Chapter 866

Li Yi was right.

They did not arrive in Dongfu County earlier than Yangguo.

Li Mi obviously knew this too.

No longer caring about continuing to provoke Li Qing, he hurriedly called a group of ministers to hold an emergency meeting.

After briefly explaining the matter, he sat on the spacious dragon chair and waited for the surprised and shocked expressions of the ministers.

The result disappointed him.

The ministers whispered for a moment, their expressions very indifferent.

"Do you have nothing to say, dear friends?" On weekdays, these people have a lot of opinions.

Why did they keep silent, everyone leisurely seemed to be having a tea party, no one was in a hurry.

Like he just told a joke.

Can you be more serious, hurry up and talk about something!

Li Mi fell back angrily.

What kind of courtiers are these!
Seeing that no one spoke, Li Mi began to roll the roll.

"Bai Taifu thinks, should the people of Dongfu County be evacuated immediately for safety?"

All the evacuation was too loud and likely to cause confusion.

It is not safe to only evacuate the people around the coast. If the other party is red-eyed, it is likely to massacre the city.

After all, that damn General Dong was beaten up by Sister Nan last time, and fled in a hurry.

The rest of the party is not even one out of ten.

If you call back this time, it will be strange if you don't retaliate!
Li Mi was a little undecided and wanted to ask everyone for their opinions.

When Mr. Bai was called, he acted like he knew you wanted to ask the old man.

"We still have to evacuate, but the emperor doesn't need to worry too much. With my Princess Protector here, it's only a matter of time before the outsiders are beaten back to their hometown."

Taifu Bai showed strong confidence in Gu Nanyan.

Li Mi: "..."

It is indeed a matter of time.

But the problem is that they don't have time!
Seeing that all the ministers nodded in agreement, it seemed that they planned to do nothing and just wait for the girl to come back to solve it.

Li Mi felt cold in his heart.

He knew that Sister Nan was very capable, and he also knew that while these courtiers hated her so much, they also recognized her ability.

But that's not the reason for you to be bad, wow!
Not to mention leaving this matter alone, how many people in Dongfu County and even the capital will die.

He is going to be beaten by Gu Nanyan!

Miss Huang's matter hasn't been resolved yet, yet another one comes up.

Are you trying to collect my body for me?
Thinking of Gu Nanyan's kind greetings every time he "doesn't make progress", Li Mi trembled.

No, we must discuss a solution today, otherwise no one will be able to go home!

If you can't figure it out, you will be punished!
Ministers: "..."

I can't be fooled by it.

The ministers were afraid of staying in the palace and being tortured by Li Mi all night.

So he desperately winked at Gu Qingna, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, to hint to Mrs. Bai to divert the artillery fire.

Mrs. Bai: "..."

As a courtier, he should share the worries of the country and plead for the people.

He really shouldn't shirk responsibility.

But he is a civil servant, a teacher in layman's terms, and he is not proficient in war.

Taifu Bai was very self-aware to shirk his responsibility, he looked at Gu Qing, smiled embarrassedly, and made a gesture for you to come.

Gu Qing:? ? ?
You are a civil servant, am I not?

"This...if it is true, the opponent will probably go straight to the capital after landing, and will not stay in Dongfu County."

It's not unreasonable for the emperor to worry about the opponent's massacre of the city.

However, on the one hand, the massacre of the city was to vent anger, and on the other hand, it was to quickly replenish supplies, laying the foundation for the subsequent sieges until they entered the capital.

But Yang Country doesn't need this.

Hundreds of large ships can carry at least 5 people, excluding the food supplies for long-distance voyages.

Dongfu County is not far from the capital, so there is no need to waste time massacring the city with these 5 people, it is better to seize the time to attack.

Wouldn't it be better to take down the capital in one go when the opponent has no strength to resist, and choke the opponent's throat?

Li Mi nodded approvingly.

"Aiqing is right. According to what you say, compared to Dongfu County, isn't the capital in danger?"

The capital is gone, but the country is really not far from subjugation.

Li Mi shivered.

If you really want to become the king of subjugation, I'm sorry for the trivial matters of the ancestors. Only when the little ancestors are annoyed will they really take pills.

"Is there a way, Aiqing, to keep...the capital temporarily?"

He wanted to ask Gu Qing if there was any way to save him from his bully niece.

However, guarding the ministers of civil and military affairs, it is really hard to ask.

He still has face.

Although there are as many as [-] garrisons in the capital, they can't handle the firecrackers, which are much more powerful than swords, guns, swords and halberds.

In fact, Li Mi was never worried that Jianan Kingdom would really perish. Even if Yang Kingdom invaded him, he believed that Gu Nanyan would definitely turn things around.

So what he worries most about is his own safety.

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid that the other party will take him as a hostage and threaten Gu Nanyan...

Well, threatening her is probably useless.

But his ninth younger brother will definitely be afraid.

Li Mi's face was full of sadness.

"This is just my guess, the emperor doesn't need to be so worried." Gu Qing comforted.

"According to what I see, the emperor might as well summon Gu Yunge, the dog. He has been to Yang Kingdom, so maybe he can offer some opinions."

Warships require regular maintenance.

The Cangyun returned to Mingshan Shipyard, Gu Yunge thought that his sister would soon return to Beijing, so he didn't go with her.

Now he is recuperating in the mansion.

Gu Qing couldn't bear his idleness.

The most important thing is that he is busy all day as a father, why should he rest as a junior?


Absolutely not!

Lu Qing sold his own son without hesitation.

Li Mi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

That's right, how could he forget about Gu Yunge!
He is the successor of the navy general that the girl has identified.

"Then according to what Ai Qing said..."

(End of this chapter)

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