At night, Li Yi didn't know what he was busy with, so he stayed in the study all night.

It was only early the next morning that he showed his face with an extraordinarily rosy and full mouth.

Long Yi followed behind him listlessly.

Gu Nanyan looked at Li Yi's lips strangely.

This guy didn't go back to the house last night, maybe he went shopping in the building, his mouth seemed to be swollen by someone.

Even if you have doubts, you can't wrong someone without evidence.

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment.

"You got stung by a little bee?"

Li Yi: "..."

God's little bee, it's not because of your dish!
"A little angry, it's okay."

After finishing speaking, he covered his lips and coughed lightly, avoiding Gu Nanyan's sight.

It's not that Li Yi doesn't like spicy food, it's that he can't eat spicy food.

He usually eats a light diet, and even puts little salt, but Gu Nanyan has a strong taste, and the food he eats seems to be too spicy to kill him.

Gu Nanyan had no doubts.

"Then drink more water."

Hot water can cure all diseases!
She gave an order not to continue this topic, and brought up the business.

"I'm going to visit the shipyard, are you staying in the mansion or are you together?"

Grandfather and father were staring over there, it would not be good for her not to take a look.

It has been almost half a year since General Dong returned to Yangguo, and it is time to go to Yangguo for an explanation.

Before that, she had to run in with the crew of the other three warships for a period of time to improve their cooperation.

"It's fine to stay in the mansion, my king will be with you."

Li Yi got up without thinking.

"If my king's predictions are not bad, General Dong may bring people back to fight back. You should familiarize yourself with the warship in advance."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "Why do you have such an idea?"

In the battle with General Dong, she completely defeated the opponent with a Cangyun.

With such a huge gap in strength, she didn't believe that the other party would dare to come to die.

Li Yi understood her thoughts and patiently explained: "Although your warships are powerful, they are outnumbered. If the opponent sends ten, twenty, or even a hundred warships, it will be difficult to win."

Li Yi said it very tactfully.

If the opponent really had that strength and sent a hundred warships to attack, it would be almost impossible for the Cangyun to win.

Gu Nanyan disagreed.

"They added ships, and we didn't sit idle. Regardless of the one your brother bought in Beijing, there are four in Mingshan City alone."

Although the fourth ship has not been completed, it is coming soon.

"There is also Anyang Kingdom, which also has two ships."

From Anyang to this side, it only takes seven or eight days by water. If the speed is the fastest, it can be reached in three to five days.

Gu Nanyan didn't think that the opponent's hundred ships could beat her warship made of steel.

Li Yi shook his head, "The problem is, the other party only knows about the Cangyun, and doesn't know that we have other warships."

General Dong must have been inquired about. At that time, the Cangyun was the first and only warship.

If he is more courageous, the possibility of calling back is very high.

Gu Nanyan touched his chin.

People in Yang Kingdom have a shameless arrogance. If they really think that she only has Cangyun, Li Yi's speculation may come true.

"It doesn't matter, just come."

"It's just a matter of collecting a wave of heads first, boosting the morale of the soldiers, and then going to the old nest of Yangguo Duan will be smoother."

Li Yi was helpless.

Xu Shi has confidence in his own strength, and his Yan'er is never afraid of getting into trouble, which makes him admire him a lot.

However, with her strength, she is indeed worthy of this confidence.

"Let's go, no matter how late you are, you won't be able to catch up with lunch."

After finishing speaking, Gu Nanyan quickened his pace and walked out.

Li Yi followed, dumbfounded.

Seeing the two masters walking away, Long Yi moved closer to Yun Xi's side.

"Yesterday's meal was delicious, thank you."

Although he didn't eat a single bite.

Yun Xi was counting the gifts that Gu Nanyan bought for the two elders of the Gu family, and she just nodded slightly when she heard this.

"The dragon guard is polite, it's the master's order."

Hey, why is the box containing the wrench broken?

Yun Xi turned around and walked towards the inner room.

The guard Long followed her desperately, but he didn't dare to enter the inner room, so he had to talk to Yun Xi through the door.

"Although it was the princess' order, Miss Yunxi's painstaking efforts to make it are also indispensable."

He quietly glanced at the busy Yunxi, and took out a wooden box from his arms.

"To express my gratitude, I specially bought a gift for you, and I hope you don't dislike it."

Yun Xi was in a hurry to find a suitable container to hold the finger puller, so she didn't listen to Long Yi's words at all.

Looking up, she saw Long Yi handing her a gift.

Her eyes lit up instantly, she was overjoyed.

"Guard Long is really a good person."

She took the gift over and carefully stroked the pattern on the box.

Seeing that she liked it so much, even the box, Long Yi was overjoyed.

"Why don't you open it and have a look?"

It was specially chosen for her by him. In order to buy this gift, he spent half a year's monthly gift in it.

Yun Xi did as she was told, opened the lid of the box with a click, and looked it over carefully.

The inside of the box was wrapped in red silk, and a thick cotton pad was placed underneath. On the cotton pad was a gold bracelet inlaid with various colored gemstones.

The gemstones are colorful, and the gold is radiant, which is really beautiful.

Yun Xi took out the bracelet.

Long Yi embarrassedly scratched his head.

"I don't know what you like. You didn't use the rouge powder I bought last time, so I bought a practical one this time."

"Like it?"

He asked Yunxi cautiously.

The corner of Yunxi's mouth twitched: "I like it, I like it very much."

Long Xiaoxiao's heart was beating so hard that he felt like he was going to fly.

"As long as you like it, as long as you like it." He laughed silly.

But why does Miss Yunxi only stare at the box?
He thought the original box was too low-grade, so this one was ordered from the prince's study.

Is it a baby?

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat.

It's broken, if you really follow the baby, the prince will definitely beat him to death!
Do you want the box back?

"Thank you Dragon Guard, then I will accept it." Yun Xi said happily.

"The finger-wrench box that happened to be given to the old man is broken, so it's perfect to put it in."

The box is engraved with a picture of Songhe Yannian.

It is suitable for the elders!
Before Long Yi could react, Yun Xi quickly took out the bracelet inside, threw it aside, and passed Long Yi with the box.

Long Yi: "..."

Looking at the gemstone bracelet that was abandoned in the corner, Long Yi felt his heart was broken.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to grab it, as if he wanted to grab his sinking heart.

Suddenly, a slender little hand took a step faster and put the bracelet into his arms.

"And... the bracelet is also very beautiful, thank you."

After Yun Xi finished speaking, she turned her head and went out the door, leaving Long Yi alone, standing there in a daze, unable to recover.

Nan Mei, who was lying on the beam watching the show, stabbed Nan Qi's waist frantically with her elbow.

"Look, look, I'm not dazzled, sister Yun Xi is actually blushing!"

As if she had discovered a new continent, her eyes widened, she looked at Yun Xi who was walking away in disbelief, and then at Long Yi below.

No wonder, she didn't feel anything about that square-faced guard named Fang Lian in the Anyang Imperial Guard.

It turned out that there was an adulterer long ago!
Very good!
Sister Yunxi is expected to get married, and her No.1 throne next to the princess is also expected!

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