man in her age.

Even if she is the most beautiful man in Dawan, he is not [-]% as good as him!
Compared with him, all men in the world are like stones in that cesspit!
Gillan clutched her chest, struggling to breathe.

I feel like my heart is going to jump out.

"What if the other party doesn't pay back?"

"Don't pay it back? Then, then hit him and pay him back." Gillan subconsciously said.

She has a high status in Daguan, and not one or two people were killed, and she has long been accustomed to using this kind of violence to solve problems.

"I don't know which shameless person owed the money to the prince and didn't pay it back. If the prince is willing, Jilan will help you get it back!"

(End of this chapter)

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