The farmer has a mall

Chapter 863 General Winter Returns

Chapter 863 General Winter Returns

Li Xiaoyu is indeed a talent.

If it is placed in the eyes of others, he must be a master who is not welcome and whoever sees a headache.

But Gu Nanyan admired this kind of person very much.

His stubborn temper and tenacity to never give up until he reaches his goal are often the most important qualities for a person to succeed.

If it is placed in the army, it can also become an excellent soldier or general.

Gu Nanyan thought that the Zhenbei Naval Battalion had just started to develop, so he still had to fight for talents when he met them.

Although this person is a bit tricky, but who made her Gu Nanyan have the spirit of challenge!
"Well..." She pondered for a moment.

"It's not impossible to join the Zhenbei Army, but you have to think clearly, if you join the Zhenbei Army, today's punishment will not be as simple as the ten army sticks."

She said with a smile and looked at Gu Yao: "Grandfather, how should Li Xiaoyu be punished according to military discipline?"

"If it brings losses to the army, if it is serious, it should be beheaded to show the public!" Gu Yao stroked his gray beard with a majestic expression.

"Then, what if there is no loss?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

"Anyone who disturbs military discipline will be rewarded with fifty military sticks, and a lieutenant who violates the imperial court's order will be rewarded with fifty military sticks. Both crimes will be punished with one hundred military sticks. If they survive by chance, they can continue to stay in the army .”

Gu Yao saw that she wanted to intimidate Li Xiaoyu, so he was very cooperative and made the punishment serious.

Army sticks are not as heavy and hard as yamen boards.

A hundred army sticks is already a terrible punishment.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction.

"So, are you still willing to enter Zhenbei?" She asked Li Xiaoyu.

Before Li Xiaoyu could answer, Zhang Shixian behind him was startled.

With Li Xiaoyu's stature, if he was beaten with a hundred army sticks, he would be crippled even if he didn't die.

At that time, let alone staying in the Zhenbei Army, it will be difficult to leave!

And how could there be an idler with a disability but no merit in the Zhenbei Army?
Did the princess think that this kid was not pleasing to the eye, and deliberately found an excuse to kill him!

But he's also really annoying.

Zhang Shi was very worried, and he pointed at the back of Li Xiaoyu's head, praying that he would never be fooled by Gu Nanyan.

However, Li Xiaoyu is destined not to have much tacit understanding with him.

"Cao Min is willing, please princess and general deal with Cao Min according to military discipline!" He said firmly.

it's over...

Zhang Shi turned pale.

He knew that this kid didn't know what it meant to back down, and he didn't know how to restrain himself after offending the princess. It might be difficult to leave here today.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have included him in the camp...

Zhang Shi was both anxious and regretful, his intestines were green from regret.

If he hadn't been blocking him all the time, the brat wouldn't have made such a bad move.

He felt that he had harmed Li Xiaoyu, and was very disturbed, and wanted to intercede for him.

But Gu Nanyan said again: "Okay, since that's the case, go and get the punishment."

"However, when you committed the crime and hadn't entered Zhenbei yet, the palace amnesty will halve the penalty, and you only need to receive fifty military sticks."

"When the injury is healed, I will follow Bengong first..." She paused, feeling that she was suspected of stealing from Gu Yao, and her voice changed.

"Of course, you can follow grandfather first."

I believe that grandpa will teach you how to be a man.

Gu Nanyan didn't think that Gu Yao's old fritters couldn't even heal a thorn.

Unless he doesn't like it.

"I won't do it!" Gu Yao waved his hand and refused quite simply.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

This is awkward.

She looked at Gu Shen again.

Gu Shen immediately turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Isn't it just a recruit, one or two are like hiding from landmines.

Gu Nanyan was speechless.


The Cangyun arrived within two days, and the fourth warship was also completed.

For the next month, four small boats formed a team to practice coordination.

Li Xiaoyu received fifty army sticks solidly.

The executioners didn't dare to release the water, but for Zhang Shi's sake, they didn't kill him.

Coupled with the golden sore medicine provided by Gu Nanyan, it took only half a month to move freely.

From that day on, he officially became a member of Zhenbei Army.

He also successfully started the military training in hell mode.

During the day, Gu Nanyan asked him to train with other soldiers, and at night he had to do strength training alone.

Others have three meals a day, but he has five meals a day.

The muscles on his body swelled visibly.

He dared to confess in front of Gu Nanyan and others that he would still make mistakes, which shows how stubborn his character is. Naturally, he doesn't cooperate well with his teammates during training, and he likes to act alone.

Gu Nanyan was not in a hurry, nor did he say to punish him.

It's just that whenever the training task cannot be completed because of him, the captain of his team, or even the whole team will be punished together.

The Zhenbei army was very obedient, and they didn't complain about Gu Nanyan's "unreasonable trouble", and accepted the punishment resignedly.

However, they were not so polite to Li Xiaoyu.

Although he didn't say it directly, Li Xiaoyu could clearly feel that his teammates disliked him, or rejected him.

He was already uneasy because his mistakes hurt everyone, but in the end he couldn't survive the angry eyes of his teammates, and finally gave up resistance and cooperated honestly.

In this way, relying on his solid water skills like a swimming dragon, his team became the best.

The relationship with teammates also gradually eased.

This result made Gu Nanyan very satisfied, and after letting him do strength training alone for a period of time, he returned him to Gu Yao.

Gu Yao: I don't want to accept it.

At the same time, on the sea two hundred miles away from the capital, a giant dragon composed of ships meanders forward.

These ships are all made of wood, except for the one at the front.

It was a tin boat.

The hull of the iron boat was much larger than the Cangyun, and even the deck was covered with iron.

General Dong stood at the bow of the ship in high spirits, looking into the distance, his brows and eyes were full of arrogance.

In a few days, they will be able to reach Jianan Kingdom and wash away the shame of last time!

Let those Canaan dogs pay for offending him!
General Dong snorted coldly, showing a stern expression.

"General Qi, my subordinates have dispatched ships to patrol first according to your instructions, and the Cangyun has not been found within a hundred miles."

A bald man with a small tie tied on his head put his arms vertically by his side and nodded sharply at him.

They slowed down from three hundred miles away and sent ships to explore the way ahead.

Make sure it's ok to move on.

Xiao Yaji was not from the last wave, and he had never seen the power of the Cangyun, so he was very puzzled by General Dong's cautious behavior.

However, he is just a messenger and has no right to question the general's orders, he is only responsible for conveying them.

General Dong hummed heavily.

"Continue to send people to investigate, once you find the trace of the Cangyun, report back immediately."

He brought over 100 ships this time, and made a solemn promise in front of the emperor of Yang Kingdom that he would not return to China unless he occupied the land of Jianan.

General Dong, who had already retreated once, knew he couldn't afford to lose, so he could only act cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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