The farmer has a mall

Chapter 870 Cloudy

Gu Nanyan also wanted to ask Daddy Cheap why it had to be square.

Why can't it be a triangle, a trapezoid, an Ultraman fighting a little monster...

Don't be so narrow-minded.

Gu Nanyan shut her mouth tightly, resisting the desire to argue with Gu Shen.

"Whether there are spies in the arsenal, we will talk about it later, the most important thing now is how to deal with them." Gu Yao frowned.

"It is Yun Ge who is fighting the enemy, and as far as I know, the ammunition in the capital is not enough, I am afraid he will not be able to resist for long."

Gu Yunge was taught by him alone. If the strength is equal, or if his side is weaker, this kid has a great chance of winning.

It is undeniable that Gu Yunge has strength.

But he doesn't belong in the category of Wizards.

The disparity in strength between the two sides makes it almost impossible to reverse the situation.

Not to mention him, even Gu Yao can hardly do it.

Gu Yao sighed, looking a little tired.

Among the grandchildren in the family, he loves the girl Nan Jieer the most, followed by Gu Yunge.

Gu Yunge has been interested in boxing skills and the way of using soldiers since he was a child.

However, his father, Gu Qing, followed the path of civil servants, so he only knew superficially in this aspect, and couldn't teach him at all.

It was inevitable that no one would inherit his mantle, so Gu Yao went off in person and taught him from the Zama step by hand.

From boxing to weapons, and then from weapons to tactics, it can be said to be extremely attentive.

As long as he is in the mansion, he will definitely bring Gu Yunge by his side to teach.

It is conceivable how deep the relationship between the two is.

In the last battle with Ning Zongyuan, Gu Yunge was pierced by a gun, which made Gu Yao feel distressed every time he thought about it.

This time the degree of danger was even worse than last time, so how could he not be worried.

"Grandfather has to trust elder brother, he will be safe and sound." Gu Nanyan said.

Gu Yao sighed and nodded, looking in the direction of Dongfu County in a daze.

Gu Yunge, whom he cared about, didn't know that his grandfather was worrying about him.

This battle was a bit difficult. He only used one warship. With insufficient ammunition reserves and no reinforcements, relying on the opponent's unmatched speed and rich combat experience, he dragged the opponent for two days and two nights. .

On the third day, Gu Yunge, who had hardly rested, was exhausted.

There was a thick fog over the sea.

Gu Yunge stood at the bow of the boat, his eyes were black and blue, and there was a fine stubble on his chin.

A strong man with a height of nine feet came from behind him, with the same exhaustion on his face, and his facial features, which were more embarrassing than others, were particularly eye-catching.

He walked behind Gu Yunge and cupped his fists and said, "Little General, we are running out of ammunition. After the fog clears, the opponent may attack immediately, and I'm afraid we won't be able to hold it back then."

"Understood." Gu Yunge's voice was hoarse.

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows wearily, the water droplets formed by the condensed mist dyed his eyebrows white.

"Ashi Lan, how long do you think Miss Nan will be here?" He asked suddenly.

Standing behind him was Hou Gu Ashlan who hadn't shown his face for a long time.

He was sent by Gu Nanyan to Gu Yunge's side to protect his safety.

"If the master knows the situation here, he will definitely rush here as soon as possible. The subordinates estimate that they will arrive early tomorrow morning at the most."

If it was faster, it might arrive tonight.

"There is still one day and one night." Gu Yunge sighed.

"I don't know if I can last until then."

Ashlan was silent.

He dare not say yes, after all, the current situation is really bad.

Although there was fog on the sea these two days, the other party didn't know the depth and dared not venture in. The little general used the fog to cover up and knocked down more than 20 of their ships.

But the mist will always dissipate.

The ship that General Dong was on was the most troublesome.

Ashlan couldn't figure out why the master's city defense guns appeared on the opponent's ship.

This statement is also not true.

Although the opponent's god cannon is not far behind the city defense cannon, there is still a gap in both appearance and firepower.

Ashlan, who has played with firearms for two years, knows very well that this kind of lethal weapon is very precise inside, and the difference is thousands of miles away.

The opponent's god artillery is actually different from theirs.

