Chapter 864

Although he didn't think that a single Cangyun could beat so many of their ships.

Not to mention, they still have the artifact that Bird Country sold them.

He didn't believe that a mere Cangyun could withstand the siege of more than 100 warships!

Even if he could resist, he still couldn't escape his twenty or so powerful cannons!

In the imperial city of Jianan Kingdom.

Li Mi didn't know that the danger was approaching.

He rubbed his temples and looked at Eunuch Zhao helplessly.

"What is she doing in the palace again? Didn't I say that government affairs are busy recently?"

Eunuch Zhao laughed dryly: "I said I came to offer you a treasure."

Li Mi pouted: "I haven't seen anything, what good things can be found in a small place like Dawan."

Besides, when he didn't know her purpose?
I'm afraid it's not asking him to give a marriage again.

Having said that, Li Mi couldn't hold back his curiosity in the end, and Princess Xuan Dawan had an audience with him.

Princess Daguan entered the palace by herself.

She took Jilan's favor and dedicated it to Li Mi. After losing her temper, Jilan locked herself in the room and said nothing about going out.

Princess Daguan simply didn't take her with her.

This made Li Mi breathe a sigh of relief.

Jilan is not very old, but she can speak a lot with a small mouth, but she was spoiled by her mother and concubine, she has no one to control her mouth, and her words are very unpleasant.

Noisy people have headaches.

"Li Qing has met the emperor."

Li Qing, also known as Princess Daguan, saluted Li Mi respectfully.

Although she is Li Mi's imperial sister, she is also Da Guan's princess, so etiquette still needs to be taken into consideration.

Li Mi saw that she was well-mannered and did not disrespect her because he was his younger brother, so she looked a little better when she didn't want to see her.

"Sister Huang, please sit down." Li Mi nodded, and then pretended to look at the door.

Puzzled: "Why didn't you see my little niece?"

Li Qing picked up the handkerchief and covered his lips with a smile.

"The child lost his temper with me, so he didn't bring her into the palace... Does the emperor miss her?"

Li Mi: ...I'm annoying her.

It is best not to enter the palace for the rest of your life.

Li Mi cheerfully changed the subject: "Children, you just have a bigger temper. By the way, I heard people say, do you have something to give to me?"

Hurry up and leave quickly after delivery, didn't you see that I was busy?
No eyesight at all.

Li Mi complained secretly.

Li Qing didn't seem to hear her impatience, smiled and said: "That's true. When the emperor was in Daguan, she accidentally found a novelty. Thinking that the emperor might like it, she brought it here for you."

As she spoke, she winked at the maidservant behind her.

The maid came forward with the tray and lifted the things in her hands above her head.

Li Qing smiled again.

"This thing cost the emperor a lot of money, more than 100 million taels, the emperor will not dislike it." She said angrily, and signaled Eunuch Zhao to present the thing to Li Mi.

For her "I know you very well" posture, Li Mi felt very embarrassed.

Hurry up and ask Eunuch Zhao to bring him the things and divert his attention to ease his discomfort.

This Princess Daguan is also real, although they are indeed of the same lineage, but before she got married, the two of them were not familiar with each other, and they hadn't spoken a few words in total.

Don't you think this sudden intimacy is too awkward?

hey, this is...

Li Mi looked at the rare object in his hand, and fell silent for an instant.

"Tell me, how much money did you spend on this thing?"

Li Qing couldn't help but startled when he heard him ask this suddenly.

"Close to 110 million taels," she said.

In case Li Mi would not believe it, she took out a crude receipt from her cuff.

"I think this thing is really strange. I'm afraid that the seller will go back on his word, so he deliberately left evidence."

She handed the receipt to Eunuch Zhao.

Li Mi took it from Eunuch Zhao's hand and looked at it, his eyebrows twitched.

Then he looked at Li Qing with a complicated expression.

Growing up so big, it was the first time he saw such a big man being taken advantage of.

Seeing his unpredictable expression, Li Qing thought he was touched, and said with the airs of his elder sister:

"The emperor is busy with government affairs all day long. This is the happiness of the country and the people, but you should also take care of your health." She sighed.

"Sister Huang has no ability, so she can only exchange herself for the peace of Jianan Kingdom and Dawan, even if it is difficult."

"It's different, Your Majesty. You rely on your mind and your senseless mind. You can't ruin your body. A combination of work and rest is the right way."

After she finished speaking, she raised her chin towards the things in Li Mi's hands.

"This thing is for you to play with in your spare time."

Li Mi: "..."

"Do you know what this is?"

Li Mi pointed to the small clock in his hand, and asked her inexplicably.

That's right, it's a clock!
This thing was only the size of a hand, and it was a miniature version of the tall clock in his room!

Li Mi looked at the base.

Four big characters are engraved on it with gold lacquer.

Gu's clock.

Li Mi: "..."

Domestic production did not run away.

It's just that I didn't expect that it would cost more than 100 million taels of silver to reach Dawan.

I don't know if it's true or not.

Even if it was true, it should be rare in Daguan, otherwise she wouldn't look like a countryman entering the village.

No, all the rural girls in the country of Jianan recognize this thing.

Li Mi's eyes were full of the victor's pity.

Li Qing:? ? ?
"This thing should be some kind of musical instrument that can play by itself."

In fact, she didn't know what it was. The vendor who sold the goods ran away too fast, and disappeared after the money was paid. She didn't even have time to ask.

She can only pretend to understand.

As she said that, she stepped forward with a smile, pointed to the pendulum under the clock, and then pointed to the ticking second hand.

He said in a manner that I know best: "Your Majesty, look, this iron bump and this thin stick vibrate very regularly. Does it complement each other with a violin or a pipa?"

Li Mi: "..."

"Sister Huang, don't you think... the sound of this instrument is a bit low?"

"Your Majesty, I don't understand. The violin and this instrument are one high and one low, one movement and one stillness. This is a perfect match."

Li Mi: "...Yes, is that so?"

What should I do, should he expose Miss Huang?

It seems that she doesn't give her face if she exposes it, and if she doesn't reveal it...

He panicked.

However, Li Qing also showed a look of course, it's because you are ignorant.

"Sister Huang is not as good as you in other things, but when it comes to musical instruments, she is still better than you."

The corners of Li Mi's mouth twitched, and he smiled awkwardly.

Thinking that this person's surname was Li anyway, and the two of them didn't have much unpleasantness, he wanted to skip this topic.

But Li Qing seemed to have opened up the chatterbox, and kept praising how good this "instrument" was.

He also said that this thing is rarely seen in Daguan, and it is even less likely to be found in Jianan Kingdom.

In order to highlight how difficult it is for her to get this thing.

In the end, I want Li Mi to marry her daughter Jilan and Li Yi for the sake of offering her treasure.

There is a sense of moral kidnapping on this matter.

Li Mi heard her finished speaking, and he immediately blown away that little demeanor of a great country monarch.

(End of this chapter)

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