The farmer has a mall

Chapter 869 Why is it round

Chapter 869 Why is it round
Fishermen have the most seafood, all of which are caught by themselves, and a fish is not worth anything.

After all, they can still eat after offering.

But this chicken leg is precious.

She smelled the fragrance, like the most famous roast chicken shop in the town.

Just such a chicken leg is worth ten sea fish!
This prodigal father!
The wife sniffed and swallowed.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with her husband spending money indiscriminately, she didn't say anything.

Turning around, this chicken leg is hers, and I won't give this dog man a bite!

Seeing the host walking out of the door, the wife sneaked up to the altar, drooling greedily at the altar.

A slightly mean-looking face was almost attached to the chicken leg.

Even so, she didn't move a bit, instead she took out a few sticks of incense from the small drawer under the altar, lit them, and bowed to the four clay figurines.

"Since my men believe in you, so do I, but you don't just eat and do nothing, you have to protect my men, you know!"

After she finished speaking, she snorted, and then put the incense in her hand into the incense burner.

Then he straightened the plate with the chicken legs.

"Eat quickly, I can take it away in a while..."



While eating at the bow of the boat, Gu Nanyan sneezed suddenly.

Li Yi put down his chopsticks, shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"I said to eat in the cabin, you insist on blowing the sea breeze here."

As he spoke, he naturally grabbed Gu Nanyan's hand.

Feeling that her little hands are quite warm, I feel relieved.

"I am fine."

Gu Nanyan looked at the chicken leg in his hand and frowned inexplicably.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a cold whizzing on the back of her head, and inexplicably felt... as if someone was going to grab her chicken legs for food.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She must be thinking too much.

At such a big age, she has never seen such a fat man.

"It's fine as long as it's okay." Li Yi said.

"I will be able to reach Dongfu County in one day, so I won't come to sleep tonight..." He said with some reluctance.

"Remember to close the windows at night, don't be willful and greedy for coolness."

The weather has been getting hotter recently, and this girl likes to blow the sea breeze more and more.

Even when you sleep at night with the windows open, it's not too cold.

"Understood." Gu Nanyan responded.

The bottom of my heart is very unhappy.

This man doesn't know what he's been doing lately, he's long-winded and pestering.

It was clearly agreed before leaving that they would lead the boat alone, but this guy always sneaked over after dark and left after breakfast the next day.

When she is a hotel!
She didn't even care if she closed the window or not.

She will catch a cold?


Believe it or not, she is still warm when everyone else is cold.

Gu Nanyan really wanted to shout to Li Yi: I know best about my own body.

She looked up to the sky and sighed, and put the chicken leg in her mouth.

Take a bite...

Hiss... I bit my tongue.

Where is her chicken leg!

Gu Nanyan looked at her oily but empty hands, a little dull.

"Chicken legs are oily, so it's not easy to digest when eaten cold."

Li Yi frowned and snatched the chicken leg from her hand.

"I'll go warm it up for you."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If you change into a big flowered jacket, you can be my mother.

"Don't bother so much..."

She wants to say that her stomach is very good, and the stone can be digested.

But seeing Li Yi's disapproving eyes, he was afraid that he would continue to babble, so he nodded vigorously.

"Then I'll trouble you, thank you for being warmer!"

Lao Tzu has fallen...

Hearing this, Li Yi closed his mouth in satisfaction, and walked towards the kitchen.

After eating, Gu Yao and Gu Shen also came to her boat to discuss tomorrow's battle plan.

"There is news from the capital that there is a new weapon called Shenhuo on the ship of Yangguo, which is very similar to our city defense artillery, and the structure seems to be very similar." Gu Shen said with a frown.

"I have asked people to observe closely. Although the power is not as powerful as the city defense artillery, it should not be underestimated."

The news came as a surprise.

Gu Yao raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, is there a traitor in the arsenal?"

In Gu Yao's view, no one in this world except her granddaughter can make such a powerful weapon, and his first reaction was that the other party stole the teacher.

"What does your elder brother do to eat? Who did you pick for Sister Nan!" Gu Yao blew his beard and stared.

The arsenal cooperates with the Ministry of Industry, and there are people from the Ministry of Industry, who are specially sent by Gu Qing, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, to help.

But in the final analysis, the arsenal is Gu Nanyan's private property, and most of the people in it belong to her.

Gu Yao's first reaction was not that Gu Nanyan made a mistake, but instead blamed Gu Qing for not choosing a good helper.

It's really a bit partial.

"It's not necessarily a problem with the arsenal." Li Yi disagreed instead.

"The supervision of the arsenal has always been strict, the division of labor is also very clear, and the confidentiality measures are well done. It is difficult to pass the news to the outside world."

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

As smart as his family Yan'er can make a city defense cannon, how does he know that others can't?

Although that person must be smart.

Gu Nanyan nodded in agreement.

"Li Yi is right, maybe he researched it himself."

She was not surprised, the last time she saw the firecrackers of the people of Yangguo, she was mentally prepared.

This thing is not her patent, she made it by stepping on the shoulders of her predecessors.

There is nothing surprising about others.

"Impossible!" Gu Shen didn't believe it.

"Didn't you hear what Daddy said, that "Shenhuo" even looks similar to our city defense guns, and the barrels are round."

Gu Shen was indignant: "If it wasn't for stealing the teacher, why do they look so similar!"

"Why don't they make a square!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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