Chapter 860
Two warships, one for Gu Yao and Gu Shen, one for Gu Nanyan and Li Yi, sailed into the ocean mightily.

The rumbling shells rang like money for an hour.

The shipyard is classified as a confidential place, and no one else is allowed to enter within a radius of [-] miles.

Even so, the earthquake that caused the earthquake still frightened the nearby fishermen.

"My lord, with such a big commotion, the old general is going to die!" An old man listened to the commotion in the distance with a look of awe.

Although I have heard it before, but every time there is only three or five beeps, there is no movement.

It's not like today.

It rang dozens of times!

Even sitting on a mountain has to be flattened.

"It must be General Gu who is training recruits." Another person sighed.

This person looked like a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, he was wearing a coir raincoat, and his body was full of water vapor.

He looked enviously into the distance with the old man.

Seeing his thoughts, the old man chuckled.

"The boy from the Li family hasn't given up yet?" The old man sat down on the bow of the boat, took out a cigarette stick from his pocket, lit it, and took a big drag.

"Our village has been fishing for generations for a living. I can't read or know how to fight. It's not easy to join the Zhenbei Army."

"According to my old man, it's better for you to stop thinking about it and be a fisherman safely?"

The young man clenched his fists and faced the place where the Zhenbei Naval Battalion was stationed, his face full of unwillingness.

"But Brother Tieniu succeeded last year, didn't he?"

"What about Tieniu and what about you? With his strength, he can knock down seven or eight strong men even if he doesn't have any kung fu. How do you compare with him?"

The old man sighed and looked at the young man's arms and legs that looked like bamboo poles.

"I, I can swim, I can join the navy battalion!"

It's not that he's bragging, the whole village... no, he dares to say that there is no one who can swim faster than him in the entire village with a radius of a hundred miles!
If you give him a straw, he can even stay in the water without a trace for a day and a night without being noticed.

Even the elders in the town who came to harvest the fish praised him, saying that he was the son of the sea and was blessed by the sea god from birth.

Seeing his unconvinced look, the old man shook his head helplessly and sighed.

The Zhenbei Army has been stationed in Mingshan City all year round, none of them has ever been taken care of by the old general.

But this kid is like a stubborn donkey, insisting on joining the army.

I'm afraid it was influenced by his father.

Thinking of the boy's father who was swept away by the wind and waves the day before he joined the army before he had time to go to the battlefield, the old man sighed again.

"Your father was not much worse than you back then, isn't it... Forget it, if you really want to join the army, I'll go to the village chief and tell him that his nephew seems to be a cook in the Pingnan Army, see if he can squeeze you in .”

After smoking a pipe, the old man tapped twice on the side of the boat, got up and wanted to go back to the dock.

As a result, when he turned around, he saw the boy's eyes were red.

"I am different from my father. I, I can swim better than him, and I can hold back in the water longer than him. I will definitely be able to fulfill his wish on my father's behalf!"

The boy gritted his teeth, his eyes became more determined.

"Also, I won't go to the Pingnan Army, and I won't go to be a general for me."

"I, must join the Zhenbei Army!"

Making a child cry, the old man was a little embarrassed at first, but when he heard him say that the general would not do it, he was instantly happy.

He just wanted to tease the young man that he didn't know how high the sky was and how thick the earth was, when he heard a "plop".

The sound of something falling into the water.

Startled, the old man looked up.

He saw the boy dive into the sea like a small fish, and disappeared in a flash.

And the coir raincoat on his body floated on the surface of the sea.

There are no fishermen who don't go into the water, and the old man doesn't care.

He just picked up a bamboo pole with a hook and fished up the coir raincoat for him.

"This child is full of whimsical ideas all day long, and he doesn't know when he can change his rashness."

The old man put away the coir raincoat for him, then took out the cigarette stick, sat on the bow of the boat and waited.

However, the boy did not come back until the sun went down.


Gu Nanyan commanded the Chongyun, and compared shooting with General Gu's Lingyun.

Although the old man's knowledge of hot weapons is not as deep as Gu Nanyan's, he has rich combat experience.

Coupled with Gu Nanyan's intentional release of water, the two actually fought to a tie.

The sea ahead turned from blue to silvery white.

There is a dense layer of bombed fish floating on it.

"Hahaha, happy!" Gu Yao looked up to the sky and smiled, feeling extremely happy.

"Mingshan City has such a sharp weapon, so why not quell the chaos and expel the captives, so that all intruders will never come back, and never dare to offend my territory again!"

This is true, but not accurate.

Gu Shen glanced at the Chongyun, and that elbow stabbed his father's waist.

"My lord is still here, be careful with what you say, and mention Jia Nanguo!"

Why does Mingshan City have such a sharp weapon? Those who don't know still think they want to occupy the city and become king!
Although the things were built by Nan Jieer, and Mingshan City also belonged to Nan Jieer, he didn't think there was any problem with saying that.

The problem is that he doesn't think there is a problem, which doesn't mean that the prince is fine.

What if there is a rift in my heart and I turn around and make my daughter angry?
With his niece's temper, I'm afraid he wants to be a widow!
Not good not good, affect harmony.

Gu Yao obviously knew that he had made a slip of the tongue.

But he has been a military officer all his life, and he has never seen any intrigue, so he wouldn't care about this sentence.

"This is Yan'er's stuff. I'm right. Even if the emperor is present, he can't refute it."

Although he is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, he is not an old fool, and will never sacrifice his granddaughter's hard work for the emperor's face.

Besides, he is very clear about Sister Nan's behavior, as long as Jianan Kingdom does not betray her, she will not be an enemy of it.

If Jianan Kingdom betrays...

That's embarrassing, you deserve it if you are killed!

So it doesn't matter who owns things, what matters is who the emperor is with.

At present, it seems that the emperor is still standing firmly on Nanjie's side.

The two boats were not far away. Although Li Yi couldn't hear what he shouted clearly, he got a rough idea.

He and Gu Nanyan looked at each other and smiled.

...and then let people go into the water to catch fish.

His daughter-in-law loves seafood the most, but it is a pity that this food is easy to spoil and is not easy to store, so she can only eat it occasionally.

He also thought about using a steam car to transport some to her every day, but the daughter-in-law said that this would be too extravagant and wasteful, and the impact would be bad.

He didn't insist.

Now that she is at the beach, there are so many seafood in front of her that she can eat enough...

Enough is definitely not enough...

It's also good to relieve your hunger.

After disembarking in a while, I have to send someone to hire a cook who is good at cooking seafood.

Li Yi racked his brains to figure out how to please his wife. He felt that there were not many fish species on the water, so he fired a few more shots.


I feel upset.

I want to go home……

All the officers and men dared not complain about their transformation from the majestic Zhenbei Navy to a group of fishermen, and fired forward as if venting their anger.

"Wait a minute!" Gu Nanyan frowned suddenly.

"Is there someone there?"

(End of this chapter)

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