The farmer has a mall

Chapter 853 Accommodation Expenses

Chapter 853 Accommodation Expenses

Ji Lan looked filled with righteous indignation and vowed to share Li Yi's worries.

The prince is so godlike, yet someone can bear to bully him, are you crazy?
She had to knock the man's head off.

See if it contains a bag of grass!

Seeing the fish taking the bait, Li Yi smiled and said nothing.

"The person who owes money to the king is your mother and concubine."

Gillan: "???"

She recovered from her obsession with Li Yi, and looked at Princess Daguan with a puzzled expression.

"When did the concubine borrow money from the prince? Didn't the father give you the bank note before leaving?"

What about 100 million taels, spent so soon?

Princess Daguan is more confused than her.

He frowned and said, "Ninth Brother, did you remember something wrong? It's the first time you and I met today. Why did I ever ask you to borrow money?"

"The king didn't say that you lent me money."

"What this king is talking about is the accommodation, food, and various miscellaneous expenses you need to live in the Princess Mansion."

Princess Daguan: ", count this with me?"

She couldn't believe it.

The Princess Mansion is not an inn or restaurant, so it is unreasonable to pay for accommodation and food!
"Of course it has to be counted, and it's not just counted. The Princess Mansion is an important place for the royal family. If you bring people into the mansion privately and do anything wrong in the mansion to disturb people's hearts, you will be punished according to the law!"

He snorted coldly and straightened his face.

"That's why Yan'er kindly didn't want to see your family ruined, that's why I let this king give you a light sentence...just pay money."

Ordinary people who break into the princess' mansion privately should be punished according to the law.

But the other party is also a member of the royal family and another princess, this law does not apply.

Princess Daguan, who has been married for more than 20 or [-] years, still remembers the laws of the Jianan Kingdom.

I remember she was not in the mood to refute.

She only felt that Li Yi was deliberately targeting, all of which were instigated by Gu Nanyan.

"I'm only staying for a few days, why should my ninth brother be like this!"

"There are plenty of places in the capital for you to live in. Why, the capital can't accommodate you?"

Li Yi was in a hurry to go back and talk to Gu Nanyan, his expression became more and more impatient.

"Where is the Princess Mansion, and what is Mingshan City? There are arsenals and steel factories here. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a military center. You, a princess of Daguan, why travel so far to live here?"

"What's more, when you came, the servants of the princess mansion had already stated that the master was not there, but you insisted on breaking in!" His voice was cold, and the cold heart trembled.

"Could it be another purpose, or..." He narrowed his eyes.

"The king of Daguan wants to harm my concubine?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Princess Daguan's trip this time was entirely her own idea. She originally thought that in her capacity, living in the Princess Mansion would complement each other.

She didn't think she had done anything wrong.

But Li Yi unexpectedly involved the whole of Dawan!

If it is confirmed, it is normal for the two countries to go to war.

At that time, King Daguan will not have to skin her?

She stood up abruptly, her expression no longer as relaxed as before.

"Since Prince Sheng doesn't welcome our mother and daughter, we just leave, why use these excuses to drive us away."

From her point of view, Li Yi's mention of accommodation and food expenses is completely an excuse, and the ultimate goal is not to ask for money.

As for the real reason...

Vent Gu Nanyan?


She immediately dismissed the idea.

Although Li Yi said as if he loved Gu Nanyan a lot, she still didn't believe that a man would treat a woman so well.

There must be another purpose!

Is it to divide the relationship between the two countries?

She habitually thinks about conspiracy.

Speaking of it, Da Guan did intend to use Liang to make excuses and threaten the late emperor.

The first emperor endured it at that time and sent her there, one can imagine how unwilling he felt.

Even if Da Guan kept his promise and didn't lend a way to Daliang, the debt would not be settled so easily.

So, finally, Jianan Kingdom couldn't help but attack Da Wan?
If this is the case, everything today will make sense.

Maybe her obsession with coming to Mingshan is also part of their plan!

The purpose is to use her as the fuse to give Jianan a reasonable reason to go to war!
How deep is the scheming!

Princess Daguan made up her mind.

The more I think about it, the more reasonable it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more frightened I become.

"Miss Huang suddenly remembered that there was still something to deal with, so I will not bother you today, and I will come to bother you when you are free."

It's fine if it's just her. She believes that even if Li Yi is cruel, Li Mi will not treat her as the emperor's sister.

But she still has a daughter by her side!

Jilan is a serious princess of Daguan, who knows what Li Mi will do to her.

She turned around in shock, pulled Jilan away who hadn't recovered yet.

"Gilan, let's go!"

You can't stay here anymore, or you can easily be taken hostage.

"Princess, is this trying to renege on the debt?" Li Yi's cool voice came from behind.

Princess Daguan didn't stop on her feet, didn't reply, and continued to walk out with a gloomy expression.

Gillan struggled a few times in pain as she clasped her wrist tightly.

Nai He couldn't break free at all.

"What is the concubine doing?"

Jilan was puzzled, and his eyes widened in surprise: "Could it be true, as the prince said, that you want to renege on your debt?"

Princess Daguan staggered.

He raised his head and looked at his daughter with a complicated expression.



"Shut up."


The two of them took their guards and hurriedly tried to escape.

But he was blocked by Li Yi's people.

The person who came was Long Yi.

He was left behind by Li Yi, and he just arrived at midnight last night.

"My lord said, I want you to pay back the money!" Long Yi said in a deep voice.

With a few words, he dealt with the other party's guards.

Point the tip of the sword at Princess Daguan.

Gillan screamed and hid behind her in fright.

"I can give you money, but you must promise to let us go."

If Li Yi had talked about the accommodation fee from the beginning, she would definitely not have given it.

But now she has decided that Li Yi has another purpose, and money is not as important as safety.

"Give me the money, and I will naturally let you go." Li Yi's voice sounded again.

Princess Daguan gritted her teeth, let go of Jilan's arm, and took out a few banknotes from her bosom.

"How much do you want."

Li Yi: "One million taels."

If there are too few, his daughter-in-law will also look down on her.

Princess Daguan: "..."

She stared at Li Yi angrily, wanting to ask him why the accommodation cost so much.

Does he think this princess mansion is a fairy mansion!

"I don't have so many with me." She only carried a few hundred taels, and the rest was in the cage.

"Well, let us go back first, and I'll have someone bring it to you later." She asked tentatively.

I thought Li Yi would immediately refuse, but he nodded and agreed without hesitation.


If the monk can run away but not the temple, Li Yi doesn't think she dares to renege on her debt.

"Then the king is waiting here, I hope Miss Huang will go and come back quickly."

Princess Daguan: "..."

This was the first time he called her Miss Huang after she entered the door.

But it made her feel cold all over.

She gritted her teeth, looked at Long Yi defensively, grabbed the arm of the little Princess Jilan again, and hurried away as if fleeing for her life.

(End of this chapter)

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