The farmer has a mall

Chapter 859 Lessons

Chapter 859 Lessons
Being hugged by my daughter-in-law without any burden, he walked around the camp for a week, passing almost all the camps of the soldiers.

Li Yi: "..."

I can't even lift my head up.

He struggled to get down, but saw his daughter-in-law looked at him playfully.

Li Yi immediately didn't dare to move.

With a flushed face, she was carried into an empty room with only one bed.

Perhaps because of the proximity to the sea, the houses here have a faint musty smell.

If it was on a normal day, Li Yi would definitely despise it.

But today he has no face.

And he suspects that his wife has seen through his little trick.

Prince Tangtang, actually used this method to pretend to be pitiful and deceive the little girl. Needless to say, he also felt ashamed.

But in that situation at that time, she was seen coming straight towards him aggressively from a long distance.

At that time, he only felt that his head was buzzing, and he didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he fell back following the strength of the bickering duo.

As for the back injury...

Hitting is bumping.

But to him, this little injury was no different from scratching an itch.

It's just that he didn't expect that his daughter-in-law would be so brave to take him back as a big man all the way to the princess.

Li Yi sighed.

At this moment, embarrassment is trivial, how to get rid of this lie is the most difficult thing to do.

He didn't think his wife was easy to fool.

If he's found out later...

Then something will happen.

"Roll up your sleeves."

Li Yi was still thinking about how to lie, when he suddenly felt a chill go down his back, and then he heard Gu Nanyan's cool swishing voice.

When he subconsciously turned his head, he saw that she was holding a syringe as thick as a baby's arm, looking at him intently.

The needle on the syringe was shining with silver light, sharp and dazzling.

He seemed to hear the sound of a needle piercing his skin.

Li Yi: "...What are you doing with your sleeves rolled up?"

Don't be so harsh.

Li Yi swallowed, and supported his body with his arms to hide in the bed.

Don't come here.

If you get any closer to this king, you will shout!
Gu Nanyan smiled grimly and walked over.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed with one leg, he slowly leaned closer.

The bed was a single bed, which was not big, so Li Yi was directly thrown against the wall.

The fragrance of Gu Nanyan's body lingered on the tip of his nose.

But he didn't care to appreciate it.

"What else can I do?"

"My lord is not feeling well, naturally this princess will give you a good treatment..."

A man's muffled hum came from inside the room, and the patrolling soldiers passed by and took a strange look.

"Why did I hear movement in the room?" Soldier A wondered.

"Isn't that room always empty?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, the prince and the princess are inside, the old general specifically asked not to disturb you!" Soldier B pouted.

"Oh." Soldier A suddenly realized.

Then I don't understand again.

"But it's broad daylight, what are the two of you doing with the door closed? It sounds like someone was hurt and crying, so don't tell me something happened."

"What do you know, you little hairless doll, walk around, hurry up, patrolling and looking around!"

Soldier A: "..."

if not.

Is he going to patrol with his eyes closed?

Seeing him stretching his neck to look around, the older soldier C pushed him and glanced at the door.

The doors and windows were closed tightly, and the bed board creaked from time to time in the room.

A meaningful smile appeared on Soldier C's face.

I have always heard that the relationship between the prince and the concubine is good, but I didn't expect it to be so good, in broad daylight...

It seems that their old general is not far from holding a grandson.

inside the house.

Gu Nanyan, who was misunderstood by everyone as making a villain, took out the equipment in the space and gave Li Yi a full-body examination.

In fact, she could tell from the very beginning that Li Yi was lying, but she was just too lazy to expose him.

Unexpectedly, the more he played with this guy, the better he would be.

So she gave him a burst of anesthesia on the grounds of an examination.

Just teach him a lesson.

Use practical actions to tell him how unreliable it is that a lie needs countless lies to complete.

Looking at the test report in his hand, Gu Nanyan was quite satisfied.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all healthy, and there are no unspeakable hidden diseases.

Not bad!

Holding the inspection report behind his back, he patted Li Yi's chest with the other hand.

"A good and strong guy, enough for me to toss around for a few years."


After more than an hour, Li Yi woke up.

The anesthetic Gu Nanyan gave him was produced by the system, not only had no side effects, but also relieved quickly.

Seeing that his spirit had returned to his usual state, the two went out.

At the door, Gu Yao and Gu Shen were waiting anxiously, when they heard the sound of the door opening, they rushed to meet them.

"How about it, is there a problem with the son-in-law?" Gu Shen asked anxiously.

"Whether the injury is serious or not, tell me what medicine you need, and I will go to the city to buy it myself!" Gu Yao also frowned, with a serious expression on his face.

Gu Nanyan shook her head decisively upon hearing this.

"No problem, no need to go to the city to buy medicine."

She first answered the two's questions, and then said, "But you still have to be careful, you hurt your tendons just now, if you don't take good care of it, it may cause the root cause of the disease when you get older."

When she said this, firstly she was concerned about Li Yi's face, and secondly, she was afraid that the father and son would beat him up for telling the truth.

So I just said I hurt my tendons.

Most people must take it very seriously when they hear that it may lead to the root cause of the disease.

But who are these two father and son?

Those are two masters whose nerves are thicker than telephone poles!
Gu Yao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out that it was just a tendon injury, but it's okay."

Fortunately, he didn't hurt his waist, otherwise he and his grandchildren might not have the chance to meet each other.

Gu Shen also breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed a few times.

"Father is right. The young man recovers quickly. It's just a tendon injury. It will recover tonight."

Li Yi: "..."

It's an exaggeration to say that I've been hurt for a hundred days, and I'll be fine tonight.

But he didn't know that if Gu Shen was hurt for a hundred days, it wouldn't work if he let Gu Shen go.

Why do you need to take good care of your injured muscles and bones?

One thing Gu Nanyan was right about was that she was afraid of falling into the root cause of the disease and suffering when she got older.

But Gu Shen didn't think so!

He thinks men, especially those who practice martial arts.

How normal is it to have a sore back, backache, and leg cramps!
As long as it doesn't hurt when he is young, he can give his girl a baby.

When he was old, his hands and feet were inconvenient and he needed someone to take care of him. His daughter suffered?
Then you think too much.

Even if the hands and feet are flexible, there are people to take care of them.

Who made him a prince.

Still a prince!
It would be inappropriate to have fewer servants in the mansion.

Therefore, it doesn't really make any difference to her daughter whether he is inflexible in his hands and feet, whether he is bedridden or alive and kicking.

Gu Shen coaxed himself to understand in an instant, and the guilt towards Li Yi disappeared immediately.

Walking up to the two brothers, he put his arms around Li Yi's shoulders and gave him two hard slaps.

"It's fine, let's go, let's go test the ship!"

Li Yi: "..."

He covered his numb shoulders and tried to keep smiling.

The father-in-law probably didn't treat him as a human being.

After these two slaps, Hu Hu will have a broken bone...

(End of this chapter)

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