The farmer has a mall

Chapter 854 Who Is Your Master

Long Yi followed the carriage of the two mother and daughter, all the way to the inn.

Li Yi said to let her go and come back quickly, Princess Dawan finally "escaped" out, how could she go back again.

While entering the room to collect the bank notes, she looked at the square table in the middle of the room, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and bumped into it.


Blood trickled down her forehead, blurring her eyes.

Princess Daguan felt dizzy for a while, and after a while, she slowly got up while supporting the table.

"In this way...the Ninth Brother's people shouldn't embarrass us."

She felt that Long Yi would follow, it must be Li Yi's order, the purpose was to prevent her from escaping, and bring her back to the princess mansion with people and money.

Princess Daguan thought up a big power struggle.


Gu Nanyan looked at Li Yi unexpectedly, a little incredulous.

"You mean... Li Mi wants Princess Najilan to be your side concubine?"

Did everyone play like this in ancient times...

Isn't Jilan his niece, who can marry?

Gu Nanyan felt that the three views were about to collapse.

No wonder she always felt that the little Princess Jilan seemed hostile to her. Now that she thought about it, it was clearly the way a little girl looks at a rival in love.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I need to take it easy.

She looked shocked, and Li Yi was speechless.

Is this the point?

Shouldn't she have turned the table and accused herself of being half-hearted and wanting to marry a side concubine within two years of getting married.

Then he went to the capital and smashed the emperor's brother into thousands of pieces...

Li Yi was silent.

"The Western Regions are open to the people. Besides, Ji Lan is not the biological daughter of the imperial sister, but the daughter of other concubines of King Daguan, who was later sent to the imperial sister's knees."

King Daguan was cautious and suspicious by nature, so how could he allow a woman with the blood of the Jianan royal family to give birth to his heir and inherit his throne.

At that time, there is no need to send troops, and Daguan will become the possession of Jianan Kingdom.

Since Huang Jie has had nothing to do for so many years, she may have been extinct from the very beginning.

Li Yi sighed, although he had no relationship with this imperial sister, her life was really embarrassing.

"Oh." Gu Nanyan responded indifferently.

Li Yi glanced at her, and tentatively said: "Brother Huang wants this king to marry a side concubine, Yan'er has nothing to say?"

According to her temperament, she should be very angry.

"What?" Gu Nanyan was puzzled.

Of course, it means that you disagree, that if the king dares to marry the side concubine, he will take his skin off!

Anyway, no matter what you say, you shouldn't be so calm!
Li Yi pursed his thin lips tightly, staring at Gu Nanyan fixedly.

The dead girl really doesn't care about him so much?
So angry!

But hold back.

I just decided yesterday that if I don't have the same knowledge as this girl, I can't slap her in the face so quickly.

"Yan'er has so much confidence in this king? Are you afraid that this king will agree?"

"I have confidence in myself." Gu Nanyan waved his hand.

"Choose one or the other, and I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

Whether to live well or die is a personal choice.

She has nothing to worry about.

It's him who needs to worry.

Gu Nanyan gave Li Yi a meaningful smile back.

Li Yihui made a mistake, thought she was jealous, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't care, but that she believed that he would definitely choose her.

"Don't worry, Yan'er, this king said that you will not break your promise if you are alone in this life."

Before he met her, the love between his son and daughter was just a fleeting moment to him, he never took it to heart, and even thought it would be good not to marry a wife in his life.

It wasn't until he met Yan'er that he understood why so many people were troubled by love.

Li Yi's words meant to show his loyalty.

Indeed, Gu Nanyan was very useful.

She felt that under such circumstances, she had to say something and express her point of view.

So he looked at Li Yi tenderly and said, "Don't worry, I'm also a man of my word, and I won't kill you without confirming your half-heartedness."

After finishing speaking, she patted Li Yi's shoulder with encouragement in her eyes.

Li Yi:? ? ?

What are you doing?
What is Yan'er talking about? Do they mean the same thing?

"Master, the bank note is here."

Just when Li Yi doubted his life, Long Yi came back.

After he entered the room, he walked towards the two of them directly holding the bank note.

Li Yi came back to his senses and nodded slightly.

He was still thinking about the meaning of Gu Nanyan's words.

Seeing Long Yi approaching, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to take the bank note.

But he didn't want Long Yi to just pause in front of him.

Then he moved his feet, walked around him and walked directly in front of Gu Nanyan.

Holding the silver ticket in both hands, he handed it forward respectfully.

"Princess, your silver ticket."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Li Yi:? ? ?

Who is your master?
Facing Li Yi's staring gaze, Long Yi didn't think it was a pest.

Anyway, the money in the family is under the control of the princess, even if it is given to you, you can't keep it.

It's better for him to give it directly to the princess, and show his face in front of the princess a lot, so as to lay a solid foundation.

Long Yi looked around, but he couldn't help being a little disappointed when he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

Gu Nanyan was quite happy, and happily accepted the bank note.

The more you look at Long Yi, the more pleasing to your eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let Yunxi bring you a pot of good wine later. She cooked a lot of delicious food today... Can you eat spicy food?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hearing Yun Xi's name, Long Yi nodded hastily.

"That's good, I'll let Yun Xi take it with me later."

Li Yi was not happy when he heard that.

The money was cheated by him, why does the daughter-in-law only reward Long Yi and not him?
Sure enough, the hidden guards are the most eye-catching!
Li Yi cleared his throat.

"What kind of dishes does Yun Xi cook? It just so happens that this king hasn't tasted her cooking for a long time, so let's go together later..."

"Sorry." Gu Nanyan scratched her head in embarrassment.

"I forgot that you don't like spicy food, so I just forgot to tell Yun Xi... How about you have a meal at noon?"

"I remember there is a restaurant nearby, there are quite a lot of dishes in it, you ask Long Yi to buy some for you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Nanyan got up, hummed a little tune, took the money, and left without looking back.

Li Yi: "..."

He...was left like this?

"Dragon, one!"

You actually ruined this king's good deeds, believe it or not, this king sent you into the palace to accompany Eunuch Zhao!

He stared at Long Yi viciously.

Long Yi: "...Subordinate, let's go to the restaurant now."

Run before the hostess is far away.

After buying lunch for the prince, he will be able to eat Yun Xi's handicrafts.

I hope the master can assign more tasks like this in the future, then he will be able to marry a wife in a few months!
Oh, Miss Yunxi looks so good-looking, the dishes she cooks must be delicious.

He is lucky today.

It's just that the master is poor, he can't even get a meal after working for half a day.

Long Yi responded with a sympathetic gesture, and quickly walked out of the courtyard.

Li Yi slapped the table angrily.

Damn Long Yi, it's gone against the sky.

Kind of don't come back!
That day, the guard Long who often followed the prince did something wrong and was fined to stand for a whole day without even letting him eat.

The servants of the princess mansion speculated whether the guard Long had fallen out of favor.

At the same time, in the study room that Gu Nanyan specially opened for Li Yi, there was the sound of gasping for breath from time to time, as if eating something spicy.

Long Yi, who was punished to stand at the door, was heartbroken upon hearing this.

My wine, my food, my girl Yunxi...

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