Chapter 862

"General, general wants to see me?" Li Xiaoyu said excitedly.

After thinking about it, he froze again.

"Is it because of trespassing on the shipyard... to accuse the little one?"

It's really wrong to trespass on the shipyard, but he wants to join the Zhenbei Army so much, there is really no way...

"Hmph, do you still know that you are wrong?"

The more Zhang Shi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he slapped him on the back of the head.

With a vicious voice, he said, "Our Zhenbei Army has strict military discipline. If you are a member of the army, today I will break your leg and throw you out."

Military discipline is not a display, and the mistakes made by the brat today are not ordinary.

On weekdays, he would be caught as a spy and tortured!

Thanks to his luck, he happened to catch up with both the general and the princess. After asking him about his situation, he was only asked to go over and ask questions.

Seeing that Li Xiaoyu's face turned pale with fright, the hand holding the medicine bowl trembled and almost spilled it.

Zhang Shi was angry and wanted to laugh.

With just this little courage, I don't know how he had the courage to break into the barracks.

"Don't tremble, the general and the princess are not bad people, if you tell the truth, you won't be blamed... At most, you will be punished."

Li Xiaoyu: "..."


In Gu Yao's room, Gu Nanyan looked at the tree trunk with long legs under his feet and raised his eyebrows.

She stretched out her hand and shook it, the trunk was still a bit heavy after being soaked in water.

Look at the nervous Li Xiaoyu again.

The legs are not as thick as the trunk.

It's a lot of perseverance.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at him, Li Xiaoyu, who knew he was wrong, fell to his knees with a plop.

"The grassroots know their mistakes, please punish the general and the princess..."

Gu Nanyan smacked his lips and sat back.

The elder was still there, so she didn't speak, but looked at Li Xiaoyu curiously.

"Zhang Shi has already told the general about your situation. Now that he knows his mistake, the general will not say more. Are you willing to be beaten by the ten army stick?" Gu Yao said solemnly.

Although he is not a member of the army, if he is not punished, how can he establish rules? Wouldn't everyone dare to come here in the future?
Gu Yao is known for his strict military management, how could he allow such low-level troubles in his own military camp.

Besides, according to the procedure, the army has no right to deal with civilians and can only turn him to the Yamen.

In a place like the yamen, it's easy to get in and hard to get out.

At that time, not only will he suffer no less than the ten army sticks, but he will also be imprisoned for several years.

Gu Yao couldn't bear such a small child to suffer such crimes, so he simply dealt with it here.

It can stand up and prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

It can also give the child a way out.

Li Xiaoyu was ready to break his leg, so he would not accept it, and kowtowed several times gratefully.

Gu Shen couldn't bear to watch from the sidelines.

He was also there when Zhang Shi described his situation, knowing that this was a boy without a father and no mother, he couldn't help but think of Gu Nanyan.

When his daughter fled to the countryside, she probably suffered no less than this child.

And all of this was because of his negligence as a father and not being by her side to protect her.

Fortunately, God has eyes and gave his daughter all the abilities. Now she not only has a career but also a family.

Gu Nanyan stroked her chin and didn't know what she was thinking, when she suddenly felt a hot gaze.

She raised her head slightly, even the corners of Gu Shen's mouth curled down as he almost looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What's wrong with cheap dad.

So much emotional ups and downs...

Are relatives here?

And what does the look in your dead daughter's eyes mean?

Gu Nanyan was speechless for a long time, thinking that the cheap father might arrive on those days of each month.

Don't be familiar with him!
She focused on Li Xiaoyu.

"Since you know you made a mistake, don't make it again in the future. Maybe you can do it?"

Li Xiaoyu: "I can't do it."

"Well, if you can do it..."

Wait, what did he say?
Gu Nanyan looked at Li Xiaoyu who was trembling all over in surprise.

"Why can't it be done?"

I'm so afraid of becoming like this, why are you still talking hard?
Gu Yao and Gu Shen also looked at him at the same time.

Even Li Yi raised his eyebrows curiously.

Xu was under too much pressure, Li Xiaoyu hung his head for a long while without saying a word.

