Chapter 867
Just as Gu Qing thought, Gu Yunge also felt that the capital city was more dangerous than Dongfu County.

After discussing with the ministers of civil and military affairs, they moved all the city defense artillery in the capital to the tower.

This is not allowed on the city towers on weekdays, so as not to scare the people passing by.

How could the people not think about such a sudden move.

It was inevitable that the people panicked and caused chaos, so Li Mi had no choice but to declare to the outside world that this was just an ordinary exercise.

The brief commotion quickly calmed down, and then the court issued a curfew.

Within one month from now, no one is allowed to go out to wander after dark. Once found, the government will arrest people immediately.

This move is to prevent spies from mixing into the capital to cause trouble.

The Jinwu Guard and the Fuya patrolled the streets all day long, and when they saw suspicious people, they would go forward and ask them.

The atmosphere is tense day by day.

Even though Li Mi said that this was just a drill, the common people are not stupid, how can they not see that there is something tricky in it.

Rumors abounded in Beijing and China, saying anything.

Most people think that the reason why the capital is so heavily fortified is that the Anyang Kingdom or the Daliang Kingdom broke the contract and wanted to fight a war with the Jianan Kingdom.

The common people consciously understood the truth, and one by one clamored to fight to the death with the other two countries.

Such rumors that are not conducive to the Three Kingdoms Covenant can only be suppressed by Li Mi.

Really very tired.

And on the other side of Mingshan City.

Time waits for no one, Gu Nanyan and Li Yi went to the arsenal that day after receiving Li Mi's letter.

Let people pull away all the continuous-fire muskets that have been made.

Then people took more than 4 catties of grain from the planting base as supplies for the trip.

As for drinking water while sailing, there is no need to worry.

When building the Cangyun, she prepared for the voyage and designed a simple seawater purification device.

While not as effective as modern ones, it is adequate as an emergency source of drinking water.

Besides, for things like water, they can replenish them anytime and anywhere along the way.

The most troublesome thing is the supply of ammunition.

Judging from the number of ships on the other side, it seems that the carrying capacity of the Cangyun and other four ships is not enough.

Then they can only be sent to the vicinity of Dongfu County by steam trucks with rear buckets, and then transported by supply ships.

Although it is a bit risky to do so, it is likely to be discovered by the other party and the supply route will be cut off.

But things happened suddenly, and there was no better way for the time being.

On the day of departure, Gu Yao, Gu Qing, Gu Nanyan, and Li Yi each led a warship named Yun and headed straight for Dongfu County at the fastest speed.

In the posthouse in the capital, Li Qing was sitting in the yard lost in thought.

Inside the room are the busy figures of the servants, packing their luggage in a hurry.

Li Qing never expected that the road to getting married this time would be so uneven, that he finally came to the capital and would leave in a few days.

She heard what Eunuch Zhao said that day clearly.

She saw the shocked and flustered look of the emperor.

Although it was only for a moment, she was still seen by her.

She had heard about the Yang Kingdom, knew that it was an overseas country, and knew that the other party was not weak.

Otherwise, Jianan Kingdom would not unite with the other two countries and sign an alliance with their emperors to jointly resist Yang Kingdom's attack.

He also understands better what kind of risks the capital will experience.

After Li Qing came out of the palace that day, he hurried back to the post house, wondering whether he should leave for a while and come back when the war subsided.

Or just go back to Dawan, and talk about the marriage later.

But doing so would make people feel that she was treacherous.

After so many years, until today she can still make Li Mi treat each other with courtesy, thanks to the act of marriage that abandoned her personal interests back then.

If you escape today, it will be different in the future.

After all, she couldn't erase the blood of her Jianan royal family.

Never live for yourself.

In the past, Jianan Kingdom was her responsibility, and now it is still related to her.

It's just that compared with before, there is an extra Daguan.

However, Li Qing hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to leave.

For the sake of her daughter Jilan's safety, she no longer cared so much. Even if she was to be reprimanded, she still had to ensure her daughter's safety.

Pity the parents of the world.

Li Qing cared very much for Ji Lan, a non-biological daughter.

"Mother, why are you leaving?"

Girandi... I don't know how many times he asked Li Qing.

She was a little unwilling to leave like this.

Those sisters in the Daguan Palace are very envious of her being able to make peace with a big country like Jianan.

Besides, the person who wants to get married is still the prince of a country.

I don't know how many people are envious.

If you go back in such a disheartened way, you will definitely be laughed at!
Jilan was not reconciled, and really couldn't figure out why the concubine mother suddenly changed her mind.

"Be good, Jilan, we're just leaving for a few days, and we'll come back when Beijing is safe."

"What's so unsafe in the capital?" Ji Lan muttered, "There are so many officials patrolling the streets every day."

"It's not safe because there are so many people patrolling the streets."

Li Qing didn't know how to explain to her.

I had to coax softly: "Anyway, you listen to my concubine and leave me for a few days. Let's go north for a while, and you should treat it as a trip. When you are in Daguan, don't you really yearn for the scenery here..."

(End of this chapter)

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