The farmer has a mall

Chapter 865 The Insect of the Foot

Chapter 865 Centipede Insect
"This thing is called the Calling Clock, and it is used to calculate the time. It is made by my Jianan Gu family clock."

Hearing what Li Mi seemed to be proud of, Li Qing stood in front of the clock taller than a person, with a dull expression.

Didn't that person say that this thing is the posthumous work of a hermit, the only one in the world without a semicolon?
Why did another one pop up!
And it's so much bigger than hers!
Li Qing's expression was a little stiff, he looked at the big clock and then at the small clock.

"Who opened that Gu clock?"

Maybe the one she's holding is...unique in size?

"Coincidentally, the owner of Gu's watch is the mistress of the house you want to marry Jilan to."

Li Mi emphasized the word "hostess", and his tone was stern, like a child showing off how powerful his adult is in front of others.

The area of ​​Daguan is only one-tenth of the size of Jianan, and it can survive in the gap between Jianan and Daliang. On the one hand, it has a special geographical location, and on the other hand, it is also because of the backward productivity there.

It should be said that the productivity of the entire Western Regions is not good.

Especially in re-industry, it can be said that talents are withering.

For example, for the same piece of gemstone, the gemstones produced in the Western Regions are much better than those of Jianan in terms of color and transparency, and even the quantity is not comparable to that of Jianan.

In this case, it stands to reason that it should be more expensive.

But the fact is the opposite, gemstones in the Western Regions are nearly half cheaper than those in Jianan.

The reason is that the polishing technology of gemstones is not good.

Merchants bought gemstones from the Western Regions and had to go back to China to ask someone to re-polish them. The cost was undoubtedly much higher.

So they can only squeeze wool from suppliers and desperately lower the purchase price.

Then let the Western Regions spend a lot of money to buy some exquisite gadgets that are needed locally from them, and sell them at several times.

Let me ask you, who would be willing to keep such an existence who was taken advantage of by others?

How can you cheat if you become your own family!
This is true throughout the Western Regions, and Daguan is no exception.

Li Qing knew very well that whether it was Daliang or Jianan Kingdom, they all looked down on Dawan, a small country like this.

At first she didn't feel anything.

Although she was married to Daguan, her background cannot be changed by anyone.

What happened to Da Wan had nothing to do with her.

But when she was about to return to Jianan Kingdom, set foot on this land again, and saw those people in her memory, she still couldn't help feeling a little inferior.

That's why I bought this clock at a huge price, and said it was produced in Dawan, which is convincing.

It makes people feel that the place she married to is not bad.

"It's really a coincidence."

Li Qing laughed dryly, the small clock that was used as a treasure before, but now he doesn't even want to look at it.

But Li Mi is a potential crazy person, and he doesn't know how to look at people's faces, so he pulls Li Qing to offer various treasures, and shows Gu Nanyan's rare things one by one.

Li Qing felt depressed, always felt that he was mocking him for his lack of knowledge.

But he couldn't help being curious.

"These things must be expensive."

She curiously groped for the mechanical fan on the wall, with mixed feelings in her heart.

I didn't expect that Jianan has changed so much in less than 20 years since I left.

These things were things she had never imagined before.

Li Mi was in high spirits, and waved his hands with great interest when he heard this.

"It was indeed a little expensive at the beginning, but Nan Jieer has recruited a lot of talents in the past two years, and the venue has also expanded, so the price has long since dropped."

He pointed to the small clock that Li Qing brought and said, "Just like this thing, the size, material, and degree of refinement vary, and the price also varies. The cheapest one is only more than 100 taels of silver."

"Just over 100 taels?" Li Qing was shocked.

Immediately thinking that I spent more than 100 million taels to buy this thing, my face turned livid.

Even as the woman with the highest status in Daguan, 100 million taels is not a small sum for her.

That's all her net worth plus dowry.

The 100 million taels was given to her by King Daguan before leaving.

Then wouldn't she make people miserable?

It's fine if you don't know the truth, but Li Mi told her such a cruel fact.

Li Qing: "..."

So, why was she so full that she came to show off these things in front of Li Mi.

Isn't it hard to find happiness for yourself!

The more Li Qing thought about it, the angrier he became, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, and he wanted to leave.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

Eunuch Zhao walked quickly from the door, looking anxious.

Li Mi frowned, secretly thinking that this old thing was becoming more and more unruly.

Didn't you see him chatting happily with Huang Jie?