Zhang Shi stood behind him, sweating profusely.

"Princess Mingjian, this person has never seen a big scene, maybe he was scared and said the wrong thing..."

"I'm not, I'm not wrong."

Li Xiaoyu raised his head with a pale face, and said with firm eyes: "I... Caomin can't do it, Caomin wants to join the Zhenbei Naval Battalion!"


"This is the long-cherished wish of the grass people, and the water skills of the grass people are excellent, and I think it is no worse than anyone under the general's command." Li Xiaoyu clenched his fists nervously.

The words had already been spoken, so he decided to go all out and fight. If he succeeds, his long-cherished wish will be fulfilled, but if he fails...

There was a bowl-sized scar on his head.

Another hero after 18 years!
Gu Nanyan: "..."

"I beg the old general to accept the grass people, the grass people will not let you down!"

Gu Yao frowned, not really wanting to accept him.

For him, military discipline is more important than everything else, and ability is secondary.

If a soldier does not observe military discipline and obey military orders, who would dare to use it in a real war?
He just wanted someone to drag Li Xiaoyu down, beat the board and send him back to the fishing village.

"If you don't accept you, will you force your way?" Gu Nanyan asked him.

"You said that joining the Zhenbei Army is your long-cherished wish, but do you know that the army is a place where orders come first?"

"Caomin... know, but..." Li Xiaoyu wanted to defend himself, saying that he had no other choice.

But he was choked by Gu Nanyan's soft reprimand.

"No but!" Gu Nanyan said seriously.

"As I said before, the army is a place where orders come first, and everyone and everything must be ordered first, including your long-cherished wish!"

This person has the ability, and it is indeed as he said, I am afraid that no one in the Zhenbei Naval Battalion is better than him in water.

However, it is not enough for the navy to fight with good water skills. Every soldier must unswervingly implement the orders given by the commander in order to successfully complete every task.

Don't look at Li Xiaoyu's honest appearance, in modern times, he is a thorn in the army.

Although capable, it is also very difficult to carry.

The possibility of such a person not violating military discipline is almost zero.

Xu Shi was shocked by Gu Nanyan's words, Li Xiaoyu didn't speak for a while, just stared at her blankly.

"But... Cao Min is not a soldier of the Zhenbei Army."

"Caomin knew that the old general was a good man and would never be cruel to ordinary people, so he took the risk."

"Cao Min thinks that no matter how advanced he is, he will not violate military discipline when he successfully enlists in the army."

After saying that, he scratched his head foolishly.

Gu Yao: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Stupid... stupid ass!

It seems to have encountered a stubble!
Didn't the boys in the village be honest and loyal, that's all?
It seems that other people are not as smart as you are!
Gu Nan's brain was buzzing.

But what he said was the truth, and grandfather would not be cruel to the people.

Li Xiaoyu did not have to abide by the military rules.


Is there something wrong?

Gu Nanyan was a little confused.

Subconsciously looked at Li Yi.

Lao Tzu's think tank, help me?
Li Yi: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he said helplessly: "Ordinary people are indeed not restricted by the military, but the rule of prohibiting traffic within twenty miles of the shipyard was issued by the government and has been included in the ban."

He looked down at Li Xiaoyu, and said calmly: "That is to say, if there are people who violate the law, the government can order them to be arrested and detained according to the law."

It is not right to do anything without violating military discipline.

In this world, there is also a place called Fuya.

Gu Nanyan suddenly understood after hearing what he said.

His eyes lit up and he said, "Yes! That's how it is!"

I was almost fooled by this kid.

The dog man is worthy of being Lao Tzu's think tank, and his small head and melon seeds are easy to use.

After finishing speaking, she gave Li Yi a thumbs up.

Li Yi: "..."

I thank you!
 Seeing the comments, some friends urged me to update. The recent update is really slow. One is preparing a new book, and the other has a sick number at home. My mood has been greatly affected. I hope my friends will be considerate. It will be better in the past period of time. of.

  At the same time, the author promises to everyone that there will be no continuous updates, and new books will be uploaded as much as possible before the end of this book.

  love you~
(End of this chapter)

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