"That's right, horizontal or vertical or vertical..." Gu Shen boasted against his will.

I looked at my daughter's words again, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my eyes.

Gu Shen: My daughter's skill is really powerful, she can hurt people's vitals without using her hands...

I don't know if I will be blind.

Gu Yao also couldn't put it into words, seeing his granddaughter looking at him persistently, she looked like she was waiting for praise.

An old face flushed.

"Sister Nan's handwriting can be called a master level."

They can all become their own school, but they are not at the master level.

Gu Nanyan proudly raised her head and looked at Li Yi.

"I'll talk about the inscription later." Li Yi looked serious.

"The business is important. Now that the Jianan Kingdom is in crisis, the Yang Kingdom is still in danger... I watched the stars last night, and today must be a sunny day. Why don't I board the ship and try the power of the new ship?"

"My son-in-law's words are very kind. It is the duty of an official to be concerned about the country, the people, and the country. Fortunately, my son-in-law reminded me that I should be ashamed of myself." Gu Shen also said seriously.

"Miao Zan, father-in-law, I still have a lot to ask you for advice, why don't we talk as we walk... how about the old general?"

"Old minister obeys!" Gu Yao said immediately.

After finishing speaking, he left with Li Yi and Gu Shen one by one.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

The handwriting is well written, so why is it related to being an official?

Is there such a wide range of thinking?
Gu Nanyan looked at Li Yi's back as if nothing had happened, and was at a loss.

Still worrying about the country and the people, why not say die for the country!

And I don't know when you learned how to watch stars?

"Thank you both for saving me."

After walking for a while, Gu Nanyan felt that Gu Nanyan should not be able to hear their conversation. Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and whispered to Gu Shen gratefully.

It was really dangerous just now.

Praising her is against conscience.

To tell the truth, it is inevitable to be beaten.

It really scared him into a cold sweat.

Gu Shen laughed dryly, his voice lower than Li Yi's.

"My virtuous son-in-law is very polite. Sister Nan's words of dog crawling are well-known to me, and I should help you out."

It's all his fault.

The girl is [-]% like him, and she almost hurt the prince.

Gu Shen felt guilty.

"Hmph, you were also born to me. If you want to tell the true story, I passed it on to Sister Nan."

What's wrong with you!

Shameless, put gold on your face.

Gu Yao stared at his son in disdain.

Gu Shen was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

"Father's words are unreasonable. Where would Sister Nan come from without my father? Where would you pass it on without Sister Nan?"

Once the crisis was over, Gu Shen's donkey energy came back.

"Besides, the eldest brother was also born to you, why didn't he inherit it from you, his handwriting is even approved by the emperor."

"And that kid Yunze, who won the first prize, is his calligraphy bad? Is that also yours?"

Gu Shen didn't save any face for his own father, and did not hesitate to tear things down in front of his son-in-law.

It's not that he's blowing it up, the entire Gu family belongs to his handwriting which is the ugliest...

Of course, except Nanjieer.

"Your elder brother was an accident!" Gu Yao raised his beard.

"Then you passed it on to Yunze, why, Yunze was also an accident?"

Are all the children of the Gu family feeling accidental?
Gu Shen refused to give in to matters of principle, and argued with his father.

Old General Gu blew his beard and stared angrily, blushing and not flinching.

The father and son were about to pinch each other.

Li Yi was speechless, so he could only step forward to persuade him.

But suffered a joint attack from the two.

The quarrelsome two didn't see clearly who was persuading the fight, and at the same time they stretched out their hands to push Li Yi back.

Li Yi, who had never dealt with family conflicts before, was pushed out without warning.

He slammed into the brick wall not far away with a face of shock.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a hard object hit my waist.

Then there was a burst of numbness that went straight to the sky.

Li Yi hissed subconsciously.

This sound brought back the sanity of the father and son, and Qi Qi looked over.

Seeing Li Yi clutching his waist in pain, cold sweat dripped from the painful forehead.

Gu Shen: "..."

Gu Yao: "..."


