The farmer has a mall

Chapter 861 The Little Fish Swimming In

Chapter 861 The Little Fish Swimming In
Li Xiaoyu leaned on a piece of driftwood collapsed.

The driftwood was as thick as an adult man's thigh, tied with a hemp rope, and the other end was tied around Li Xiaoyu's waist.

He rested for a while, looking into the distance.

Not far ahead, there are two white spots visible to the naked eye, and there is his destination.

Soon, it will be here soon.

Persevere for a while, and his wish will come true.

Li Xiaoyu took a deep breath, plunged into the water, and disappeared.

All he could see was the driftwood tied to him, gliding across the water at an extremely fast speed.

One can imagine how much resistance driftwood has in the water.

But Li Xiaoyu didn't care about that much, this was the only way he could think of, to stick to the destination.

Under the water, Li Xiaoyu's veins were full of veins, and he slid his limbs with all his strength.

The sound of artillery fire has stopped, which means that the naval battalion has ended its training.

And as long as he persisted for a while, he would be able to see Old General Gu and beg him to accept him.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of cannons not far away.

Li Xiaoyu said badly to himself, and just wanted to surface to see the situation.

With a loud "boom", it suddenly exploded less than a hundred meters away from him.

The water splashed in all directions, and the surrounding fish turned their stomachs one after another, and the surging water wall hit them like a piece of iron.

Li Xiaoyu was terrified, if this happened for real, it would be a wonder if his mind didn't blossom!
Fortunately, although he was frightened, his reaction was still sensitive, and he immediately retracted into the water, spit out all the air in his stomach, and sank rapidly.

However, he forgot that there was a straw rope tied around his waist, and the other end of the straw rope was connected to driftwood.

After sinking less than two meters, he felt a tightness around his waist, and then he was dizzy from the aftermath.

Fortunately, it was Yu Bo, otherwise he would have to confess here today.

Li Xiaoyu thought happily.

At the same time, he did not forget to hold on to the rope around his waist and struggled to float to the surface of the water before he fell into a coma.

But after swimming all afternoon, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he was slapped on the head, so he couldn't do what he wanted.

The sea water in front of his eyes turned red, and he frowned.

Hiss, it hurts.

Li Xiaoyu slowly closed his eyes, and his body sank again.


Gu Nanyan frowned, looking at the comatose teenager on the deck.

The boy's head was covered with blood, and he was seriously injured.

The surrounding soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Idlers within [-] miles of the shipyard are not allowed to enter. We set up iron fences early in the morning and sent someone to guard them. How did this kid get in?"

"It must have crawled in."

"There are barbs all over the iron fence, how to climb?"

"Is that the rowing in from the sea?"

"That's impossible. A cordon of buoys has been set up on the sea, and ships cannot enter."

"Tch, this is impossible, that is impossible, can he still swim in?"

A cordon of buoys was set up twenty miles along the coastline.

It is impossible to swim here in one breath.

Unless there is a place to rest in the middle.

Everyone couldn't help being silent, and they all looked at the driftwood that was still tightly tied around the young man's waist.

"No, it won't."

This kid actually swam for twenty miles on a piece of driftwood and broke their guard? !

So smart, why didn't they think of...

No, how could you think so.

Unhealthy tendencies cannot grow, the brat is dying!
"Why is this kid so familiar to me?"

One of the soldiers stepped forward and wiped the blood off Li Xiaoyu's face.

Surprised: "Isn't this a villager from a nearby fishing village? Why are you here!"

Gu Nanyan looked at him upon hearing the words: "Do you recognize him?"

The soldier had little power in the army, so he hurriedly got up and reported: "I have seen him several times. He has come to our camp many times, and he kept saying that he wanted to see the general, and he also said that he would join the Zhenbei Army."

The soldier scratched his head and looked at Li Xiaoyu helplessly.

"Our naval battalion is full, so I sent him back."

In the past, the navy camp was not welcomed, and no one would join unless the family really couldn't get rid of it.

But since they had a ship with superior combat power, those who were disdainful before squeezed their heads into it.

The people above were impatient to deal with these matters, so they handed them over to him.

Li Xiaoyu found their military camp, he insisted on joining the naval camp, and said he wanted to see the general, with a dazed look.

But how did he know that the general is so easy to see.

Annoyed by being entangled, he frightened him a few words and drove him away.

Since then, I really haven't seen him again.

Who would have thought that he would be so courageous, daring to break into a military important place without permission.

This is the big sin of the Nine Clan!
The soldier gritted his teeth, and glared at Li Xiaoyu a little resentfully.

It's a pity that Li Xiaoyu is still in a coma and can't feel it at all.

"Princess Qi, this kid is indeed an ordinary villager in the fishing village. It should be an accident that he entered the shipyard..."

Although he was angry with him for hurting himself, the soldier still couldn't help interceding for him.

"Look, can you bandage him first, and ask him after he wakes up." The soldier asked cautiously.

The wound on Li Xiaoyu's head should be scratched by shrapnel, Gu Nanyan didn't hesitate much, and immediately asked someone to carry him into the cabin.

and ordered to return.

The house was dimly lit.

Li Xiaoyu slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is not the dilapidated beams of his house, but a light blue bed curtain.

He propped himself up and sat up slowly, looking at the furnishings in the house.

A bed, a table, a chair, and a bamboo cabinet of personal height.

The bamboo cabinet was not closed tightly, and there were several blue bunts neatly stacked inside.

Li Xiaoyu lowered his head and touched the cotton clothes of the same style on his body.

This is the military uniform of the Navy Battalion, and it is said that it was designed by Princess Huguo herself.

He finally came in?
"you're awake?"

The wooden door creaked, and the familiar voice brought him back to his thoughts.

Zhang Shi came in with the tray, turned around and closed the door, then went to the table and put the tray down.

"Eat something when you wake up."

Zhang Shi's expression was serious, and Li Xiaoyu tightened his grip on the quilt nervously.

"Brother Zhang..."

Brother Zhang said that if he came to make trouble in the barracks again, he would be arrested and beaten.

Thinking of this made him start to get scared.

In addition, after soaking in the sea for an afternoon, I got a little cold, and my body began to shake involuntarily.

"Hmph!" Zhang Shi snorted coldly.

"Now you know you're afraid?" He walked to the bed and slapped Li Xiaoyu the size of a cattail fan.

Li Xiaoyu closed her eyes subconsciously.

It's over, it's over, Brother Zhang is really angry this time.

Although he had reprimanded him several times in the past, he had never done anything...

Forget it, it was his own fault, and he deserved to be beaten.

Li Xiaoyu gritted his teeth, ready to accept the love education of Brother Zhang.

Then I felt a coldness on my forehead.

"It's a good thing you didn't have a fever, the brat is strong, why didn't you freeze to death?"

Zhang Shi snorted twice, seeing Li Xiaoyu opened his eyes in surprise, he rolled them angrily at him.

Then he brought over the medicine bowl on the tray.

"Hurry up and drink, and follow me to see the general after drinking..."

(End of this chapter)

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