What is so urgent, insisting on talking now, disturbed his interest.

"Why are you panicking?" He calmly picked up the teacup and skimmed the tea leaves from the surface of the tea.

Eunuch Zhao opened his mouth to say something, but when he caught sight of Li Qing, he closed it again.

Li Mi: "But it's okay to say."

Eunuch Zhao pondered for a moment, thinking that the situation was urgent and that there was nothing to hide, he hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, just now someone from my subordinates sent a letter saying that a large number of ships were found on the sea two hundred miles away from Dongfu County Wharf. It seems that Yang Kingdom is fighting back..."


The teacup in Li Mi's hand fell to the ground, and the tea spilled all over his body.


On the second day, Li Mi sent the news to the Northern Army in Mingshan town.

Gu Nanyan took the letter from the serious-looking Gu Yao, and glanced at it roughly.

Ever since he knew that there were other countries overseas, Li Mi ordered people to station on the islands near the capital and make daily patrols.

If you find something, report the news immediately.

Only then did they discover the traces of the Yang Kingdom warship in time.

She frowned.

Li Yi really hit the mark, and Yang Guo really called again.

Gu Nanyan suppressed the fire in his heart.

Centipede insects are dead but not stiff, and these Yangguo people who are dominated by desire and greed are even more disgusting existences than insects.

She really didn't expect that it was less than a year since the last exchange of fire between the two sides, and they would make a comeback so quickly.

Really think that the people on this land are easy to bully!

You ungrateful animal.

She originally thought that as long as the other party had a good attitude towards surrender, she would consider not destroying Yang Kingdom.

Just call and teach them a lesson.

Sure enough, she was too soft-hearted.

Gu Nanyan sneered: "In that case, let's go meet General Dong. I want to see who gave them the confidence to come back and die!"

Gu Yao closed his eyes, wrinkles formed between his brows.

"The letter said that at least 100 warships came from the other party. Although we couldn't get close to observe it, it is said that the leading ship is different from the others, and it seems that there is something more."

"Yes, although the Cangyun is powerful, it's a pity that we only built four ships, including the two ships in Anyang and the one left behind in the capital, and there are only seven ships, which is far from the other party."

Gu Shen also had a sad face: "I'm afraid this battle is not easy to fight, and we need to proceed with caution."

Gu Nanyan was not as worried as they were.

However, the two have experienced many battles, and their opinions should be listened to.

Gu Nanyan looked at the thoughtful Li Yi.

"what are you thinking?"

In the last battle, Li Yi faced the opponent's attack directly, and still firmly defended the coastline.

In this regard, he has the most say.

"The most dangerous thing now is the people in the capital. Brother Huang only has one warship, so I'm afraid he can't deal with it."

This is also impossible.

There are not many naval forces in the Jianan Kingdom. Those warships in the past have long been dilapidated. Let alone fighting, it is considered good if there is no water leakage.

"Also, although the Cangyun is much faster than ordinary ships, it is far behind the speed of a steam car. We may not be able to reach Dongfu County before the other party."

From discovering the traces of Yangguo, to sending the news into the palace, and then transmitting the sound from the palace to Mingshan.

The time spent is not short.

Even if they arrived near Dongfu County at the fastest speed, it would probably be six or seven days later.

 Let me tell you a strange thing. I went home to catch up on sleep this evening, and suddenly woke up from the cold an hour later.

  It was the kind of bone-piercing cold, as if the core was frozen.

  But, obviously the hands and feet are warm.

  I don’t know if you have any experience of being hot all over but still feeling cold when you have a high fever.

  Pretty much the same feeling.

  But it's much colder, I don't know how to describe that coldness.

  The whole person froze, but didn't even shudder.

  Glancing at the thermometer, the room temperature was 25 degrees Celsius.

  Then the author had a feeling, and opened the calendar to have a look!
  Well, today is a really good day.

  The author never believes these things, but the coldness is really strange.

  Then it suddenly occurred to me that when I was in junior high school, it was also a day like today. After school in the afternoon, it was already dark. Red dot……

  And when I was younger, age...probably not yet in elementary school.

  Because I was frightened that time, I remember it very clearly.

  While taking a nap, the author dreamed of two old men, a man and a woman, wearing white robes, chasing me in a pure white maze-like place.

  After waking up from the fright, I told my mother. My mother said that I had just visited the grave the day before, and maybe my great-grandfather and grandma came to look for me... I'm gone... I'm gone...

(End of this chapter)

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