Sister Nan ruined the rest of her life!
They didn't use much effort!
The father and son looked at each other, annoyed.

Just wanted to check it out.

He heard Li Yi's pitiful voice.

"Yan'er, it hurts."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Shen: "..."

Gu Yao: "..."


The rest of their lives are also ruined.

The two turned their heads in embarrassment, and they saw Gu Nanyan standing not far away with a calm face.

"Well... If I say it was an accident, would you believe me?" Gu Shen asked tentatively.

Although he is the daughter's biological father, it is indeed a bit too much to beat someone's husband in front of him.

As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog!

Gu Shen averted his gaze a little guilty, not daring to meet his daughter's gaze.

Turning around, I happened to see the calm expression on the face of my father, Old General Gu.

Gu Shen thought to himself, sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, but his father's psychological quality is not ordinary.

"Your father is right, it was indeed an accident, and your father didn't do it on purpose..." Gu Yao echoed.

Hearing this, Gu Shen suddenly felt that his father was much taller.

Even if you can't protect yourself, you still help him to speak, he should have let him say a few words.

...Just two sentences, no more.

"But even if it's an accident, it's a bit heavy to start."

Gu Shen was lamenting his father's love as a mountain, when he suddenly heard his father's words change, and looked at him sternly.

"It's not that the old man is talking about you. It doesn't matter if you attack such a big man. Before the old man meets his grandson-in-law, you pushed him out."

Gu Shen: "..."

Gu Shen:? ? ?
Gu Nanyan walked to Li Yi with a sullen face.

Just now Li Yi changed the subject and played sloppy with her, but she didn't react for a while.

After Zha felt the taste, he chased after it.

I want to have a good chat with Li Yi, and ask him if he has been drifting lately.

Then I saw the scene in front of me.

Li Yi's pale and pitiful face made her feel as if she had been hit in the chest.

"Yan'er, it hurts so much for my husband." While crying out in pain, Li Yi leaned his whole body against Gu Nanyan.

Looks very weak.

Gu Nanyan frowned, and reached out to lift his clothes.

Li Yi grabbed her little hand.

"No, it's in public..." He glanced at Gu Yao and Gu Shen, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Let go." Gu Nanyan said in a deep voice.

Li Yi didn't let go, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Gu Shen and Gu Yao were speechless.

"Let Sister Nan take a look." Gu Shen was anxious.

What time is this, Sister Nan is proficient in medical skills, let her see it quickly!
They are all old men, who are you showing them shyly and timidly!

Apparently Gu Nanyan thought the same way, and he wasn't used to his faults at all.

With a ripping sound, his coat was ripped out.

"Let it go."

Don't let me go, it's really torn.

Hitting your waist is no small matter, what if you hurt your vitals.

Looking at his daughter-in-law's serious eyes, Li Yi panicked.

They discussed softly: "How about we go back and..."

Gu Nanyan made a gesture to tear it up.

Li Yi was so frightened that he hurriedly let go.

There was a chill in my waist.

Gu Nanyan looked over, and saw a palm-sized patch of redness on her porcelain-white skin.

Although the area is relatively large, it is not serious, at least there is no trace of bruising.

"It looks fine."

Gu Nanyan frowned suspiciously.

Why did Li Yi look so painful that he broke out in a cold sweat.

She looked at Li Yi suspiciously.

Li Yi dodged his eyes.

He said dryly: "Maybe it's an internal injury..."

Gu Nanyan took it for granted, felt his pulse again, and carefully checked the injured part again.

"There are no symptoms of internal bleeding..." Gu Nanyan paused.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Maybe it's because she's not good at medicine and can't see the essence through the surface?
It seems that we still have to check it with the instruments in the space.

If the internal organs are ruptured, they must be treated immediately.

Moreover, people with ruptured internal organs cannot move freely.

Thinking of this, she can't care that her elders are still there.

He bent down and gave Li Yi a princess hug on the spot.

Then he walked briskly through the stunned soldiers of the Zhenbei Navy Battalion, and walked to the lounge.

Li Yi: "..."

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