It should be said to be a lower grade.

But even if there are too many ants, the elephant can be killed. This is obviously the intention of General Dong.

Just thinking of this, there was another cannon shot in the distance.

It seems that they know that their ammunition is not enough. Although the opponent does not attack, they will always fire two shots from time to time.

Seems to be showing off how much ammo they have.

More like shock and awe.

"Has the supply arrived yet?"

Ashlan said that Sister Nan had sent a lot of ammunition to Dongfu County, and would definitely send someone to deliver supplies to them, but after waiting for so many days, no supplies had arrived.

Either it was delayed in transit.

Or someone is making a trip.

But who else in Jianan Country would dare to oppose the Gu family?

Don't talk about the Gu family, but about their sister Nan's temperament of revenge, who has the courage to touch her things!

"As long as you can last as long as you can." Gu Yunge said helplessly.

Behind them are the people of Dongfu County.

Even if he dies here today, he still cannot allow the enemy to step into the country!


In the imperial study room, Li Mi was sitting in front of the imperial case, the tiredness on his face needless to Gu Yunge.

He looked at Gu Qing who was standing at the bottom and asked, "How many of the old ships are still usable?"

"It has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is almost scrapped." Gu Qing said in a deep voice.

"In the past few days, Wei Chen has recruited several cargo ships, as well as some larger fishing boats and passenger ships at the wharf of Dongfu County, and ordered people to select [-] soldiers with good water skills from the garrison to support them."

To put it nicely, it is support, but in fact it is to die.

None of them expected that the opponent's ship had weapons comparable to city defense guns!

But now there is no other way but to use human life to stop it.

Otherwise, if the opponent hits the shore, the loss will be even greater.

"How is the battle going on with General Gu?" Li Mi picked up the teacup and put it down again, he was so worried that he couldn't even drink the tea.

He shouldn't have saved that money in the first place!
Gu Nanyan once suggested to him that the waters near Dongfu County are the only way for the Yang Kingdom to pass through, and asked him to buy two more warships just in case.

But he only thought of that girl and wanted to cheat him for money, so he refused without even thinking about it.

He originally thought that with the Yunzihao in her hand, nothing would go wrong.

As it turned out, he was wrong.

"Yun Ge went deep into the enemy's rear, and there has been no news for two days."

In order to disturb the enemy's line of sight, Gu Yunge relied on the speed of the boat to swim around the enemy.

Create the illusion of a large number of people to the other party.

In this way, not only is the enemy unable to grasp their figures, but even their side has to use the direction of the sound of gunfire to distinguish the approximate position, and then go forward to investigate.

But since the day before yesterday, the sound of artillery fire has decreased a lot.

To this day, there has not been a sound of our own cannon.

On the contrary, the enemy's particularly dull, but not loud enough cannons continued.

Gu Qing closed his eyes, thinking that his son's life and death are still unknown, his eyes were red.

The monarch and his ministers couldn't help being silent.

Li Mi felt his head hurt even more.

If this battle required Gu Yunge to hold back the enemy's footsteps with his life, then the girl might go crazy when she turns around.

To be honest, Li Mi would rather sacrifice others than hurt Gu's family.

But besides Gu Yunge, who can control the warship proficiently and know the enemy's situation in detail?
I'm afraid he's the only one.

Moreover, it is most taboo to change generals on the spot during a war.

Even if there is such a person, it cannot be replaced.

"There is no sound for two days, I am afraid that the ammunition is insufficient."

Li Michou said: "Sister Nan sent someone to send me a letter, and she has already delivered a large amount of ammunition to Dongfu County. Let's find a way to find Gu Yunge's location first..."

With the supplement of ammunition, Gu Yunge's pressure can also be reduced.

Gu Qing should be, and then exited the imperial study worriedly.

He first stood under the eaves for a while, and then prepared to leave.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a woman in full dress walking towards him in a hurry.

The woman was in her thirties, and her attire didn't look like that of a person from the Chianan Kingdom, but rather exotic.

"Princess Daguan?" Gu Qing frowned.

how is she?

Didn't she go out of the city to avoid the battle a few days ago, why did she appear in the palace.

And she looks embarrassed, did something happen on the road?

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